Fylde Bird Club – The Rankings

This page takes a light-hearted look at the Fylde birder’s lists and showcases the competitive aspect of Fylde birding. ​

To date, there have been 334 Species recorded in the Fylde recording area. Of those 334 species, there are nineteen that have not yet been seen by anyone in the Top 25.

Twelve of those species have not been recorded on the Fylde for over thirty years and they are: Tawny Pipit (1985), Roller (1982), Melodious Warbler (1972), Nutcracker (1968), Nightingale (1965), Crested Tit (1964), Black-winged Stilt (1928), Great Snipe (1917), Red Grouse (c1899), Pallas’s Sandgrouse (1888), Sociable Lapwing (1860s), and Little Bustard (1858).

Three of the nineteen, Olive-backed Pipit (2020), Serin (2019), and Red-throated Pipit (2018) have only been recorded on the Fylde by autonomous sound recording.

The remaining four species that have eluded all the Fylde birders on the ranking are White-tailed Eagle (last seen in 2020), Golden Oriole (2013), Nightjar (2013), and Icterine Warbler (1998).

They live in hope…

The Top 25

RankMember NameTotal
1Len Blacow​302
=Maurice Jones302
3Frank Bird295
=Paul Slade295
5Bob Stinger293
6​Paul Ellis292
7Chris Batty291
=Barry Dyson291
9Alan Hinchliffe286
10Stuart Meredith284
11Frank Walsh273
12Dave Pitman *271
13Jim Clift267
14Stuart Piner266
15Dave McGrath251
16Jonathan Scragg250
17Monty Myerscough244
=Ash Baines244
19Pete Marsh240
20Zac Hinchcliffe208
=David Moreton208
=Jackie Moreton *208
23Shaun Ankers​205
24​Jean Roberts199
25Sophie Bagshaw197

Top 10 Lists – A Profile

​=1 Len Blacow’s most notable species are Lesser White-fronted Goose (Thurnham 1991*), Cory’s Shearwater (Starr Gate 1991*), Montagu’s Harrier (Marton Mere 1995*), Honey Buzzard (Marton Mere 2000*, Poulton Golf Course 2006*, and Lytham Moss 2008*), and Bee-eater (Bispham Marsh 1984). Len’s most notable omissions are Ortolan Bunting, Alpine Swift, Caspian Tern, Surf Scoter, and Corncrake.

=1 Maurice Jones’s most notable species are Baird’s Sandpiper (Freckleton Sewage Works 1963), Wilson’s Phalarope (Freckleton Sewage Works 1973*), Honey Buzzard (Warton Marsh 2008*), Corncrake, and Surf Scoter (Starr Gate 2008*). Maurice’s most notable omissions are Savi’s Warbler, Elegant Tern, Whiskered Tern, Bee-eater, and Balearic Shearwater.

=3 Frank Bird’s most notable species are Gull-billed Tern (Little Singleton 2021*), Bee-eater (Bispham Marsh 1984), Surf Scoter (Starr Gate 2008), Whiskered Tern (Marton Mere 1983), and Elegant Tern (Knott End 2021). Frank’s most notable omissions are Lesser Scaup, Little Auk, Savi’s Warbler, Caspian Tern, and Hawfinch.

=3 Paul Slade’s most notable species are Pallid Swift (Knott End 2020), Balearic Shearwater (Starr Gate 2010*, at sea off Rossall Point 2011*, and Cleveleys 2011*), Bee-eater (Bispham Marsh 1984 and Todderstaffe Hall 2013*), Cackling Goose (Green Dick’s Lane 1982 and Eagland Hill 2001*), and Whiskered Tern (Marton Mere 1983). Paul’s most notable omissions are Goshawk, Little Bittern, Mealy Redpoll, Night Heron, and Woodchat Shrike.

5 Bob Stinger’s most notable species are Honey Buzzard (Marton Mere 2000* and Herons’ Reach 2010*), Surf Scoter (Starr Gate 2008), Hawfinch (Marton Mere 2001* and Fairhaven Lake 2003*), Caspian Tern (Knott End 2007), and Elegant Tern (Knott End 2021). Bob’s most notable omissions are Night Heron, Ortolan Bunting, Puffin, Woodchat Shrike, Savi’s Warbler and Alpine Swift.

6 Paul Ellis’s most notable species are Bonaparte’s Gull (Marton Mere 2008*), Pallid Swift ((Knott End 2020*, Cocker’s Dyke 2022*, Pilling Lane 2022*, and The Mount 2022*), Balearic Shearwater (at sea off Rossall Point 2011*), Corncrake (Marton Mere 1996), and Bee-eater (Todderstaffe Hall 2013*). Paul’s most notable omissions are Broad-billed Sandpiper, Black-throated Diver, Roseate Tern, Puffin, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, and Mealy Redpoll.

=7 Chris Batty’s most notable species are Woodlark (Knott End 2020*), Pallid Swift (Knott End 2020), Balearic Shearwater (at sea off Rossall Point 2011*), Surf Scoter (Starr Gate 2008), and Cackling Goose (Eagland Hill 2001). Chris’s most notable omissions are Citrine Wagtail, Black-throated Diver, Pacific Golden Plover, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, and Little Bittern.

=7 Barry Dyson’s most notable species are Rough-legged Buzzard (Winmarleigh Moss 2009*), Whiskered Tern (Marton Mere 1983), Sooty Shearwater (Rossall Point 1978*), Caspian Tern (Knott End 2007), and Elegant Tern (Knott End 2021). Barry’s most notable omissions are Lesser Scaup, Bluethroat, Pallid Harrier, Night Heron and Little Auk.

9 Alan Hinchliffe’s most notable species are Bee-eater (Bispham Marsh 1984), Surf Scoter (Starr Gate 2008), Whiskered Tern (Marton Mere 1983), Alpine Swift (Pilling Marsh 2009*), and Savi’s Warbler (Marton Mere 1995). Alan’s most notable omissions are Chough, Great Reed Warbler, Lesser Scaup, Eastern Black-eared Wheatear, and Purple Heron.

10 Stuart Meredith’s most notable species are Corncrake, Savi’s Warbler (Marton Mere 1995), Caspian Tern (Preesall Sands 2007), Night Heron (Marton Mere 1995), and Woodchat Shrike (Fairhaven Dunes 1987). Stuart’s most notable omissions are Red-crested Pochard, Short-toed Lark, Long-tailed Skua, Bluethroat, and White Stork.


The Blockers

The following species are on the Fylde List but have only been observed by between 1 and 9 of those in the Top 25 – Blocking their climb up the list.

SpeciesSeen By
Buff-bellied Pipit1 of 25
Woodlark1 of 25
Bonaparte's Gull1 of 25
Gull-billed Tern1 of 25
Baird's Sandpiper1 of 25
Lesser White-fronted Goose1 of 25
Cory's Shearwater1 of 25
Montagu's Harrier1 of 25
Rough-legged Buzzard2 of 25
Wilson's Phalarope2 of 25
Balearic Shearwater4 of 25
Honey Buzzard4 of 25
Corncrake5 of 25
Bee-eater6 of 25
Surf Scoter6 of 25
Cackling Goose6 of 25
Pallid Swift6 of 25
​Whiskered Tern7 of 25
Hawfinch7 of 25
Sooty Shearwater7 of 25
Caspian Tern8 of 25
Elegant Tern8 of 25
Blyth's Reed Warbler9 of 25
Alpine Swift9 of 25
Savi's Warbler9 of 25
Woodchat Shrike9 of 25
Red-breasted Flycatcher9 of 25

Additions to the Fylde List Since 2000

To follow is a list of species new to the Fylde recording area since the year 2000. The date, location and the birder(s) who found the bird are all provided. The most recent addition is listed at the top.

Record #SpeciesLocationDateFinder(s)Notes
334Elegant TernKnott End8/20/2021Chris Batty
333Pallid SwiftPilling Lane    11/14/2020Paul Ellis
332Olive-backed Pipit    Knott End10/14/2020Chris BattySound recording only
331Blyth's Reed WarblerKnott End6/1/2020Chris Batty
330Eastern Black-eared WheatearFluke Hall 9/1/2019Paul Ellis, Paul SladeUnidentified Black-eared Wheatear species at Lytham in 1940
329SerinKnott End4/13/2019Chris BattySound recording only
328WoodlarkKnott End10/20/2018Chris BattySound recording only although individual deen and sound recorded there on 10/04/2020
327Red-throated Pipit Knott End10/11/2018Chris BattySound recording only
326Pallid HarrierCockersand 9/16/2018Ian Hartley
325Buff-bellied PipitCockersand5/4/2014Stuart Piner
324Semipalmated SandpiperKnott End11/12/2013Chris Batty
323Solitary SandpiperHumblescough Farm10/2/2011Stuart Piner
322Iberian ChiffchaffDevonshire Rock Gardens5/3/2011Dave McGrath
321Short-toed Lark Fleetwood Marsh Nature Park4/24/2011Ian Gardner
320Red-breasted GooseFluke Hall Lane10/24/2010Bob Danson
319Balearic ShearwaterStarr Gate8/8/2010Stephen Dunstan, Paul Slade
318Caspian GullKnott End1/5/2010Chris Batty
317Ring-necked DuckThornton ICI Reservoir12/29/2009Ian Gardner
316Alpine Swift Pilling Marsh4/15/2009Frank Bird, lan Hinchliffe
315Cattle EgretAgglebys Pit11/30/2008Ian Latham
314Bonaparte's GullMarton Mere5/3/2008Paul Ellis
313Caspian TernRossall Point7/2/2007Chris Batty, Ian Gardner
312Common RosefinchPilling Lane5/30/2007Peter Rhind
311Great White EgretWarton Marsh2/17/2007Nick Patel
310Laughing GullMarton Mere4/9/2006Maurice Jones, Mike McGough, Pauline McGough
309Lesser ScaupMyerscough Quarry10/6/2005Chris Batty
308ChoughCocker's Dyke8/12/2005Chrius Batty, Bob Danson
307Great KnotSkippool Creek7/31/2004Chris Batty
306Red-rumped SwallowMarton Mere4/18/2004Maurice Jones
305Dusky WarblerFairhaven Dunes10/23/2003Maurice Jones
304Great Reed WarblerMarton Mere5/21/2003Len Blacow
303Bluethroat Ingol4/15/2003Unknown
302Ross's GooseEagland Hill2/4/2003Bob Danson
301Ivory GullGranny's Bay2/13/2002Keith Sharrock, Peter Smith
300Rose-coloured StarlingSt Annes7/6/2001G and P Ashworth
299American WigeonPilling Marsh9/19/2000Chris Batty
298Golden OrioleMarton Mere5/14/2000Tony Sharples

The Possibles…

Species that have been suspected on the Fylde in recent decades but are yet to be submitted to or approved by the relevant committees for assessment comprise of the following:-

Black-browed Albatross (Starr Gate 2019)

Black Scoter (Starr Gate 2018)

Baillon’s Crake (Knott End 2016 sound recording only)

Black-headed Bunting (Rossall Point 2005), and

Oriental Pratincole (Pilling Marsh 1997 and currently accepted as Collared Pratincole).

What Next?

With up to four species a year being added to the Fylde List so far during this millennium we hope that the following may be recorded on the Fylde soon and suggest a possible location where they may just turn up:-

Blue-winged Teal – Marton Mere

Spotted Sandpiper – Shard Bridge

Franklin’s Gull – Skippool Creek

Black Kite – Cockerham

Penduline Tit – Thornton Marsh Farm

Western Bonelli’s Warbler – Lowther Gardens

Hume’s Warbler – Blackpool Pleasure Beach Railway Bushes

Greenish Warbler – Fairhaven Lake

Marsh Warbler – Rossall School

Dartford Warbler – Lytham St Annes Nature Reserve

Red-flanked Bluetail – Fleetwood Cemetery

Pied Wheatear – St Annes Beach

Eastern Yellow Wagtail – Knott End sound recording?

We will all just have to keep looking.

The ranking follows the BOU British List which can be accessed here https://bou.org.uk/the-british-list/