Many Fylde Bird Club members are also keen photographers. Providing them access to a club Flickr page, allows members to upload their photographs onto a secure, shared platform (with full image credits), so other members and other Flickr users can view, them.

To view the Fylde Bird Club’s Flickr site please click on this link Flickr – Everyone with this link will be able to view images, but not add images. To be able to add images, you will need to be logged in.
Fylde Bird Club members can see a reminder of the username and password by opening the page below this one in the menu: ‘Flickr Site Password’ – Please note that this page will not be visible to non-members.
Non-members of the Fylde Bird Club may apply to the Club for access to post pictures on the site;
Email to request the Username and Password.
As Flickr is a website/service that many members may not have used before or be familiar with, the club have created a series of video tutorials that start with logging in and go through to guiding users on how to upload and edit multiple images. Please follow the links below to watch the relevant tutorials.
Flickr Video Tutorial – How to Log in
Flickr Video Tutorial – Accessing Flickr Help
Flickr Video Tutorial – Uploading and Editing a single photograph
Flickr Video Tutorial – Uploading and Editing multiple photographs
Once logged in, there are some additional tips and tricks that may be of use to you and they are as follows:-
You may need to click on ‘You’ then ‘Photostream’, in the menu bar at the top left, to see the current pictures.
Above the first picture, on the top left there is the option to switch between ‘Date Uploaded’ and ‘Date Taken’ to change the order.
There are also some Albums of older pictures to explore.
You can use the magnifying glass icon (above the top right picture) to search for bird names, photographer, location etc.
Please note that the Flickr website is only for photographs of birds in the wild, taken within the Fylde Bird Club recording area (Irish Sea to A6 Road and River Ribble to River Conder).
A text based procedure for uploading photographs is as follows:
This link will take you to the Flickr website.
Click on ‘sign in’ (top right corner). You may need to log out and ‘sign in’ as a different user if you already have a Flickr account.
Click on the upload icon (looks like a cloud, to the right of the search box at the top-right of the screen)
Click on ‘Choose photos and videos to upload’
Navigate to the photo on your computer.
A thumbnail of the picture will appear with its filename below it and a field to write a Description. These can be edited before uploading.
The format for the Name/Title field is: species, location (e.g. Robin, Marton Mere).
In the description field, enter your name and the date taken and any other relevant information about the bird and sighting.
Then click on the Upload icon, top right.
You can edit the Title and Description in Flickr, after uploading it you prefer.