Fylde Feeding Stations

The Fylde Bird Club contributes funds and bird seed to projects within our recording area that are designed to supplement and enhance the amount of food available to local bird populations, particularly during the harder winter months when food is scarcer. In addition these projects are designed to provide birders with the opportunity to easily view a number of species that would otherwise by more difficult to find or observe; this is particularly true of our declining farmland species. In general these feeding stations are only stocked during the winter months.

​Approximately 3 tonnes of seed is provided each winter by the Fylde Bird Club.

The main projects that we are partnered with are detailed below. If you have a project that you believe would benefit from the addition of a seed feeding station and would like the input of the club then please email the committee with the details.

To follow are some photographs from the Fylde Bird Club FLICKR page of the many farmland birds that have been seen at or around the various feeding stations.

  • All images from Fylde Bird Club FLICKR Page
  • All images from Fylde Bird Club FLICKR Page
  • All images from Fylde Bird Club FLICKR Page
  • All images from Fylde Bird Club FLICKR Page
  • All images from Fylde Bird Club FLICKR Page
  • All images from Fylde Bird Club FLICKR Page
  • All images from Fylde Bird Club FLICKR Page
  • All images from Fylde Bird Club FLICKR Page

Eagland Hill and New Lane
The Fylde Bird Club contributes to the cost of seed deployed at two feeding stations in the Eagland Hill area of Over Wyre. These feeding stations are well known by locals and visiting birders alike as a fantastic spot to get views of some of our declining farmland species. Both stations attract Chaffinches and Tree Sparrows in large numbers along with smaller numbers of Yelllowhammer and Corn Bunting and Reed Buntings, Stock Doves sometimes visit and Brambling occasionally turn up in winter, particularly at the New Lane station. The general area offers good winter birding as it is favoured by Pink-footed Geese, Whooper Swans and Barn Owls.

If visiting the feeding stations near Pilling please remain in your vehicle at New Lane, park sensibly and do not obstruct or walk down any farm tracks. Please make way for farm vehicles without delay. Thanks go to Bob Danson for the regular deployment of seed throughout the year.

In addition to putting out seed, in 2017 the club was successful in receiving a grant from Grantscape to plant single seed strips in the adjacent fields to both feeding stations in order to provide seed on standing crops to supplement food stocks for the wild birds during the winter. Despite difficulties in recording birds using the strips during the winter of 17/18 the project was deemed a success and bird numbers remained high throughout the winter months.

Grid References SD 4302 4515 and SD 4391 4529

Todderstaffe Hall
Since 2002 the Fylde Bird Club, spearheaded by chairman Paul Slade, has been putting seed out on a small track at Todderstaffe Hall near the village of Singleton in the west of the Fylde. The project is credited with stabilising and increasing the population of Tree Sparrows at the site which has been supplemented through the erection of bird boxes in the woodland around the farm. Up to 30 Tree Sparrows can now regularly be seen coming to the seed along with a number of other farmland and garden species. Please observe only from the car to avoid disturbing the birds when they are at the seed.

From Singleton village take the B5266 southeast towards Hardhorn for just over one mile and pass underneath the railway bridge. After a further c180 yards the B5266 turns sharply to the right but here should turn left along a narrow road towards Todderstaffe Hall. After c500 yards there is a driveway on the right, the feeding station is at the base of the hedge on the right.

Grid Reference SD 3679 3681

Marton Mere
The Club contributes seed to supply the feeding station at Marton Mere. It is situated at the west end of the Mere at the revamped Woodland Watch Hide. The feeders attract a range of common woodland species and Reed Buntings. During hard winters, the occasional Water Rail can be seen foraging beneath the feeders. The feeders are maintained and stocked by Mick McGough the Marton Mere volunteer group.

Grid Reference SD 3389 3524

Carr House Green Common  
This site is located just south east of Inskip. Park sensibly on Preston Road or Woods Lane and follow the path south across the common, keeping to the western boundary, until you see the feeders. Grid reference SD 4698 3701. There are two large feeders at this location, maintained and refilled by Fylde Bird Club member Malcolm Evans and local residents. The larger feeder is 100cm tall and contains 4.85kg of seed, the smaller feeder is 75cm tall and contains 3.64 kg of seed. Each feeder is emptied over 2 or 3 days and around 20kg of seed is consumed each week.
Most of the seed is taken by Tree Sparrows, which number at least 20. Other visitors include Chaffinches, Bullfinches, Reed Buntings, Great Tits, Blue Tits, Coal Tits, an occasional Yellowhammer and in recent years, a wintering Willow Tit. 

Grid reference SD 4698 3701

Warton Bank
A large tube feeder is maintained in the old orchard, just east of the end of Bank Lane at Warton. Take the footpath east from the end of Bank Lane for 100 yards and look in the orchard to your left.
The site attracts Tree Sparrows and other species. In the past Marsh Tit has over wintered here. The bushes and trees along this stretch of the Ribble can be good for migrants in the spring and in autumn visible migration can be evident, with birds following the river bank inland before crossing the estuary. The adjacent Warton Marsh is a fantastic birding site: see Site 5L in our site guide here.

Grid Reference SD40382741

The feeding station at Wesham can be viewed from Sanderling Way. Park sensibly, just past a small electrical sub station and to begin with try viewing from the car, looking down the track to the north. Visitors to this feeding station include Tree Sparrows, Yellowhammers and Reed Buntings

Grid Reference SD 4188 3350

Blackburns Farm

This feeding station and site can be viewed by appointment (pending formal / full opening of the site to the public). Contact a committee member if you would like to arrange access. Situated between Ribby Hall Holiday Village and Wrea Green, the station is accessed via a signposted entrance off the B5259 (Ribby Road). PAss through the gate and head towards the education centre about 250m along the private road. Parking available on the hard standing area. The feeding station is positioned 100m into the field alongside a mature hedgerow. This is a new feeding station, with seed and feeders being provided to the farm in November 2024. The usual farmland birds are expected with Yellowhammer, Brambling, Tree Sparrow, Reed Bunting and many more expected to make use of these feeders.

Grid Reference:- SD 40387 31680 (Site Entrance)

Grid Reference:- SD 40468 31243 (Feeding Station)

For more information on Blackburns Farm, please visit https://blackburnsfarm.co.uk/.

Cross Hill Farm – Treales / Bolton Houses

This feeding station is located on the north side of Cross lane, on the verge alongside Cross Hill Farm. The station is located here courtesy of the farm owners, so please be courteous when visiting, particularly if you are in a car. There is a hard standing adjacent to the farm entrance but please no not obstruct vehicle access to and from the farm yard, mindful that articulated vehicles access the site. Please only park here when visiting the feeding station and do not park here and leave your vehicle to further explore the wider area.
The station is in front of a mature hedgerow and the Bird Club also has a number of nest boxes in this location. The usual winter farmland species are to be expected with Tree Sparrow, Yellowhammer, Corn & Reed Bunting, Finches and Brambling the target species.

Grid Reference:- SD 44230 34163