We are now using an on-line membership software package called ‘Membermojo’ to manage membership applications and renewals. If you are currently a member of Fylde Bird Club, your contact details and e-mail address (if you have one) will have been uploaded to the new membership portal. You will receive a reminder by email and that email will contain a link to the on-line renewal portal.
Subscriptions run from 1st January to the 31st December each year and your renewal email will be issued 28 days before renewal is due.
If you have not received your renewal renewal email, you can click on this link and SIGN IN TO MEMBERMOJO and you will see the following screen.
You will be asked to enter your e-mail address. You do not need to create a password to access your membership details but you can create a password if you prefer to do so. If you choose not create a password, once you have entered your email address, you will be sent an e-mail as per the example below that contains a secure sign in link;
When you click on the link you will be presented with the following screen and from here you should click on the orange ‘Sign-in’ button.
This will then take you to your personal ‘Membermojo’ membership page and should renewal be due, simply follow the on screen prompts to complete your renewal via online card payment. The image below shows the member page with renewal not yet available / not due.
You can also pay for your membership renewal in a number of other ways, depending on your preference. Those alternative options for payment are Standing Order, Bank Transfer, Cheque or Cash (at any of our meetings if the Treasurer is present at the meeting). The process for each of these payment options is identical to that described above but when you get to the payment section, rather than the default ‘Card Payment’ option, instead select one of the ‘Pay with Standing Order, Bank Transfer, Cheque or Cash’ options and then click the orange ‘Pay by…’ button. This will complete the online process and you will be sent a confirmation email (to the email address used in your application), which will contain links on how to complete the payment for your chosen option. Please note that your membership will not be ‘live’ until payment has been received.
Please note that if you have already set up a Standing Order you may receive an initial reminder that your subscription is due. Please sign in to ‘Membermojo’ as above and check that your contact details and profile are correct and up to date. When your Standing Order payment has been received, your membership will automatically renewed.