Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings at Cockerham Marsh

20th June 2024

Pheasant, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Shelduck, 2
Woodpigeon, 7
Oystercatcher, 11
inc one very agitated near sea wall and four standing on posts (assume min 3 pr probably with young)
Curlew, 3
Redshank, 6
inc two pairs mobbing gulls and two birds standing on fence posts (3+ pairs)
Black-headed Gull, 9
Herring Gull, 5
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 17
Little Egret, 7
Magpie, 2
Carrion Crow, 20
Raven, 11
all in view together on saltmarsh
Skylark, 11
7 singing over saltmarsh
Wren, 4
singing along sea wall
Starling, 40
Meadow Pipit, 1
Linnet, 7
one singing sea wall