Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings at Conder Green

14th July 2024

Tufted Duck, 1, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Swift, 21
Little Grebe, 2
Avocet, 8, 4 juvs
Black-tailed Godwit, 1
Ruff, 1, male
Pool then creek
Common Sandpiper, 2
Redshank, 2, juveniles
small juvs. in creek
Greenshank, 10
Mediterranean Gull, 1, adult
on island on pool
Common Tern, 0
7 new chicks hatched in last two weeks. 4 still sitting

5th July 2024

Arctic Tern, 1, 1st Summer, (AC)

4th July 2024

Arctic Tern, 1, first summer, (H Stockdale)
pool (photographed)

2nd July 2024

Teal, 4, (Paul Ellis)
Tufted Duck, 8
Stock Dove, 1
Ruff, 1
Black male in creek
Common Sandpiper, 6
in creek
Greenshank, 3, adult summers
Mediterranean Gull, 3, 2 ad, 1 2nd cal yr
inc. French green ringed R9UJ. All on island on pool
Common Tern, 40, 22 live chicks (2 dead). 3 fledged on bank near nest platform
five adults still sitting on platform
Long-tailed Tit, 6
hedge by pool
Tree Sparrow, 1
Pied Wagtail, 1, male
feeding young in nest under tern platform

30th June 2024

Ruff, 1, male, (Paul Ellis, Paul Slade)
On Creek. Black morph, now with white chest
Common Sandpiper, 7
Common Tern, 30, 21 chicks
21 chicks (+ 1 dead) new platform. One fledged and on island.
Black-tailed Godwit, 3, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)

27th June 2024

Ruff, 1, male, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
summer plumaged black male with Redshank on creek bank
Common Sandpiper, 2
Redshank, 130
creek bank
Common Tern, 30
23+ chicks on new platform
Pied Wagtail, 1
visiting nest under tern platform

20th June 2024

Teal, 2, males, (Paul Ellis)
Ruff, 1, adult male
Breeding plumage black morph. With redshanks on creek
Redshank, 100
creek banks on rising tide

19th June 2024

Tufted Duck, 5, 3m, 2f
Little Grebe, 1
Oystercatcher, 12
Little Ringed Plover, 2
Ruff, 2, 1 s.p. male, (J C Wood)
on creek
Common Sandpiper, 5, (Paul Ellis)
Redshank, 47
Mediterranean Gull, 2, ad, 1st summer
pool on island
Common Tern, 30, 22 chicks on new platform
plus 5 adults still sitting on new platform
Cormorant, 1
Reed Bunting, 1
singing marsh south side

16th June 2024

Tufted Duck, 2, m, f, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Goosander, 6, female, 6 large juvs
on creek
Little Ringed Plover, 4, adults
pair seen mating
Redshank, 4
two plus pairs on marsh by creek
Common Tern, 30
18 live chicks on new platform (two dead)
Sparrowhawk, 1
Buzzard, 2
Meadow Pipit, 2
marsh along creek

26th May 2024

Tufted Duck, 4, 2m, 2f, (Paul Ellis)
Avocet, 0, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
no count but many pairs with young on pool
Pied Wagtail, 2, male and juv
dependent fledged juv on pool
Teal, 2, males, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Swift, 3
Little Ringed Plover, 7
3 prs + 1+ yng
Dunlin, 2
Mediterranean Gull, 1, adult
Common Tern, 32
12 visible sitting on nests (11 in new 'raft'), prob 2 more pairs out of sight on islands
Whitethroat, 1, male
House Sparrow, 1
Carrying food

23rd May 2024

Little Ringed Plover, 6, 4ad 2 chicks, (J C Wood)
Pool - 1pr at nest. Another ad with at least 2 small young.

20th May 2024

Wigeon, 1, male, (Paul Ellis / Dave Hall)
Tufted Duck, 6, 3m, 3f
Oystercatcher, 0
at a least two nests, one in large raft with eggs. Pool
Avocet, 0
pairs with 4 young, & 2 with 3 young ea. & at least 4 others sitting visible from blind. Pool
Little Ringed Plover, 3
Common Tern, 15
10 nests in large 'raft' many with eggs. Pool
Sparrowhawk, 1
flew through Pool mobbed
Sedge Warbler, 1
singing east end of pool area