Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings at Freckleton Naze Point

13th July 2024

Shelduck, 24, (DS)
Swift, 4
Avocet, 6
Flying down river .
Lapwing, 30
Curlew, 27
Bar-tailed Godwit, 25
River edge
Common Sandpiper, 28
On river edge Freck marsh .
Greenshank, 1
Little Egret, 18
Buzzard, 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Peregrine, 1, Male
Over river .
Jay, 1
Heard only .
Sand Martin, 1
With swallows
Swallow, 30
One bird with white primaries
Long-tailed Tit, 12
Goldcrest, 2
Treecreeper, 1
With tit flock .

29th June 2024

Goosander, 6, All female, (Ian Walker)
Mediterranean Gull, 2, Adults
Start of post-breeding dispersal
Little Egret, 50
Start of post-breeding increase that will continue through autumn

28th June 2024

Wigeon, 1, Male, (DS)
On pool.
Stock Dove, 4
Common Sandpiper, 7
In creek .
Little Egret, 23
Sparrowhawk, 1
Chiffchaff, 5
Blackcap, 4
Mistle Thrush, 1

24th June 2024

Shelduck, 26, Some juveniles
Lapwing, 32
River edge
Curlew, 8
Along river .
Bar-tailed Godwit, 24
Along river west of the point .
Common Sandpiper, 1
Heard only calling from the creek .
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Jay, 2
Swallow, 6
Chiffchaff, 7
Blackcap, 4
Calling .
Nuthatch, 1

17th June 2024

Swift, 4
Over point
Common Sandpiper, 1
Early bird in creek.
Barn Owl, 1
On marsh then back into trees near the farm .
Chiffchaff, 7
Blackcap, 4
Mistle Thrush, 2
Adult feeding young.
Bullfinch, 1
Heard only .