Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings at New Ridge Farm

24th June 2024

Kestrel, 3, (RED)
pr with 1 young.
Tree Sparrow, 41
7 nests with 27 young and 6 eggs.

21st June 2024

Kestrel, 2
Swallow, 12
6 nests with 6 young and 13 eggs.
Starling, 4
2 nests with 7 young
Tree Sparrow, 22
11 nests with 35 young and 16 eggs. one nest with 7 young.

7th June 2024

Starling, 8
4 nests with 12 eggs and 4 young. 2 pr 1st clutches, 2 pr 2nd clutches.

25th May 2024

Sedge Warbler, 2, (Paul Ellis)
singing. One Fluke car park. One hedge one field inland
Whitethroat, 2

20th May 2024

Skylark, 1, Singing, (RED)
Over field to N of farm.
Swallow, 8
Around the farm buildings
Sedge Warbler, 1, Singing
In scrub near midden
Whitethroat, 1, Singing

18th May 2024

Lapwing, 10, (Paul Ellis)
two broods of two large young visible
Sedge Warbler, 1
singing in weedy bank by Fluke Car Park
Whitethroat, 5