Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings at Poulton-le-Fylde

8th July 2024

Blackcap, 2, (Paul Slade/Jol)
1+ singing
Goldcrest, 1, male
singing Alexandra Nursing Home

26th June 2024

Swift, 5, (Paul Slade)
Moorland Road
Swift, 2, (Jol)
Over Thatched House Public Bar
Chiffchaff, 1
Singing at fields off Little Poulton Lane
Sedge Warbler, 1
Whitethroat, 1
Singing just off the golf course
Whitethroat, 1
Singing at fields off Little Poulton Lane
Reed Bunting, 1

24th June 2024

Goldcrest, 1, male, (Paul Slade)
Singing Moreton Drive
Buzzard, 3, (Jol)
Drifitiing around Moorland Gardens area being mobbed by gulls

23rd June 2024

Goldcrest, 1, male, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Singing Moreton Drive

18th June 2024

Grey Heron, 2, (Paul Slade/Jol)
Around nests Alexandra Nursing Home
Sparrowhawk, 1
Moorland Road
Coal Tit, 3
ad feeding 2+ young out of the nest, Alexandra Nursing Home
Goldcrest, 1, male
singing Alexandra Nursing Home

14th June 2024

Cattle Egret, 1, (Barry Dyson)
North over Valiants farm
Blackcap, 1, male
Singing at Valiants farm
Whitethroat, 2, Males
2 separate territories on Valiants farm. One was carrying food, the other uttering alarm call.

12th June 2024

Coot, 4, 2 ads, 2 juvs
Valiants farm
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Swallow, 4
House Martin, 6

9th June 2024

Goldcrest, 1, male, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Singing Moreton Drive

8th June 2024

Goldcrest, 1, male, (Paul Slade)
singing Sheringham Way/Moorland Rd
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, (Barry Dyson)
Uttering 'tack' alarm call at Valiants farm

25th May 2024

Siskin, 1, (Paul Slade)
calling over Moreton Drive

20th May 2024

Goldcrest, 1, male
Singing Moreton Drive