Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings at Preesall Flashes

12th July 2024

Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Near Preesall Flashes.

24th June 2024

Ruddy Shelduck, 1, (Tom Parkinson)
on Alkali Flash 1730 hrs
Greylag Goose, 91, (RED)
Mute Swan, 4, Pr with 2 cygnet
Mallard, 13, F with 12 three day old young.
Moorhen, 2
1 ad + 1 young
Great Crested Grebe, 4, M, F + 2 young.
Kestrel, 1
House Martin, 3
Adult feeding 2 young on wires over car park.
Cetti's Warbler, 4
3 singing at same time
Chiffchaff, 4, M singing
Sedge Warbler, 1, M singing
Reed Warbler, 1, M singing
Whitethroat, 2, M, F
Song Thrush, 1, M singing
Tree Sparrow, 1
Goldfinch, 1, M singing
Reed Bunting, 2, M singing
Ruddy Shelduck, 1, F
On field then joined Greylag
Ruddy Shelduck, 1, (Tom P)
With Greylag Geese. Viewable from Acres Lane.

22nd June 2024

Mute Swan, 4, 2 ad , 2 small juvs, (Paul Ellis)
Great Crested Grebe, 4, 2 ad, 2 juvs
Common Tern, 1, adult
resting on structure in water
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Reed Warbler, 3
Ruddy Shelduck, 1, male (faint partial collar) ? 2nd cal year
damage to primaries of right wing

17th June 2024

Kestrel, 6, (RED)

9th June 2024

Greylag Goose, 67, 43 ads, 24 young, (PE/PGS webs)
Mute Swan, 1
Shelduck, 12
Mallard, 5
Moorhen, 3
Coot, 4
Great Crested Grebe, 1
Oystercatcher, 7
3 sitting birds
Lapwing, 10
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Chiffchaff, 3, males
Sedge Warbler, 1, male
Reed Warbler, 6, males
Robin, 1, juv
Tree Sparrow, 1
Reed Bunting, 3, males

27th May 2024

Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Kestrel, 1, F
Jackdaw, 0
Nest with 4 young.
Blue Tit, 0
Nest with 10 young.
Tree Sparrow, 2
Nest with 5 eggs.