Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings at Winmarleigh Moss

8th July 2024

Shoveler, 2, (Paul Ellis)
Teal, 1
Lapwing, 10, 2 large juvs
Redshank, 3
one alarming and mobbing
Sparrowhawk, 2
Buzzard, 4, 1 juv
Kestrel, 1
Hobby, 1, 2nd cal yr
catching dragonflies
Willow Warbler, 1
singing west end
Whitethroat, 2
singing track north of Crawley's Cross Farm
Stonechat, 2, male, juv
Meadow Pipit, 20
three carrying food along west half of Crawley's Dyke
Corn Bunting, 1
singing track north of Crawley's Cross Farm
Yellowhammer, 1

5th July 2024

Greylag Goose, 5
Shoveler, 2
Mallard, 10
Teal, 23
Swift, 120
Stock Dove, 4
Crawley's Cross Farm
Oystercatcher, 3
Snipe, 5
poss 8
Redshank, 1
mobbing, alarming, agitated = with young
Buzzard, 2
Kestrel, 1
Hobby, 1, 2nd cal yr
catching dragonflies
Whitethroat, 2
one singing, both track N of Crawley's Cross Farm
Stonechat, 2, male, juv
fledged juv near where a pair were mobbing last week
Tree Sparrow, 5
Crawley's Cross Farm, one carrying food
Meadow Pipit, 30
3 birds carrying food in different spots along west end of dyke ( est. 10's prs breeding on moss)
Corn Bunting, 1
singing, track N of Crawley's Cross Farm
Yellowhammer, 2, males
one singing, both track N of Crawley's Cross Farm

4th July 2024

Greylag Goose, 17, (Steven Swift)
Swift, 120
Oystercatcher, 1
Lapwing, 6
Snipe, 1
Redshank, 3
Buzzard, 3
Skylark, 1
Meadow Pipit, 4
Reed Bunting, 2

30th June 2024

Shoveler, 3, (Paul Ellis/ Paul Slade)
Pintail, 1, female
Teal, 16
Swift, 50
Oystercatcher, 2
Lapwing, 10, one large juv
Golden Plover, 3
Little Ringed Plover, 2, juveniles
Redshank, 2
agitated, mobbing
Wood Sandpiper, 2
Barn Owl, 1
Crawley's Cross Farm
Kestrel, 1
Raven, 2
Sand Martin, 2
House Martin, 2
Willow Warbler, 2
singing west end of Crawley's Dyke
Sedge Warbler, 2
west end along Crawley's Dyke
Whitethroat, 1
singing north of Crawley's Dyke half way along
Blue-headed Wagtail, 1, male
from Crawley's Dyke
Tree Pipit, 1
Singing. Photographed and sound recorded.
Corn Bunting, 1
Yellowhammer, 1, male
singing on hedge
Snipe, 4, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Stonechat, 1, male
Garganey, 1, Female, (Tom P)
North of Crawley's dyke. Flew off north with 2 Teal
Water Rail, 2
At least 2 heard, coming from same area
Snipe, 3
Yellow Wagtail, 1
Not the Blue-Headed individual frequenting the area, different bird

29th June 2024

Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
On edge of moss.

26th June 2024

Greylag Goose, 3, (Paul Ellis)
Shelduck, 1
Mallard, 3
Pintail, 1, male
Teal, 17
Swift, 5
hawking insects over new wet area
Oystercatcher, 3
Lapwing, 60, many large juvs
c10 adults agitated , mobbing. Several pairs assumed to still have young
Snipe, 2
Redshank, 2
agitated, mobbing, alarm calling continuously. Assumed young present
Buzzard, 2
Kestrel, 2
Hobby, 1
hawking insects over new wet area in the middle. Mobbed by lapwings and redshank
Willow Warbler, 4
singing east end
Sedge Warbler, 2
one singing each end of Crawleys Dyke
Whitethroat, 1
singing east end
Stonechat, 2, m, f
together mobbing, alarm calling along Crawley's Dyke. Assumed breeding
Yellow Wagtail, 1
distant, flying around with Blue-headed at one point
Blue-headed Wagtail, 1, male
with a Yellow Wagtail at one point. No evidence of breeding behaviour.
Pied Wagtail, 2
Meadow Pipit, 30
12 singing, 4 carrying food. Recorded from Crawley's Dyke (therefore only a transect)
Reed Bunting, 13
10 singing. Recorded along Crawley's Dyke and at east end

20th June 2024

Red-legged Partridge, 1, (NJL/CH)
Greylag Goose, 2
Shelduck, 4, 2ad 2 young
Mallard, 40
Including 8 young
Cuckoo, 1, Juv
Being fed by meadow pipits
Oystercatcher, 2
On nest
Lapwing, 60
Snipe, 2
Redshank, 25
Sparrowhawk, 1
Marsh Harrier, 1
Buzzard, 3
Kestrel, 1
Swallow, 2
Willow Warbler, 2
Sedge Warbler, 2
Stonechat, 4, 2 pairs
Yellow Wagtail, 2
Meadow Pipit, 45
Reed Bunting, 15, Mainly males

16th June 2024

Shoveler, 1, female, (Paul Slade)
Lapwing, 6, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
east end, 4 mobbing corvids
Black-headed Gull, 7
over and landing on the moss
Buzzard, 2
Kestrel, 2
Raven, 2
Willow Warbler, 4
singing in SE corner, audible from one position
Blackcap, 1
SE corner
Whitethroat, 1
singing SE corner
Meadow Pipit, 10
3+ song flighting east end and 1+ carrying food
Reed Bunting, 2
SW corner
Snow Goose, 1, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
White phase flew south calling
Swift, 53
feeding over the moss but ranging widely
Marsh Harrier, 2, 2cy birds

10th June 2024

Blue-headed Wagtail, 1, male, (Robert Pocklington)
Barn Owl, 2, (RED)
On edge of Moss

6th June 2024

Blue-headed Wagtail, 1, male, (Chris Piner)
landed on pools then flew south

27th May 2024

Buzzard, 1, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Swift, 27, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Marsh Harrier, 1, juv
Hobby, 1
Willow Warbler, 5, males
Chiffchaff, 1, male
Reed Bunting, 1, male
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Garstang Road