Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

15th July 2024

Shelduck, 4, (AA / DN)
Eider, 6, 2 females with 4 young ducklings
Oystercatcher, 40
Ringed Plover, 6
Whimbrel, 2
Curlew, 3
Turnstone, 35
Dunlin, 110
Redshank, 120
including one leucistic bird
Mediterranean Gull, 1, Adult
on beach with B.H.Gulls
Common Tern, 2
heading up river
Grey Heron, 9
feeding on shore line
Little Egret, 8
Pied Wagtail, 8
Meadow Pipit, 3
Swift, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Low over west side pools
Swallow, 4
Over green 1
Pied Wagtail, 2, ad + juv
Green 1
Ring-necked Parakeet, 6, (Steven Swift)
House Sparrow, 1
Only my second garden record in 8 years.
Mute Swan, 8, 2 ads + 6 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Stock Dove, 6
Barn roof
Oystercatcher, 2
SE field flood
Lapwing, 1
Over east fields
Black-headed Gull, 11, 1 juv
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, ad
Common Tern, 1, ad
High over the mere, then flew west or NW at 3.15
Buzzard, 3
2 over Gipsy Hole Wood, while 1 over east fields
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
North over the mere
Jay, 1
NE scrub
Little Egret, 8, (SueM)
Feeding in saltmarsh
Pied Wagtail, 50, Juveniles with adults
Flitting about between saltmarsh and beach
Meadow Pipit, 4, Juveniles

14th July 2024

Eider, 2, (AA)
Common Scoter, 29
on the sea
Whimbrel, 2
Dunlin, 69
Redshank, 39
Common Tern, 1
Tufted Duck, 1, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Swift, 21
Little Grebe, 2
Avocet, 8, 4 juvs
Black-tailed Godwit, 1
Ruff, 1, male
Pool then creek
Common Sandpiper, 2
Redshank, 2, juveniles
small juvs. in creek
Greenshank, 10
Mediterranean Gull, 1, adult
on island on pool
Common Tern, 0
7 new chicks hatched in last two weeks. 4 still sitting
Swift, 8, (Paul Slade / Paul Ellis)
Stock Dove, 1
Continental Cormorant, 1
on jetty
Curlew, 2, (Ashley Anderton)
Grey Heron, 11
Little Egret, 14
Sparrowhawk, 3, Juveniles, (Steven Swift)
Juvenile birds doing short flights from nest.
Tawny Owl, 3, Juveniles
Mute Swan, 6, 2 ads + 4 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Stone banked pool
Little Grebe, 4, ad + 2 juvs & 1 young
Long west side pool. 1 juv kept attacking the lone young. Strange with no other ads around
Little Grebe, 5, 2 ads + 3 young
Pool east of practice field
Swallow, 5
House Martin, 7
Over field NE of crossing path
Bullfinch, 2, m, f
Waste compound/SW pit
Goldfinch, 7, Juvs
Waste compound
Eider, 20, (Paul Ellis)
Barnacle Goose, 2, (Paul Ellis)
Eider, 19
9 sleeping on slipway and 10 offshore
Oystercatcher, 470
off Esplanade high tide
Sandwich Tern, 132, 31 juvs
high tide roost off Bourne Arms
Ring-necked Parakeet, 1, (Ellen Pemberton)
Swallow, 7
Sedge Warbler, 1, (Ellen Pemberton)
Song Thrush, 1
Whimbrel, 1, (Ian Walker)
Dunlin, 1200, All adults
Mediterranean Gull, 3, Adult & 2 Juvs
The juvs were begging to the adult who was clearly protecting them from other gulls
Grey Heron, 8
Greylag Goose, 8, (David Nuttall)
Mute Swan, 12
swimming down river
Shelduck, 6
Swift, 5
Oystercatcher, 12
Avocet, 152
high tide roost
Curlew, 40
Bar-tailed Godwit, 12
Common Sandpiper, 6
feeding together
Redshank, 12
Common Tern, 6
feeding in river
Cormorant, 5
flew up river
Grey Heron, 5
Little Egret, 2
Peregrine, 1
Swallow, 2
House Martin, 12
Stonechat, 1, male
Reed Bunting, 1, male
Swift, 1, (Ellen Pemberton)
Stock Dove, 2
barn roof
Swallow, 1
House Martin, 2
Grasshopper Warbler, 1
singing, north-east scrub
Linnet, 4
north-east scrub
Tufted Duck, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Oystercatcher, 2
SE field flood. Not much water left
Pied Wagtail, 1
SE field
Canada Goose, 14, (Joe Makepeace)
Gadwall, 11, Eclipse Male, Female and juveniles
Grey Heron, 1
Swallow, 3
Swift, 78, (Paul Slade / Paul Ellis)
moved west over sea wall just ahead of rain shower
Sparrowhawk, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Beach Road
Kestrel, 1
field east of Beach Road
Robin, 1, juv
Beach Road
Mallard, 5, 1 Eclipse male., (Joe Makepeace)
Feral Pigeon, 8
Moorhen, 6, 3 Juveniles
Coot, 3
Great Crested Grebe, 11, 3 Juveniles.
Black-headed Gull, 38, 8 Juveniles - all fledged.
Herring Gull, 19, 7 Juveniles
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 2
Common Tern, 36, 13 Juvenile
2 birds still sitting on nests.
Cormorant, 2
House Martin, 2
Shelduck, 8, (Paul Ellis)
Lapwing, 110
Curlew, 23
Common Sandpiper, 29
additional to Skippool count
Grey Heron, 3
Little Egret, 15
Shelduck, 37, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Teal, 2
Goosander, 3, juvs
Lapwing, 342
Golden Plover, 20
Black-tailed Godwit, 1
Dunlin, 111
Common Sandpiper, 41
Redshank, 94
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 17
Whimbrel, 8, (Tom P)
Dunlin, 97
Greenshank, 2
Common Tern, 2
Mistle Thrush, 2
Pair seeing off a Magpie. Probable breeders have been in the area for a prolonged period
Grey Wagtail, 1
Shelduck, 5, (Len Blacow, Joe Makepeace)
0600-1000 Falling tide (0507HT). 8+ Bottlenose Dolphins
Common Scoter, 501
Oystercatcher, 7
Ringed Plover, 3
Whimbrel, 1
Curlew, 3
Sandwich Tern, 82
Common Tern, 3
Arctic Skua, 5
Manx Shearwater, 19
Gannet, 59
Cormorant, 6
Little Egret, 1
Lapwing, 170, (Paul Ellis)
Dunlin, 2
Redshank, 260
Greenshank, 7
Grey Heron, 3
Little Egret, 18
Sedge Warbler, 1
singing from reedbed on marsh

13th July 2024

Barn Owl, 1, (AC)
By Marsh Close
Barn Owl, 1, M, (RED)
Ringed at Mowmen Farm on 8th July 2022, controlled at Bowness on Solway on 11th July 2024
Shelduck, 24, (DS)
Swift, 4
Avocet, 6
Flying down river .
Lapwing, 30
Curlew, 27
Bar-tailed Godwit, 25
River edge
Common Sandpiper, 28
On river edge Freck marsh .
Greenshank, 1
Little Egret, 18
Buzzard, 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Peregrine, 1, Male
Over river .
Jay, 1
Heard only .
Sand Martin, 1
With swallows
Swallow, 30
One bird with white primaries
Long-tailed Tit, 12
Goldcrest, 2
Treecreeper, 1
With tit flock .
Swift, 8, (AC)
Swift, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Oystercatcher, 3, 2 ads + juv.
West side green
Coal Tit, 1
Trees by NE corner of green 1
Long-tailed Tit, 6
Goldfinch, 20
Plus, waste compound
Reed Bunting, 1, m
SW pit
Stock Dove, 6, (Tony Sharples)
Barn roof
Oystercatcher, 2
SE field flood
Lapwing, 1
Over east fields
Buzzard, 1
Rook, 200
Plus, over north end of Gipsy Hole Wood
Swallow, 9
Over SE field
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Singing, island reeds
Starling, 500
Plus, over east field
Mistle Thrush, 1
Flew SW over east field
Linnet, 9
Wires by barns
Mistle Thrush, 6, (Steven Swift)
On the fence next to solar panels.
Goosander, 13, (Ian Walker)
Bull Nose
Great Crested Grebe, 11, 8 Ad 3 Juv
Common Tern, 30, Min 10 Juv ready to fledge and Adults nesting again
Grey Heron, 3
Bull Nose
Grey Wagtail, 1
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Near Moss House Farm
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Muffys Platt, Stalmine.
Shelduck, 1, (Len Blacow, Steve Swift, Joe Makepeace)
8+ Bottlenose Dolphins north.
Common Scoter, 2239
1900 of this total in a single raft of birds on the sea.
Goosander, 1, Male
Swift, 10
Oystercatcher, 27
Sanderling, 4
Black-headed Gull, 14
Sandwich Tern, 158
At least 12 juveniles observed
Common Tern, 4
Arctic Skua, 4
2 Pale Morph
Manx Shearwater, 11
Gannet, 69
Cormorant, 30
Swallow, 2
Common Sandpiper, 25, (Ian Walker)
Clear movement - these are in addition to the Freckleton Naze Point count
Redshank, 100
Greenshank, 3
Grey Heron, 4
Little Egret, 60
Post-breeding dispersal numbers increasing
Grasshopper Warbler, 1, (Lee harris)
Reeling and showing well
Lesser Whitethroat, 1
Carrying food
Greenfinch, 3, 1f 2 juvs

12th July 2024

Barn Owl, 1, (Steve Swift, Janet Bramhall)
Being mobbed by Herring Gulls at around 8pm
Corn Bunting, 2, Singing, (RED)
On wires at side of road.
Kestrel, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Meadow Pipit, 1
singing on saltmarsh
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Carrying food, New Lane Pilling
Tawny Owl, 1
Near Mayfair, New Lane, Pilling.
Skylark, 1, M singing
No 14 Water Well, New Lane, Pilling
Corn Bunting, 1, M singing
On wires near Northwoods Farm, Pilling
House Martin, 16, (RED)
16 circling over the house. 4 nests with at least 9 young, Sandfield Cottage.
Little Grebe, 6, 2 ads + 4 young, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Oystercatcher, 3, 2 ads + juv
Central green
Coal Tit, 3
Plus, Pines by NE corner of green 1
Swallow, 7
Over field NE of crossing path
Long-tailed Tit, 10
Plus, moving through with the Coal Tits
Goldfinch, 13, Possibly all juvs
Waste compound area
Eider, 25, (andy myo)
Swift, 12
Avocet, 150
Common Sandpiper, 8
Grey Heron, 8
Little Egret, 50
Marsh Harrier, 1
Peregrine, 1
House Martin, 5
Swift, 7, (Tony Sharples)
Over the barns
Oystercatcher, 2
SE field flood
Swallow, 10
Plus, low over SE field
Linnet, 11
Wires by barns
Tufted Duck, 3, (Tony Sharples)
Flew west from Four Seasons Fisheries
Oystercatcher, 2
Flood by Newton Arms
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Carrying food, Union Lane Out Radcliffe
Tree Sparrow, 16, (RED)
8 pr with eggs and young.
Yellowhammer, 1, M singing
Near Rushy Slack Farm,
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Near Preesall Flashes.
Barn Owl, 1, (Steven Swift)
Flew over zoo entrance at 8pm

11th July 2024

Little Grebe, 3, ad + 2 young, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Oystercatcher, 3, 2 ads + juv.
Green by SE pit
Barn Owl, 1
Hunting field NE of crossing path, 9.20
Barn Owl, 1
Hunting central rough, then rough by long west side pool and back to central rough, 19.55-20.10
Sand Martin, 1
Over field NE of crossing path
Swallow, 3
House Martin, 16
NE of crossing path
Reed Warbler, 4
2 singing, 2 west side pools. 1 central pool. 1 SE pool
Whitethroat, 1
SW pit
Robin, 1, juv
Greenfinch, 1, m
Waste compound
Linnet, 1, m
SW pit area
Goldfinch, 3, juvs
W. compound
Reed Bunting, 1, m
Long west side pool
Swift, 2, (AC)
Little Owl, 2, (andy myo)
horse paddock annas road
Skylark, 4
Cetti's Warbler, 1
heard only
Whitethroat, 2
Corn Bunting, 2
Eider, 2, m f, (andy myo)
Avocet, 50
Marsh Harrier, 1
Buzzard, 1
Kestrel, 1
Hobby, 1
perched and getting mobed by redshank
Peregrine, 1
Raven, 2
Swallow, 4
House Martin, 6
Song Thrush, 1
House Sparrow, 10
Mute Swan, 8, 2 ads + 6 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Mallard, 7, fem + 6 juvs
Tufted Duck, 1, m
Swift, 2
Stock Dove, 8
Barn roof
Oystercatcher, 2
Black-tailed Godwit, 2
SE field flood
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, ad
Grey Heron, 4
Buzzard, 1
Barn Owl, 1
West facing barn ledge, 10.15
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Low over NW scrub
Song Thrush, 3
Singing, north scrubs
Linnet, 18
Wires south of barns
Reed Bunting, 3, 3m
Embankment/east marsh
Swift, 2, (Dave McGrath)
N then S along cliffs
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 4
Pair with 1st juvs of the year on the beach
Little Egret, 3
Golden Plover, 12, (Paul Slade)
Black-tailed Godwit, 9
Dunlin, 95
Common Sandpiper, 29
Greenshank, 1
Mediterranean Gull, 1, ad summer
Common Tern, 1
Little Egret, 37
Grey Wagtail, 1, (Paul Slade)
Red Marsh Ind Est, first of the autumn
Swift, 30, (Joe Makepeace)
All moving slowly north below low cloud and in heavy drizzle.

10th July 2024

Buzzard, 1, (Nigel Laing)
Anna’s Road on pylon
Little Owl, 1
Anna’s Road on fence post at stables
Blackcap, 1, m
Anna’s Road
Whitethroat, 1
Meadow Pipit, 3
Shelduck, 18, (Nigel Laing)
Oystercatcher, 20
Curlew, 4
Black-headed Gull, 50
Great Black-backed Gull, 2
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 1
Pied Wagtail, 2
Swift, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Over zoo car park
Little Grebe, 3, ad + 2 young
West side pool
Oystercatcher, 1, ad
West side green
Ring-necked Parakeet, 3
Flew west over central area
Swallow, 7
Reed Warbler, 1
Singing, long west side pool
Linnet, 2, m, f
SW pit
Swift, 13, (AC)
Feeding along the Esplande.
Oystercatcher, 2, (Tony Sharples)
SE field flood
Cormorant, 1
Over south
Marsh Harrier, 1, fem/imm.
Flew south over east fields, then circled high over Mythop fields, 18.00-05
Buzzard, 1
Over Gipsy Hole Wood
Jay, 1
Trees around NE field pond
Swallow, 15
Low over SE field
House Martin, 3
Golden Plover, 1, (Paul Slade)
Ringed Plover, 2
Curlew, 20
Black-tailed Godwit, 1
Dunlin, 39
Common Sandpiper, 29
Redshank, 230
Grey Heron, 3
Little Egret, 28
Chiffchaff, 1, male
Mistle Thrush, 1
Buzzard, 2, (G Coulburn)
Field near the motorway bridge past the church
Tree Sparrow, 5
Football field
Grey Wagtail, 0
On the pit near to football pitch
Yellowhammer, 3
Jacobs lane

9th July 2024

Peregrine, 1, adult, (Paul Ellis)
Mute Swan, 6, 2 ads + 4 young, (Tony Sharples)
Stone banked pool
Oystercatcher, 3, 2 ads + juv.
Green by long west side pool
Whitethroat, 1
SW pit
Eider, 44, 39 adults, 5 small ducklings, (Paul Ellis)
at river mouth
Swift, 1
Great Crested Grebe, 1, adult
at river mouth
Gannet, 1, adult
flew west
Whimbrel, 2, (AA)
Redshank, 27
Common Tern, 3
Cormorant, 5
Grey Heron, 5
Little Egret, 4
Mute Swan, 8, 2 ads + 6 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Oystercatcher, 2
SE field flood
Swift, 6, (Dave McGrath)
In-off then E
Oystercatcher, 2, (Paul Slade)
Lapwing, 120
Golden Plover, 3
Curlew, 17
Black-tailed Godwit, 2
Dunlin, 12
Common Sandpiper, 19
Redshank, 175
Greenshank, 2
Mediterranean Gull, 1, adult
Cormorant, 2
Grey Heron, 3
Little Egret, 33
inc colour ringed adult, white with number 4 on left, green with letter K on right
Chiffchaff, 1, male
Whitethroat, 1, male
Reed Bunting, 1, male
Common Scoter, 1062, (SC.)
875 South 187 North
Swift, 3
Dunlin, 39
Sandwich Tern, 18
Common Tern, 5
Manx Shearwater, 12
Gannet, 7
Cormorant, 1
Short-eared Owl, 1

8th July 2024

Swift, 6, (Janet Bramhall)
screaming party over Kelvin road
Osprey, 1, (C Raby)
E over Bispham Rd towards North Blackpool Pond Trail
Swift, 4, (lou147)
Corn Bunting, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Swift, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Low over long west side pool
Stock Dove, 1
Over NW
Buzzard, 1
Circled over fields NE of crossing path
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, f
West side of crossing path
Swallow, 6
Low over green 1
Reed Warbler, 1
Singing, pool east of SW pit
Pied Wagtail, 2, ad + juv
Green 1
Reed Warbler, 4, (Joe Makepeace)
all singing
Grasshopper Warbler, 1
Greenfinch, 1
Reed Bunting, 2
Tufted Duck, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, ad
Buzzard, 2
1 over Gipsy Hole Wood, 1 flew east over the mere
Pied Wagtail, 1
SE field
Blackcap, 2, (Paul Slade/Jol)
1+ singing
Goldcrest, 1, male
singing Alexandra Nursing Home
Swift, 3, (Joe Makepeace)
Magpie, 5
Jackdaw, 3
Carrion Crow, 2
Mistle Thrush, 2
carrying food
Greenfinch, 1
Goldfinch, 11
Shoveler, 2, (Paul Ellis)
Teal, 1
Lapwing, 10, 2 large juvs
Redshank, 3
one alarming and mobbing
Sparrowhawk, 2
Buzzard, 4, 1 juv
Kestrel, 1
Hobby, 1, 2nd cal yr
catching dragonflies
Willow Warbler, 1
singing west end
Whitethroat, 2
singing track north of Crawley's Cross Farm
Stonechat, 2, male, juv
Meadow Pipit, 20
three carrying food along west half of Crawley's Dyke
Corn Bunting, 1
singing track north of Crawley's Cross Farm
Yellowhammer, 1

7th July 2024

Oystercatcher, 9, 3 pairs with one juv each, (Bob Stinger)
Whimbrel, 1, (David Nuttall)
feeding on shore line
Turnstone, 5
roosting on boat
Common Tern, 1
flew down river
Little Egret, 1
flew up river
Oystercatcher, 260, (Paul Ellis)
high tide
Lapwing, 37
Black-headed Gull, 100
Common Gull, 2, 2nd cal yrs
Great Black-backed Gull, 20
Common Tern, 1, adult
fishing along tide edge at high tide
Buzzard, 1
Little Grebe, 3, (Tony Sharples)
1 ad - stone banked pool, 2 juvs - long west side pool
Ring-necked Parakeet, 5
Flew NE over central area
House Martin, 5
Over field NE of crossing path
Sedge Warbler, 1
Singing, long west side pool
Reed Warbler, 2
Singing, central pool, west side pool
Whitethroat, 1
Waste compound
Swift, 6, (Steven Swift)
Still too high to be attracted to caller and nest boxes.
Swift, 1, (Ellen Pemberton)
Swallow, 2
Blackcap, 1, male
Greenfinch, 1
Kestrel, 1, male, (David Nuttall)
Swallow, 12
Sedge Warbler, 4, singing males
Blackcap, 1, singing male
Whitethroat, 7, male with 3 juvs and 3 singing males
Stonechat, 2, juveniles
on Moss Edge Lane
Reed Bunting, 3, singing males
Swift, 6, (David Nuttall)
Oystercatcher, 6
Avocet, 55
at roost at high tide
Lapwing, 4
Curlew, 18
Green Sandpiper, 1
flushed from river bank by a boat
Redshank, 30
Little Egret, 3
Marsh Harrier, 1
Skylark, 2, singing males
Swallow, 4
House Martin, 10
Starling, 200
single flock feeding on the marsh
Linnet, 20
Reed Bunting, 1, singing male
Mute Swan, 7, 2 adults/5 young, (Ellen Pemberton)
Swift, 1
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1, female
Chiffchaff, 2
Reed Warbler, 3
Blackcap, 2
Reed Bunting, 6
Mute Swan, 8, m, f + 6 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Oystercatcher, 2
SE field flood
Lapwing, 1
SE field
Common Tern, 1, ad
Fishing the mere then flew west, 18.55-19.00
Sparrowhawk, 1
Flew over the mere with prey
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Singing by NE hide
Swift, 2, (Joe Makepeace)
Black-headed Gull, 2
Herring Gull, 4
Sparrowhawk, 1, Female
Kestrel, 1, Male
Rook, 34
Skylark, 4
All singing / display flight
Swallow, 3
Mixed in with House Martins
House Martin, 60
Greenfinch, 1
Reed Bunting, 2
Common Sandpiper, 1, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
on wave breakers
Common Tern, 0, 18+ large juvs
up to 13 still sitting
Arctic Tern, 1, adult
nest scraping in gravel am
Chiffchaff, 1
singing west end
Great Crested Grebe, 9, 6 ads 3 juvs, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Common Tern, 2, (Ian Walker)
Two Common Tern with dark bill
Arctic Tern, 3
In addition to the morning sighting - One pair nest scraping
Common Scoter, 1, (Tom P)
Drake present during evening
Swift, 8, (David Nuttall)
Stock Dove, 4
Collared Dove, 2, pair
Oystercatcher, 2
Lapwing, 22, several juvs
Grey Heron, 3
Little Egret, 1
Buzzard, 3
Kestrel, 2
Swallow, 12
House Martin, 4
Sedge Warbler, 1, singing male
Reed Warbler, 1, singing male
Whitethroat, 1, singing male
Bullfinch, 2, pair
on golf course
Reed Bunting, 3, singing males
Swift, 2, (Paul Slade)
Stock Dove, 2, (Paul Slade)
Golden Plover, 6
Little Ringed Plover, 1, adult
Whimbrel, 1
Black-tailed Godwit, 22
Dunlin, 8
Common Sandpiper, 24
Greenshank, 1
Grey Heron, 4
Little Egret, 18
Buzzard, 1
Chiffchaff, 1, male
Swift, 5, (Paul Ellis)
Tawny Owl, 3, Juv, (Facebook)
Near equestrian centre Raíkes Road per Facebook pic
Hobby, 1, (AA)
Stock Dove, 1, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Westby Hall Farm at Sand Hole
Whitethroat, 1
singing Westby Hall Farm at Sand Hole
Greenfinch, 4
Westby Hall Farm at Sand Hole
Reed Bunting, 1
singing Westby Hall Farm at 'Back of Wood' field

6th July 2024

Swift, 11, (AC)
Swift, 5
Tufted Duck, 1, f, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Little Grebe, 6, 2 ads + 4 young
Oystercatcher, 1, ad
Green 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Flew over green 1
House Martin, 6
Over field NE of crossing path
Gadwall, 4, female + 3 fully grown juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Black-headed Gull, 2, ad + juv
West over the mere
Buzzard, 1
Over Gipsy Hole Wood
Mallard, 1, (SC,DN.)
Eider, 2
Common Scoter, 254
107 South 147 North
Swift, 1
Curlew, 1
Sandwich Tern, 10
Gannet, 1
Little Egret, 2
Pied Wagtail, 1

5th July 2024

Swift, 9, (AC)
Swift, 7, (Pauline Clark)
Chiffchaff, 1
Red-legged Partridge, 1, (David Nuttall)
Swift, 40
Sparrowhawk, 1, male
mobbed by many Swallows & House Martins
Buzzard, 3
Little Owl, 1
calling bird seen on fence post
Rook, 180
feeding in a field
Raven, 4
flock of 4 feeding in field with rooks
Skylark, 6, 2 singing males
Swallow, 70
House Martin, 30
Blackcap, 1, singing male
Whitethroat, 1, singing male
Song Thrush, 1
Eider, 6, (Kevin Livesey)
Golden Plover, 30
Wheatear, 1, Male
Arctic Tern, 1, 1st Summer, (AC)
House Martin, 3, (Pauline Clark)
House Martin, 5, (Barry Dyson)
Grey Wagtail, 2, Juvs
Swift, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Over west side
Little Grebe, 5, ad + 2 young, ad + juv
2 west side pools
Swallow, 7
Over fields NE of crossing path
House Martin, 5
Over field NE of crossing path
Long-tailed Tit, 6
Plus, near NW entrance
Whitethroat, 1
SW pit
Pied Wagtail, 1, m
Green 18 near hotel
Oystercatcher, 3, (Tony Sharples)
SE field flood
Lapwing, 2
Curlew, 1
Flew west over the mere
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, 3rd.w.
By the flood
Buzzard, 2
1 flew off with Moorhen prey at west side of SE field. 1 over Mythop fields
Kestrel, 2, fems/juvs
Circled low together over SE field. First I've seen at the mere since a female on April 14
Wren, 6, (Paul Ellis)
fledged family party of 4+ juvs Beach Road
Swift, 13, (AC)
Skylark, 2
Greylag Goose, 5, (Paul Ellis)
Shoveler, 2
Mallard, 10
Teal, 23
Swift, 120
Stock Dove, 4
Crawley's Cross Farm
Oystercatcher, 3
Snipe, 5
poss 8
Redshank, 1
mobbing, alarming, agitated = with young
Buzzard, 2
Kestrel, 1
Hobby, 1, 2nd cal yr
catching dragonflies
Whitethroat, 2
one singing, both track N of Crawley's Cross Farm
Stonechat, 2, male, juv
fledged juv near where a pair were mobbing last week
Tree Sparrow, 5
Crawley's Cross Farm, one carrying food
Meadow Pipit, 30
3 birds carrying food in different spots along west end of dyke ( est. 10's prs breeding on moss)
Corn Bunting, 1
singing, track N of Crawley's Cross Farm
Yellowhammer, 2, males
one singing, both track N of Crawley's Cross Farm

4th July 2024

Arctic Tern, 1, first summer, (H Stockdale)
pool (photographed)
Barn Owl, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Hunting the field NE of crossing path, 9.00
Long-tailed Tit, 15
Plus, east side of crossing path
Blackcap, 5, m
Singing from NW entrance to SE corner
Whitethroat, 1
SW pit
Treecreeper, 1
Trees near east side of crossing path
Jay, 1, (JAStinger)
Garden visitor - 1st
Starling, 2, Juvs
In garden
Mute Swan, 8, m, f + 6 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Shoveler, 2
Swift, 3
Oystercatcher, 2
SE field flood
Common Tern, 1, ad
Fishing the mere, then spiralled high and flew SE, 10.05-20
Cormorant, 1
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Singing, island reeds. Very quiet lately
Linnet, 3
East end
Teal, 18, (Paul Ellis)
Entrance pool
Little Ringed Plover, 1, adult
Entrance Pool
Blackcap, 1
singing east end
Golden Plover, 6, (Paul Ellis)
on edge of saltmarsh off Beach Road low tide
Kestrel, 1
field east of Beach Road
Swift, 30, (AC)
Mallard, 6, (Paul Ellis)
Moorhen, 2
Coot, 3
one at nest
Great Crested Grebe, 13, 10 adults, 3 large juvs
Black-headed Gull, 55
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, adult
Herring Gull, 59
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 46
Common Tern, 40
23 large chicks + 13 adults apparently on nests (with no visible chicks)
Cormorant, 4
Shelduck, 64, (Paul Slade)
Lapwing, 290
Curlew, 6
Dunlin, 1
Common Sandpiper, 33
Redshank, 95
Greenshank, 1
Black-headed Gull, 150
inc ad leucistic bird with all white primaries
Great Black-backed Gull, 4
Cormorant, 2
Little Egret, 16
Reed Bunting, 1, male
Shelduck, 1, (LGB,SC.)
Common Scoter, 121
Whimbrel, 1, South
Arctic Skua, 1
Razorbill, 1
Fulmar, 1
Manx Shearwater, 63
55 South 8 North
Gannet, 41
15 South 26 North
Greylag Goose, 17, (Steven Swift)
Swift, 120
Oystercatcher, 1
Lapwing, 6
Snipe, 1
Redshank, 3
Buzzard, 3
Skylark, 1
Meadow Pipit, 4
Reed Bunting, 2

3rd July 2024

Ring-necked Parakeet, 1, (Ken Green)
In garden Ullswater Avenue
Great Black-backed Gull, 2, ads, (Tony Sharples)
Curlew, 2, (Dave McGrath)
Heard going over before dawn
Raven, 2
Broken foot and friend N. Not seen them for a few weeks
Starling, 100
Many juveniles
Common Tern, 1, adult, (Paul Ellis)
flew south over Beach Road early am
Oystercatcher, 3, (Tom P)
Lapwing, 158
Golden Plover, 1
First return of the year
Whimbrel, 1
Curlew, 48
Black-tailed Godwit, 5
Dunlin, 4
Common Sandpiper, 49
All revealed on high tide
Redshank, 64
Greenshank, 1
Common Gull, 2
Both juveniles, first returns

2nd July 2024

Shelduck, 7, (David Nuttall)
Eider, 21
swimming up river
Oystercatcher, 80
Whimbrel, 2
on shoreline
Curlew, 3
Bar-tailed Godwit, 2
on shoreline
Turnstone, 45
roosting on boats in the estuary
Grey Heron, 4
Little Egret, 3
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Moss House Farm. Cockerham Moss
Skylark, 1, M singing
Teal, 4, (Paul Ellis)
Tufted Duck, 8
Stock Dove, 1
Ruff, 1
Black male in creek
Common Sandpiper, 6
in creek
Greenshank, 3, adult summers
Mediterranean Gull, 3, 2 ad, 1 2nd cal yr
inc. French green ringed R9UJ. All on island on pool
Common Tern, 40, 22 live chicks (2 dead). 3 fledged on bank near nest platform
five adults still sitting on platform
Long-tailed Tit, 6
hedge by pool
Tree Sparrow, 1
Pied Wagtail, 1, male
feeding young in nest under tern platform
Mute Swan, 6, m, f + 4 young, (Tony Sharples)
Stone banked pool
Little Grebe, 6, 2 ads + 3 young (1-4 showed yesterday), 1 juv
2 pools. Juv on different pool to yesterday. At least 10 (3 ads) on 3 west side pools
Swallow, 6
Low over green 1
Sedge Warbler, 1
Singing, long west side pool
Reed Warbler, 1
Singing, long pool
Whitethroat, 1
Poolside scrub by waste compound
Pied Wagtail, 1, m
Green 1
Reed Bunting, 1, m
West side pool
Shelduck, 63, (andy myo)
Eider, 70
Swift, 3
Avocet, 3
Common Sandpiper, 6
Redshank, 42
Marsh Harrier, 2
Swallow, 10
House Martin, 7
Shoveler, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Oystercatcher, 2
Lapwing, 2
SE field flood
Sparrowhawk, 1
Flew over NE scrub with prey
Buzzard, 2
1 on east field hay bale, 1 over Gipsy Hole Wood
Jay, 1
Low over NE field
Sedge Warbler, 3
Singing, east end
Grasshopper Warbler, 1
Showed well briefly, south end of embankment
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Near Fishers Row, Pilling.
House Martin, 12, 4 pr., (RED)
4 active nests min. on two new houses, Rosslyn Avenue Preesall
Long-tailed Tit, 12
On feeders at Jubilee Avenue, Preesall
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Roosting in hollow tree, Hatters Farm.
Kestrel, 4
Pr with 2 young Hatters Farm.
Shelduck, 3, (SC.)
Common Scoter, 254
229 South 25 North
Whimbrel, 1
Sandwich Tern, 7
Common Tern, 2
Gannet, 14
4 South 10 North

1st July 2024

Stock Dove, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Over west
Little Grebe, 8, ad + 4 young, ad + 2 juvs
2 west side pools
Reed Bunting, 1, m
West side pool
Grasshopper Warbler, 1, (Joe Makepeace)
Heard during bat survey 22:00-00:00 - SD334352
Grasshopper Warbler, 1, (Joe Makepeace)
Heard singing during bat survey walk 22:00-00:00 - SD346353
Song Thrush, 11, All singing - Mainly across Western end of the Mere Site - SD339353
Swift, 6, (Tony Sharples)
Black-tailed Godwit, 1
SE field flood
Sparrowhawk, 1
Low over west end reeds
Buzzard, 1
Low over east field
Starling, 750
Plus, barn field
Pied Wagtail, 1
SE field
Cattle Egret, 1, Adult Breeding Plumage, (Ian Walker)
Near to United Utilities WwTW amongst sheep and cattle. Flew east towards Lea Gate
Common Scoter, 973, (LGB,SC.)
811 South 162 North
Whimbrel, 1
Manx Shearwater, 435
39 South 396 North
Gannet, 31
4 South 27 North
Cormorant, 4
3 South 1 North

30th June 2024

Swift, 16, (RED)
West over Moss House Farm, Cockerham
Tree Sparrow, 30
5 pr with 20 young and 5 eggs
Ruff, 1, male, (Paul Ellis, Paul Slade)
On Creek. Black morph, now with white chest
Common Sandpiper, 7
Common Tern, 30, 21 chicks
21 chicks (+ 1 dead) new platform. One fledged and on island.
Black-tailed Godwit, 3, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
New Lane, England Hill
Kestrel, 2, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Oystercatcher, 3, 2 ads + juv, (Tony Sharples)
Hotel end of green 18
Swift, 1, (David Nuttall)
Stock Dove, 2
Woodpigeon, 80
Oystercatcher, 2
Lapwing, 31
Single flock near radar station
Sparrowhawk, 1, female
Buzzard, 4
Little Owl, 1
horse paddock on Anna's Road
Kestrel, 3
Rook, 60
Skylark, 8, singing males
Swallow, 20
Chiffchaff, 1, singing male
Sedge Warbler, 3, singing males
Blackcap, 1
singing male
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, singing male
south of Division Lane
Whitethroat, 5, singing males
Greenfinch, 10
Linnet, 12
Goldfinch, 20
single flock
Reed Bunting, 3, singing males
Oystercatcher, 2, (Tony Sharples)
SE field flood
Barn Owl, 2, M, F, (RED)
Crook Gate Lane, Out Radcliffe
Barn Owl, 1
Skitham Lane
Tree Sparrow, 53, (RED)
10 pr. With 33 young and 18 eggs. Rushy Slack Farm.
Stock Dove, 2, (Paul Ellis)
Beach Road. Mating
Sparrowhawk, 1, female
Beach Road
Tree Sparrow, 8
two pairs in nest boxes Beach Road, One ready to fledge
Swift, 4, (RED)
West over Lane ends.
Barn Owl, 5, M, F, (RED)
Head Dyke Wood
Whitethroat, 2, M singing
Swift, 20, (David Nuttall)
Oystercatcher, 2
Lapwing, 26
single flock feeding in newly cut field
Curlew, 3
Little Egret, 1
Kestrel, 2
Swallow, 12
House Martin, 10
Long-tailed Tit, 20
2 family groups down Cartmell Lane
Sedge Warbler, 1
Blackcap, 1, singing male
Whitethroat, 2, 1 singing male
Song Thrush, 2, singing males
Bullfinch, 1
calling bird near golf course
Reed Bunting, 3, singing males
Sand Martin, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Low over pond east of Mere View Lane
House Martin, 4
Common Sandpiper, 1, (Tony Sharples)
On mooring platform near bandstand
Common Scoter, 432, (Steven Swift)
S 375. N 57
Whimbrel, 6
Black-headed Gull, 1
Sandwich Tern, 1
Common Tern, 3
Arctic Tern, 1
Manx Shearwater, 122, (Len Blacow, Joe Makepeace, Steve Swift)
S 34. N 88. Good numbers of close in birds with high tide.
Gannet, 43, (Steven Swift)
S 1. N42
Cormorant, 5
S 3. N2
Grasshopper Warbler, 1, (Lee Harris)
Heard only
Shoveler, 3, (Paul Ellis/ Paul Slade)
Pintail, 1, female
Teal, 16
Swift, 50
Oystercatcher, 2
Lapwing, 10, one large juv
Golden Plover, 3
Little Ringed Plover, 2, juveniles
Redshank, 2
agitated, mobbing
Wood Sandpiper, 2
Barn Owl, 1
Crawley's Cross Farm
Kestrel, 1
Raven, 2
Sand Martin, 2
House Martin, 2
Willow Warbler, 2
singing west end of Crawley's Dyke
Sedge Warbler, 2
west end along Crawley's Dyke
Whitethroat, 1
singing north of Crawley's Dyke half way along
Blue-headed Wagtail, 1, male
from Crawley's Dyke
Tree Pipit, 1
Singing. Photographed and sound recorded.
Corn Bunting, 1
Yellowhammer, 1, male
singing on hedge
Snipe, 4, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Stonechat, 1, male
Garganey, 1, Female, (Tom P)
North of Crawley's dyke. Flew off north with 2 Teal
Water Rail, 2
At least 2 heard, coming from same area
Snipe, 3
Yellow Wagtail, 1
Not the Blue-Headed individual frequenting the area, different bird

29th June 2024

Swift, 2, (Paul Slade)
Stock Dove, 1, (Pauline Clark)
House Sparrow, 2, M & F
Tree Sparrow, 4, 2 Adult 2 Juvenile
Chaffinch, 4, 2 M 2F
Greenfinch, 4
Goldfinch, 6, 4 Adult 2 Juv
Goosander, 6, All female, (Ian Walker)
Mediterranean Gull, 2, Adults
Start of post-breeding dispersal
Little Egret, 50
Start of post-breeding increase that will continue through autumn
Kestrel, 1, M, (RED)
On wires at Head Dyke Farm road end.
Little Grebe, 3, 1 ad, 2 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
2 west side pools
Oystercatcher, 1, ad
Green 1
Reed Warbler, 1
West side pool
Swift, 1, (DS)
Oystercatcher, 16
Avocet, 3
Common Sandpiper, 13
In creek low tide .
Redshank, 80
In creek
Grey Heron, 0
Little Egret, 14
House Martin, 8
Swift, 8, (Tony Sharples)
Shoveler, 2, Female, (Joe Makepeace)
20+ head of cattle in closest pool.
Mallard, 23
Teal, 17
Moorhen, 1
Avocet, 11, 5 almost full grown young.
Grey Heron, 3
Skylark, 3
Swallow, 2
Chiffchaff, 1
Pied Wagtail, 2
Goldfinch, 7
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Garstang Road Pilling
Great Crested Grebe, 10, 7 adults and 3 young, (Ian Walker)
Common Tern, 43
c24 young with 15 well developed and some trying to fly
Raven, 1
Gadwall, 4, (Tony Sharples)
Tufted Duck, 5
Swift, 8
Over SE lake
Great Crested Grebe, 3, 2 ads + juv.
Swallow, 6
Over south lake
Greylag Goose, 3, (Stewart Conroy, David Nuttall, Joe Makepeace)
0530-0900 Seawatch High (05:18), falling tide.
Shelduck, 10
Common Scoter, 582
Oystercatcher, 17
0530-0900 Seawatch High (05:18), falling tide. - Present
Whimbrel, 37
All South in small groups. 0530-0900 Seawatch High (05:18), falling tide.
Curlew, 1
0530-0900 Seawatch High (05:18), falling tide.
Dunlin, 8
Mediterranean Gull, 1, Adult
Great Black-backed Gull, 2
0530-0900 Seawatch High (05:18), falling tide. - Present
Herring Gull, 250
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 8
Sandwich Tern, 6
0530-0900 Seawatch High (05:18), falling tide.
Gannet, 3
Cormorant, 9
Starling, 3
0530-0900 Seawatch High (05:18), falling tide. - Present
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
On edge of moss.

28th June 2024

Wigeon, 1, Male, (DS)
On pool.
Stock Dove, 4
Common Sandpiper, 7
In creek .
Little Egret, 23
Sparrowhawk, 1
Chiffchaff, 5
Blackcap, 4
Mistle Thrush, 1
Mute Swan, 6, m, f + 4 young, (Tony Sharples)
1 lost since Wednesday
Little Grebe, 3, ad + 2 juvs
West side pool
Oystercatcher, 2, ads
Central green
Mute Swan, 8, m, f +6 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Swift, 5
Oystercatcher, 1
SE field flood
Cormorant, 1
Teal, 25, (Ian Walker)
Green Sandpiper, 1
Stock Dove, 6, (RED/AJ)
Near the Treatment Works.
Nuthatch, 3
On feeders behind the Treatment Works
Greenfinch, 10, 5 m, 3 F + 3 juv. Min
Goldfinch, 4, 2 juv.
Common Scoter, 840, (LGB,SC.)
832 South 8 North
Whimbrel, 1
Curlew, 1
Bar-tailed Godwit, 2
Kittiwake, 7
Fulmar, 1
Manx Shearwater, 18
2 South 16 North
Gannet, 46
34 South 12 North
Cormorant, 2
Swift, 40, (Tony Sharples)
Plus, over fields south of Hall
Buzzard, 1
Over Clinkum Wood
Pied Wagtail, 4, juvs
Piggery roof

27th June 2024

Swift, 2, (NJL/CH)
Moorhen, 2
In dyke
Lapwing, 44, Including young
In fields off Wood Lane
Grey Heron, 3
In dykes
Buzzard, 2
One mobbed by lapwing
Swallow, 1
Willow Warbler, 2
Chiffchaff, 10
Sedge Warbler, 4
Reed Warbler, 1
Blackcap, 1, m
Whitethroat, 1
Wren, 3
Goldfinch, 2
Reed Bunting, 1, m
Ruff, 1, male, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
summer plumaged black male with Redshank on creek bank
Common Sandpiper, 2
Redshank, 130
creek bank
Common Tern, 30
23+ chicks on new platform
Pied Wagtail, 1
visiting nest under tern platform
Stock Dove, 2, (NJL/CH)
Oystercatcher, 450
Near high tide
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 2
Swallow, 5
Pied Wagtail, 1
Oystercatcher, 3, 2 ads + juv., (Tony Sharples)
West side green
Eider, 22, F/juv. 15 + 7 - 1 week old young, (RED)
On the river near the ferry slip.
Shelduck, 8, (NJL/CH)
Rising tide
Mallard, 7
Oystercatcher, 4
Curlew, 4
Redshank, 6
Common Tern, 4
Little Egret, 6
Marsh Harrier, 1
Skylark, 2
House Martin, 4
Meadow Pipit, 6
Swift, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Oystercatcher, 2
SE field flood
Shoveler, 1, f, (NJL/CH)
Mallard, 17
Teal, 3, m
Oystercatcher, 1
Redshank, 5
Swallow, 5
Goldfinch, 1
Mute Swan, 13, Cygnets, (Tony Sharples)
5 (from 7, lost one since Tuesday), 4, 3 & 1
Common Sandpiper, 1
South island bank
Common Scoter, 293, (SC.)
260 South 33 North
Whimbrel, 2
Kittiwake, 19
Sandwich Tern, 10
Common Tern, 2
Manx Shearwater, 717
281 South 436 North
Gannet, 79
25 South 54 North
Cormorant, 4
Swift, 10, (NJL/CH)
Oystercatcher, 2
Avocet, 2
Little Egret, 2
Marsh Harrier, 1
Swallow, 20
House Martin, 2
Goldfinch, 2

26th June 2024

Swift, 5, (Janet Bramhall)
over Kelvin road
Buzzard, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Tufted Duck, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Stone banked pool
Swift, 1
Over SW area
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
SW pit area. Soon after possibly same bird east of zoo car park
Swallow, 8
Over green 1
Long-tailed Tit, 11
Flew over NW green 3
Reed Warbler, 1
Singing, long west side pool
Reed Bunting, 1, m
Long west side pool
Swift, 6, (AC)
Feeding over the Esplande
Oystercatcher, 1, (Tony Sharples)
SE field flood
Lapwing, 1
SE field
Buzzard, 1
Circled over NE area
Linnet, 4
East marsh
Tufted Duck, 3, ad f + 2y, (J C Wood)
y c7-10 days
Swift, 5, (Paul Slade)
Moorland Road
Swift, 2, (Jol)
Over Thatched House Public Bar
Chiffchaff, 1
Singing at fields off Little Poulton Lane
Sedge Warbler, 1
Whitethroat, 1
Singing just off the golf course
Whitethroat, 1
Singing at fields off Little Poulton Lane
Reed Bunting, 1
Greylag Goose, 3, (Paul Ellis)
Shelduck, 1
Mallard, 3
Pintail, 1, male
Teal, 17
Swift, 5
hawking insects over new wet area
Oystercatcher, 3
Lapwing, 60, many large juvs
c10 adults agitated , mobbing. Several pairs assumed to still have young
Snipe, 2
Redshank, 2
agitated, mobbing, alarm calling continuously. Assumed young present
Buzzard, 2
Kestrel, 2
Hobby, 1
hawking insects over new wet area in the middle. Mobbed by lapwings and redshank
Willow Warbler, 4
singing east end
Sedge Warbler, 2
one singing each end of Crawleys Dyke
Whitethroat, 1
singing east end
Stonechat, 2, m, f
together mobbing, alarm calling along Crawley's Dyke. Assumed breeding
Yellow Wagtail, 1
distant, flying around with Blue-headed at one point
Blue-headed Wagtail, 1, male
with a Yellow Wagtail at one point. No evidence of breeding behaviour.
Pied Wagtail, 2
Meadow Pipit, 30
12 singing, 4 carrying food. Recorded from Crawley's Dyke (therefore only a transect)
Reed Bunting, 13
10 singing. Recorded along Crawley's Dyke and at east end

25th June 2024

Mediterranean Gull, 1, Adult, (David Nuttall)
300 yards towards Lytham feeding on shore.
Common Tern, 2
Heading up river.
Grey Heron, 4
Little Egret, 4
Mute Swan, 7, m, f + 5 young, (Tony Sharples)
Stone banked pool
Swift, 5
Low over long west side pool
Little Grebe, 4, ad, 3 juvs
2 west side pools, ad + juv, 2 juvs
Swallow, 5
Low over green 1
Swift, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Oystercatcher, 2
Over SE to flood
Lapwing, 2
SE field flood
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, ad
Bittern, 1
Perched on the edge of the reeds north of FBC hide. Showed from the embankment, 10.30-40
Bittern, 1
Over north east mere and landed in reeds at south side of island, 18.55
Goldfinch, 12
Over barn field
Stock Dove, 4, (RED)
Birchcroft Union Lane, 2 pr with 2 egg's each.
Barn Owl, 1
Union Lane.
Blackcap, 1, M singing
Whitethroat, 1, M singing
Song Thrush, 1, M singing
Birchcroft Union Lane.
Tree Sparrow, 10
3 pr with 4 young and 6 eggs
Swift, 3, (Paul Slade)
Red Marsh Ind Est

24th June 2024

Tree Sparrow, 4, (RED)
2 pr with eggs and young
Shelduck, 26, Some juveniles, (DS)
Lapwing, 32
River edge
Curlew, 8
Along river .
Bar-tailed Godwit, 24
Along river west of the point .
Common Sandpiper, 1
Heard only calling from the creek .
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Jay, 2
Swallow, 6
Chiffchaff, 7
Blackcap, 4
Calling .
Nuthatch, 1
Oystercatcher, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Over NW
Red-legged Partridge, 1, (andy myo)
Lapwing, 6
Buzzard, 2
Little Owl, 1
annas road horse paddock
Kestrel, 1
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Blackcap, 1
Avocet, 75, At least 15 juveniles, (DS)
On pool high tide
Curlew, 12
Common Sandpiper, 3
Along creek .
Redshank, 35
On pools .
Little Egret, 27
Roosting high tide
Swift, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Oystercatcher, 2
Circled over
Bullfinch, 1, m
NE scrub
Kestrel, 3, (RED)
pr with 1 young.
Tree Sparrow, 41
7 nests with 27 young and 6 eggs.
Tree Sparrow, 8, 2 pr with eggs and young, (RED)
Goldcrest, 1, male, (Paul Slade)
Singing Moreton Drive
Buzzard, 3, (Jol)
Drifitiing around Moorland Gardens area being mobbed by gulls
Ruddy Shelduck, 1, (Tom Parkinson)
on Alkali Flash 1730 hrs
Greylag Goose, 91, (RED)
Mute Swan, 4, Pr with 2 cygnet
Mallard, 13, F with 12 three day old young.
Moorhen, 2
1 ad + 1 young
Great Crested Grebe, 4, M, F + 2 young.
Kestrel, 1
House Martin, 3
Adult feeding 2 young on wires over car park.
Cetti's Warbler, 4
3 singing at same time
Chiffchaff, 4, M singing
Sedge Warbler, 1, M singing
Reed Warbler, 1, M singing
Whitethroat, 2, M, F
Song Thrush, 1, M singing
Tree Sparrow, 1
Goldfinch, 1, M singing
Reed Bunting, 2, M singing
Ruddy Shelduck, 1, F
On field then joined Greylag
Ruddy Shelduck, 1, (Tom P)
With Greylag Geese. Viewable from Acres Lane.
Cetti's Warbler, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Singing, Mere View Lane hedgerow
Swift, 9, (Ian Walker)
Low and around traditional timber soffit construction on Butlers Meadow
House Martin, 15
Queensway area - a regular breeding area given the age and type of property.

23rd June 2024

Lapwing, 24, (Paul Ellis)
Great Black-backed Gull, 11
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Swallow, 6, 2 ad, 4 juvs
fledged family group
Greenfinch, 3, 2m, 1 f
Common Sandpiper, 2, (Jonathan Platt)
by sea wall at Broadfleet
Cattle Egret, 3, (Barry Dyson)
Fairfield farm
Tufted Duck, 2, m, (Tony Sharples)
Central pool
Jay, 1
Central area
Swallow, 4
Over hotel
Swift, 2, (Steve Swift)
One entering existing nest box. One flying over new nest box sites at 4:30.
Buzzard, 2, (Steven Swift)
Ring-necked Parakeet, 2
Swift, 1, (Ellen Pemberton)
Common Tern, 2
north 14.40
Little Egret, 2
House Martin, 5
Meadow Pipit, 8
Linnet, 10
Reed Bunting, 2
1 singing
Swift, 7, (Steven Swift)
Heading north
Little Owl, 1
On post next to blue container
Skylark, 1
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Heard not seen
Greenfinch, 2, (Steve Swift, Steve Beastall)
Anna’s road
Pheasant, 2, Juvs, (Tony Sharples)
NE field
Swift, 1
Lapwing, 6
SE field flood
Buzzard, 1
Low over east field
Teal, 9, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Swift, 7
Buzzard, 1
Chiffchaff, 1
singing east end
Swift, 9, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Continental Black-tailed Godwit, 2
inc the colour ringed female
Common Sandpiper, 1
Goldcrest, 1, male, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Singing Moreton Drive
Moorhen, 1, (Paul Ellis)
on nest
Coot, 3
adult on nest with young
House Martin, 2
west end north side
Great Crested Grebe, 14, 11 adults 3 young, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1, 2cy
Green colour ring N:07S
Common Tern, 40, 24 juvs
24 young visible, plenty of fish being brought in
Stock Dove, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Blackcap, 2, m
Nuthatch, 1
Shelduck, 4, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Black-headed Gull, 1
Lapwing, 29, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Common Sandpiper, 1
Redshank, 36
Little Egret, 9
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Blackcap, 1, male
Whitethroat, 1, male
Tree Sparrow, 2
Meadow Pipit, 1, male
Reed Bunting, 1, male
Shelduck, 63, 61 ads 2 young, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Oystercatcher, 2
Lapwing, 37
Ringed Plover, 1
Curlew, 10
Common Sandpiper, 12
Redshank, 4
Black-headed Gull, 1
leucistic bird, presumed returning
Grey Heron, 3
Little Egret, 12
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Skylark, 1, male
Chiffchaff, 1, male
Blackcap, 1, male
Greenfinch, 1, male
Mute Swan, 2, (Steve Swift, David Nuttall, Joe Makepeace)
SD303320 - Seawatch 0530-0900 Rising Tide
Common Scoter, 235
Great Crested Grebe, 1
Sandwich Tern, 33
Common Tern, 2
Gannet, 10
Cormorant, 2
Swift, 5, (Paul Ellis)

22nd June 2024

Swift, 14, (AC)
Several screaming
Tufted Duck, 2, m, (Tony Sharples)
Central pool
Reed Warbler, 1
Singing, long west side pool
Pied Wagtail, 1, m
Green 1
Reed Bunting, 1, m
Central pool
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2, Male & juvenile, (Geoff Speight)
The Coppice feeding station
Swallow, 10, (Tony Sharples)
Over west field
Reed Bunting, 1, m
Village entrance pool
Lapwing, 1, (Tony Sharples)
SE field flood
Starling, 125
Plus, east field wires
Linnet, 2
Island bushes
Tree Sparrow, 22, (Ian Walker)
BTO Breeding Bird Survey - successful breeding with numbers increasing
Yellowhammer, 8
BTO Breeding Bird Survey - breeding successful with numbers consistent from previous 5 yrs
Mute Swan, 4, 2 ad , 2 small juvs, (Paul Ellis)
Great Crested Grebe, 4, 2 ad, 2 juvs
Common Tern, 1, adult
resting on structure in water
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Reed Warbler, 3
Ruddy Shelduck, 1, male (faint partial collar) ? 2nd cal year
damage to primaries of right wing
Buzzard, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Circled over
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, m
Singing, Mere View Lane
House Sparrow, 1, m
Mere View
Tree Sparrow, 2
Reed Bunting, 1, m
Gadwall, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
Great Crested Grebe, 4, 3 ads, juv
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, juv
Feeders west of Heron island
Nuthatch, 2
Shelduck, 5, (Len Blacow, Joe Makepeace)
SD303320 - Seawatch 0600-1000 Rising Tide
Common Scoter, 461
Kittiwake, 25
Sandwich Tern, 26
Manx Shearwater, 7
Gannet, 38
Cormorant, 8

21st June 2024

Hobby, 1, (Paul Ellis)
mobbing Peregrine on pylon
House Martin, 3
Whitethroat, 1
singing Marsh Lane
Tree Sparrow, 3
Reed Bunting, 1
Swift, 26, (RED)
Circling over Cogie Hill 16:40
Kestrel, 1, F
Red-legged Partridge, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Mallard, 3
Woodpigeon, 4
Collared Dove, 2
Moorhen, 1
Oystercatcher, 10
inc pair with large chick
Lapwing, 5
inc 2 pairs very agitated, assumed to have young
Buzzard, 7
Tawny Owl, 2, (Resident)
reported as frequent by resident Stoney Lane
Kestrel, 2, (Paul Ellis)
Magpie, 1
Rook, 25, inc 7 fledged juvs
Carrion Crow, 20
one caught a mole
Blue Tit, 4
Great Tit, 10
inc family party
Swallow, 20, 16+ ad, 4+ juvs
inc 4 recently fledged juvs on garden fence
Chiffchaff, 5
4 singing
Blackcap, 3
Wren, 10
10 singing
Nuthatch, 2
Starling, 3
Blackbird, 20
one carrying food, 8 singing
Song Thrush, 3
two singing
Robin, 4
2 singing
House Sparrow, 30
present at most farms
Dunnock, 6
3 singing
Pied Wagtail, 1
Chaffinch, 4
Greenfinch, 2
one singing
Goldfinch, 9
Kestrel, 1, M, (RED)
Hunting near Fold House Farm
Mute Swan, 8, m, f + 6 young, (Tony Sharples)
Swift, 16
At 18.20-30
Lapwing, 1
SE field flood
Buzzard, 2
Circled over caravan park
Tree Sparrow, 2
Mere View
Linnet, 2
East End
Kestrel, 2, (RED)
Swallow, 12
6 nests with 6 young and 13 eggs.
Starling, 4
2 nests with 7 young
Tree Sparrow, 22
11 nests with 35 young and 16 eggs. one nest with 7 young.
Kestrel, 1, (RED)
Wheel Lane, Pilling
Shelduck, 44, (Tom P)
Lapwing, 88
Curlew, 5
Common Sandpiper, 15
Great Black-backed Gull, 4
Tufted Duck, 4, 3m, f, (Tony Sharples)
Great Crested Grebe, 3, 2 ads + juv.

20th June 2024

Canada Goose, 18, (NJL/CH)
Including young
Shelduck, 26
Low Tide
Mallard, 10
Swift, 3
Oystercatcher, 10
Curlew, 2
Grey Heron, 1
Hillam Farm pool
Little Egret, 5
House Martin, 30
Hillam Farm
House Martin, 14
Reed Bunting, 1, m
Swift, 2, (AC)
Swift, 3, (AC)
Whitethroat, 1, (Paul Ellis)
singing Marsh Lane
Pheasant, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Shelduck, 2
Woodpigeon, 7
Oystercatcher, 11
inc one very agitated near sea wall and four standing on posts (assume min 3 pr probably with young)
Curlew, 3
Redshank, 6
inc two pairs mobbing gulls and two birds standing on fence posts (3+ pairs)
Black-headed Gull, 9
Herring Gull, 5
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 17
Little Egret, 7
Magpie, 2
Carrion Crow, 20
Raven, 11
all in view together on saltmarsh
Skylark, 11
7 singing over saltmarsh
Wren, 4
singing along sea wall
Starling, 40
Meadow Pipit, 1
Linnet, 7
one singing sea wall
Teal, 2, males, (Paul Ellis)
Ruff, 1, adult male
Breeding plumage black morph. With redshanks on creek
Redshank, 100
creek banks on rising tide
Feral Pigeon, 2, (Pauline Clark)
Stock Dove, 2
Woodpigeon, 1
Collared Dove, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2, Male + Juv
Male feeding juvenile
Magpie, 1
Carrion Crow, 3, 2 adult 1 juv
Juv newly fledged & unable to fly
Coal Tit, 1
Blue Tit, 5, 2 adult 3 juv
Great Tit, 5, 2 adult 3 juv
Wren, 1
House Sparrow, 2, 2 Male
Tree Sparrow, 2
Dunnock, 2, 2 juv
Chaffinch, 3, 2 M 1F
Greenfinch, 4, M, F + 2 Juv
Goldfinch, 4, 2 adult 2 juv
Buzzard, 2, (NJL/CH)
Swallow, 12
Goldfinch, 5
Gadwall, 1, f, (Tony Sharples)
Stone banked pool
Tufted Duck, 2, 2m
Central pool
Little Grebe, 1, ad
Oystercatcher, 1
Over NW
Blackcap, 7, m
Singing, perimeter path trees
Reed Bunting, 1, m
Central pool
Swift, 2, (AC)
Over Westbourne Road
Swift, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Oystercatcher, 2
SE field flood
Marsh Harrier, 1, fem/imm
Flew east over the mere, circled over east fields and continued east
Buzzard, 2
Circled over east fields
Coal Tit, 2, ad, juv, (Dave McGrath)
On garden feeders
Blue Tit, 1
On garden feeders with coal tits
Oystercatcher, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Flood by Newton Arms
Reed Warbler, 1, (Paul Ellis)
singing west pond
Stock Dove, 3, (Paul Ellis)
pair plus one singing at Mill House
Moorhen, 1
Mill House
Lapwing, 80
Grey Heron, 4
3 on cut silage, one juv on pond Mill House
Sparrowhawk, 1
Buzzard, 1
Magpie, 1
Jackdaw, 4
Mill House
Blue Tit, 2
Skylark, 1
Swallow, 6
Mill House
House Martin, 2
at nest
Reed Warbler, 1
Whitethroat, 1
singing Mill House
Blackbird, 2
Mill House
House Sparrow, 5
Tree Sparrow, 6, 4 ads, pr feeding 1+ young in nest box
Pied Wagtail, 1
Goldfinch, 4
Canada Goose, 2, (NJL/CH)
Shelduck, 8, 5ad 3young
Oystercatcher, 1
Lapwing, 64
High tide
Redshank, 1
Little Egret, 15
Whitethroat, 1
Red-legged Partridge, 1, (NJL/CH)
Greylag Goose, 2
Shelduck, 4, 2ad 2 young
Mallard, 40
Including 8 young
Cuckoo, 1, Juv
Being fed by meadow pipits
Oystercatcher, 2
On nest
Lapwing, 60
Snipe, 2
Redshank, 25
Sparrowhawk, 1
Marsh Harrier, 1
Buzzard, 3
Kestrel, 1
Swallow, 2
Willow Warbler, 2
Sedge Warbler, 2
Stonechat, 4, 2 pairs
Yellow Wagtail, 2
Meadow Pipit, 45
Reed Bunting, 15, Mainly males
Skylark, 1, (Paul Ellis)

19th June 2024

Stock Dove, 2, (RED)
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, M
Tree Sparrow, 18
9 nests with 38 eggs and young
Kestrel, 1, (RED)
Red Kite, 1, (Jonathan Platt)
To east heading north
Tufted Duck, 5, 3m, 2f, (Paul Ellis)
Little Grebe, 1
Oystercatcher, 12
Little Ringed Plover, 2
Ruff, 2, 1 s.p. male, (J C Wood)
on creek
Common Sandpiper, 5, (Paul Ellis)
Redshank, 47
Mediterranean Gull, 2, ad, 1st summer
pool on island
Common Tern, 30, 22 chicks on new platform
plus 5 adults still sitting on new platform
Cormorant, 1
Reed Bunting, 1
singing marsh south side
Swallow, 2, (Pauline Clark)
House Martin, 1
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Kestrel, 1, M
On wires near Heysmeadow House, Pilling.
Jay, 1
On bird table at Heysmeadow House.
Tree Sparrow, 20
3 pr min, 14 young, 3 nests relined.
Mute Swan, 7, 2 ads + 5 young, (Tony Sharples)
Stone banked pool
Tufted Duck, 1, m
West side pool
Little Grebe, 2, ad, juv
2 west side pools
Oystercatcher, 3
2 over south, 1 over green 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Flew over green 1
Swallow, 3
Around keepers yard
Nuthatch, 4
At least 4. Path trees 100m. north of w. side of crossing path. Probably bred in Salisbury Woodland
Pied Wagtail, 1, m
Green 1
Reed Bunting, 1, f
Stone banked pool
Swift, 1, (David Nuttall)
Swallow, 12
Cetti's Warbler, 1, singing male
Willow Warbler, 1, singing male
Sedge Warbler, 4, singing males
Blackcap, 1, singing male
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, singing male
Whitethroat, 4, singing males
Greenfinch, 4
Reed Bunting, 1, singing male
Swift, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Lapwing, 11
SE field flood
Black-headed Gull, 1, ad
Buzzard, 1
Low over barns
Sedge Warbler, 2
Tree Sparrow, 2
Mere View
Pied Wagtail, 1
SE field
Reed Bunting, 6, 6m
4 singing. Embankment reeds / east marsh
Kestrel, 1, M, (RED)
Chasing Jackdaw
Yellowhammer, 1, M singing, (RED)
On wires near Calcads Farm, Pilling.
Common Tern, 1, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
flew west over Black Bull in evening
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Great White Egret, 1, (Frank Bird)
Marshy field pool at 2:30
Barn Owl, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Perched behind Mere View

18th June 2024

Yellowhammer, 1, M singing, (RED)
Reed Warbler, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Singing, long west side pool
Eider, 8, 4m 4f, (andy myo)
Swift, 10
Avocet, 50
Common Sandpiper, 3
Marsh Harrier, 2, 2 juvs 1male juv
Kestrel, 1
Peregrine, 1, juv
House Martin, 8
Shelduck, 1, (Tony Sharples)
SE field
Shoveler, 2, m, f
Mere to SE field flood
Swift, 1
Oystercatcher, 1
SE field flood
Buzzard, 1
Shoveler, 4, Male ., (DS)
Gadwall, 8, At least 6 juveniles .
Mallard, 16, 6 fledglings .
Teal, 4, 3Male , 1Female .
Swift, 6
Stock Dove, 6
Common Sandpiper, 2
Buzzard, 1
Chiffchaff, 3
Blackcap, 0
Blackcap, 2
Whitethroat, 1
House Sparrow, 20, (Dave McGrath)
Including fledglings being fed by parents
Buzzard, 2, (RED)
Fold House Wood, Pilling.
Whitethroat, 1, M singing
Lapwing, 6, ad + 1 small young; ad + 3 small young., (J C Wood)
In dyke inland of sea wall 100yds apart - prob. from same nest.
Chiffchaff, 1, M singing, (RED)
Pear Tree Grove, Pilling
Blackcap, 1, M singing
Song Thrush, 1
Grey Heron, 2, (Paul Slade/Jol)
Around nests Alexandra Nursing Home
Sparrowhawk, 1
Moorland Road
Coal Tit, 3
ad feeding 2+ young out of the nest, Alexandra Nursing Home
Goldcrest, 1, male
singing Alexandra Nursing Home
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
Stock Dove, 1
Great Crested Grebe, 3, 2 ads + juv.
Ring-necked Parakeet, 1
Coal Tit, 1

17th June 2024

Tree Sparrow, 8, (RED)
4 nests with 20 eggs. Moss House Farm, Gulf Lane.
Little Owl, 6, M, F, (RED)
Near Eagland Hill Church.
Yellowhammer, 1, M singing
Near Eagland Hill Church
Herring Gull, 29, (Ellen Pemberton)
Lakeland Lodge roof
Shelduck, 2, (Ellen Pemberton)
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Little Egret, 2
Swallow, 5, (Ellen Pemberton)
Pied Wagtail, 1
Swift, 4, (DS)
Over point
Common Sandpiper, 1
Early bird in creek.
Barn Owl, 1
On marsh then back into trees near the farm .
Chiffchaff, 7
Blackcap, 4
Mistle Thrush, 2
Adult feeding young.
Bullfinch, 1
Heard only .
Mute Swan, 7, m, f + 5 young, (Tony Sharples)
Stone banked pool
Tufted Duck, 1, f
Pool east of practice field
Oystercatcher, 1
Practice field
Swallow, 3
Low over green 1
Swift, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Stock Dove, 6
Barn roof
Buzzard, 1
Over Mythop fields
House Martin, 4
Sedge Warbler, 2
Reed Bunting, 3, 3m
East end
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Skitham Lane
Kestrel, 2, M, F
Swift, 1, (Paul Ellis)
over Beach Road
Kestrel, 6, (RED)
Common Sandpiper, 9, (Tom Parkinson)
Rising tide
Shelduck, 24, (Tom P)
Oystercatcher, 21
Lapwing, 5
Whimbrel, 1
Curlew, 4
Common Sandpiper, 9
All birds visible at the same time on high tide around 19:30
Common Tern, 1
Flew up around Shard Bridge around 19:50, fishing
Jay, 1, (RED)
On bird table at Moss House Farm Stalmine.
Swallow, 19
Moss House Farm. Stalmine

16th June 2024

Skylark, 1, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Swift, 2, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Kestrel, 1
Corn Bunting, 1, male
Yellowhammer, 2, males
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Goosander, 6, female, 6 large juvs
on creek
Little Ringed Plover, 4, adults
pair seen mating
Redshank, 4
two plus pairs on marsh by creek
Common Tern, 30
18 live chicks on new platform (two dead)
Sparrowhawk, 1
Buzzard, 2
Meadow Pipit, 2
marsh along creek
Kestrel, 4, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Singing near waste compound
Mute Swan, 8, m, f + 6 young, (Tony Sharples)
Oystercatcher, 1
Over SE
Buzzard, 2
Over Mythop fields
Jackdaw, 2, (Dave McGrath)
Swift, 4, (Tony Sharples)
Over Four Seasons Fisheries
Sparrowhawk, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Beach Road
Kestrel, 1
over Beach Road
Tree Sparrow, 2
Beach Road, mating and going in nest box
Shelduck, 2, pair, (David Nuttall)
Shoveler, 2, pair
Swift, 4
Great White Egret, 1
feeding at main pool
Little Egret, 1
Buzzard, 4
Kestrel, 4
Swallow, 30
inc fledged juvs being fed by adults
House Martin, 20
Willow Warbler, 1, singing male
Chiffchaff, 1, singing male
Sedge Warbler, 5, singing males
Reed Warbler, 1
singing male
Blackcap, 3
singing males
Whitethroat, 2
Reed Bunting, 3, singing males
Barn Owl, 1, (Paul Slade)
Hunting 07.45
Red-legged Partridge, 2, (Paul Slade)
Ploughed field Union Lane
Stock Dove, 10
Red-legged Partridge, 1, Adult, (DS)
In freshly cut field .
Swift, 6
Hawking over marsh
Avocet, 4
West end of marsh
Redshank, 12
Harassing gulls flying overhead
Marsh Harrier, 1, Female
West end of marsh .
Buzzard, 1
Peregrine, 1
High over marsh .
Shoveler, 1, female, (Paul Slade)
Lapwing, 6, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
east end, 4 mobbing corvids
Black-headed Gull, 7
over and landing on the moss
Buzzard, 2
Kestrel, 2
Raven, 2
Willow Warbler, 4
singing in SE corner, audible from one position
Blackcap, 1
SE corner
Whitethroat, 1
singing SE corner
Meadow Pipit, 10
3+ song flighting east end and 1+ carrying food
Reed Bunting, 2
SW corner
Snow Goose, 1, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
White phase flew south calling
Swift, 53
feeding over the moss but ranging widely
Marsh Harrier, 2, 2cy birds

15th June 2024

Swift, 5, (AC)
Grey Partridge, 2, Juvenile, (DS)
On grass verge opposite entrance to Barton grange garden centre then flew into adjacent field.
Swift, 22, (AC)
Feeding over Newly mown grass fields
Mute Swan, 7, m, f + 5 young, (Tony Sharples)
Stone banked pool
Tufted Duck, 1, m
Central pool
Moorhen, 5, ad + 4 young
West side pool
Little Grebe, 4, 2 ads + Juv, ad
2 west side pools
Mistle Thrush, 1
Green 1
Pied Wagtail, 1, m
Reed Bunting, 1, m
West side pool
Shoveler, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Flew to SE field flood from the mere
Stock Dove, 11
Barn roof
Great White Egret, 1
Photographed by local late afternoon in the west end reeds, then flew north. Seen the snap
Swift, 2, (Dave McGrath)
Swift, 3, (Paul Ellis)
over Beach Road
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Beach Road
Magpie, 6, 2 ad, 4 juv
fledged family party, Beach Road
House Martin, 1
over Beach Road
Blackcap, 1
singing Beach Road
Blackbird, 4
Beach Road
House Sparrow, 10
Tree Sparrow, 2
Grey Partridge, 1, Adult, (DS)
In freshly ploughed field south of union lane .
Stock Dove, 8
In ploughed field Lancaster road
Yellowhammer, 1
Singing Lancaster road .
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, adult, (Paul Ellis)
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, (Paul Slade)
in garden Mains Lane
Chiffchaff, 1, male
singing in garden Mains Lane
Goldcrest, 1, male
Nuthatch, 1
in garden Mains Lane
Shelduck, 27, broods of 12 and 5, (Paul Ellis)
Mallard, 4
Woodpigeon, 10
Collared Dove, 3
Oystercatcher, 4
Lapwing, 11
Redshank, 2
Herring Gull, 1
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 17
Grey Heron, 2
Little Egret, 11
Sparrowhawk, 1
carrying prey
Magpie, 2
Carrion Crow, 4, two fledged juvs
Raven, 3
around pylons
Skylark, 5
one singing over marsh
Swallow, 5
Long-tailed Tit, 8, inc fledged family party
Chiffchaff, 3
two singing
Reed Warbler, 4
two singing, river bank reedbeds
Blackcap, 1
Whitethroat, 2
one singing, one carrying food
Wren, 7
singing birds
Starling, 4
Blackbird, 5
Song Thrush, 1
Robin, 4
House Sparrow, 2
Dunnock, 2
Pied Wagtail, 10, 3 ad, 7 juvs
Meadow Pipit, 1
carrying food to saltmarsh
Greenfinch, 3
one singing
Linnet, 4
Goldfinch, 5
Reed Bunting, 2, males
one singing, one carrying food
Canada Goose, 24, (Seawatch 05:30-09:30, TP, DN)
N3, S21
Greylag Goose, 13
N11, S2,
Shelduck, 7
Eider, 3
Common Scoter, 778
N 486, S 292,
Red-breasted Merganser, 6
Curlew, 2
Knot, 220
Sandwich Tern, 47
N6, S41
Manx Shearwater, 6
Gannet, 21
N 7, S 14
Cormorant, 3
Snow Goose, 50, (Jonathan Platt)
flew SE over Whitter's Lane at 0835 hrs

14th June 2024

Oystercatcher, 4, Pair with 2 young, (Bob Stinger)
Shelduck, 3, (David Nuttall)
flew into the estuary.
Eider, 14, males
single flock out of the estuary.
Oystercatcher, 50
Ringed Plover, 3
Dunlin, 3
Common Tern, 8
flew out of the estuary.
Grey Heron, 2
Little Egret, 5
Linnet, 5
Tufted Duck, 3, 2m, f, (Tony Sharples)
Central pool
Little Grebe, 1, ad
West side pool
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, ad, (Tony Sharples)
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
NW corner
Tree Sparrow, 4
Mere View
Linnet, 4
East End
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, juvenile, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
Beach Road
Kestrel, 1, (Paul Ellis)
east of Beach Road
Cattle Egret, 1, (Barry Dyson)
North over Valiants farm
Blackcap, 1, male
Singing at Valiants farm
Whitethroat, 2, Males
2 separate territories on Valiants farm. One was carrying food, the other uttering alarm call.
Mallard, 11, 3 ad, 8 juvs, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
Moorhen, 3, 2 ad, 1 juv
one on nest
Coot, 1
on nest
Great Crested Grebe, 9, 6 ad, 3 large juvs
Oystercatcher, 2
on wave breakers
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, adult
Common Tern, 50, 20+ small juvs
plus 2 dead small chicks. No predication witnessed. c. 35 nests
Cormorant, 4
Swallow, 4
two pairs + nesting under and near swing bridge
House Martin, 4
Little Egret, 2, (Bob Stinger)
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2
Carrion Crow, 6, 3 juv
Raven, 1
Swallow, 7
Chiffchaff, 3, Singing
Reed Warbler, 3, Singing
Whitethroat, 1, Singing
Blackbird, 7
Robin, 6, 2 juv
Pied Wagtail, 1
Goldfinch, 5
Reed Bunting, 3, 2 males 1 female
Shoveler, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
Gadwall, 5, 3m, 2f
Tufted Duck, 3, 2m, f
Stock Dove, 1
Collared Dove, 1
Great Crested Grebe, 3, 2 ads + juv.
Oystercatcher, 1
Golf course near NE entrance
Blackcap, 1, m
Mistle Thrush, 2
Grass east of boathouse
Swift, 7, (Paul Ellis)

13th June 2024

Buzzard, 1, (Steven Swift)
Tawny Owl, 1
Back garden birds Higher Greenfield
Jay, 1
Bullfinch, 2, m,f
Mute Swan, 8, m, f + 6 young, (Tony Sharples)
Gadwall, 2, m, f
SE field flood
Swift, 8
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Drumming, NW corner
House Martin, 12
NE of the barns, a.m.
Linnet, 3
Embankment path
Shelduck, 8, 2ad 6 small young, (Frank Bird)
Dyke flood
Stonechat, 4, male,fem 2 juv
Swift, 6, (Paul Ellis)
group over Beach Road just before rain

12th June 2024

Swift, 1, (AC)
Hobby, 1, (J C Wood)
near Abbey
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2, Male + Juv, (Pauline Clark)
Jackdaw, 1
Coal Tit, 1
Blue Tit, 2, 2Juv
Great Tit, 3, 1Adult 2Juv
Long-tailed Tit, 3
Starling, 4, 2Adult 2Juv
Blackbird, 7, 2M 2F 3Juv
Song Thrush, 1, Juv
Robin, 1, Juv
House Sparrow, 1, Male
Tree Sparrow, 2
Dunnock, 1, Juv
Greenfinch, 3, 2M 1F
Goldfinch, 4, 2 Adult 2Juv
Woodpigeon, 70, (Barry Dyson)
Fairfield farm
Cattle Egret, 3
Swift, 1, (AC)
Tufted Duck, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Central pool
Swift, 2
Over central area
Cetti's Warbler, 3, juvs
Perched side by side on a Willow branch, preening
Song Thrush, 4
Mute Swan, 8, m, f + 6 young (from 8), (Tony Sharples)
Oystercatcher, 1
SE field flood
Lapwing, 1
Over SE field
Buzzard, 1
Over SE caravan park
Coot, 4, 2 ads, 2 juvs, (Barry Dyson)
Valiants farm
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Swallow, 4
House Martin, 6
Shelduck, 31, (Tom P)
Swift, 1
Lapwing, 27
Curlew, 1
Common Sandpiper, 2
Skylark, 1
Swift, 1, (AC)

11th June 2024

Eider, 10, ad m, 7 f type, 2 small chicks, (J C Wood)
Marsh Harrier, 1, f/imm
SD445516 - over Cockerham Marsh
Canada Goose, 562, All ages, (Jeff Butcher)
Two huge flocks with many young 272 in Fairhaven tetrad, 290 in Granny's bay tetrad
Mute Swan, 6, m, f + 4 young, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Tufted Duck, 1, m
Central pool
Swift, 2
Over central area
Little Grebe, 2, ad + juv
West side pool
Coal Tit, 2
Pines by west side pool
Sedge Warbler, 1
Singing & display flight, west side pool
Buzzard, 1, (SueM)
Sitting on lamppost on new road construction
Wren, 1
Stonechat, 2, M
Dunnock, 1
Meadow Pipit, 1
Grasshopper Warbler, 1, (Janet Bramhall)
reeling- in paddock bramble east of Pauline's bench
Swift, 4, (Tony Sharples)
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Low over west end of mere
Buzzard, 2
Over Gipsy Hole Wood
Jay, 1
Low over NE field
Swift, 20, (SueM)
Flying low feeding over saltmarsh

10th June 2024

Red Kite, 1, ((from WhatsApp via J Scragg))
over M55 by Lancaster Canal
Kestrel, 1, (RED)
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2, Male + Juv, (Pauline Clark)
Great Tit, 2, Adult + Juv
Long-tailed Tit, 3
Tree Sparrow, 1
Greenfinch, 2, M & F
Goldfinch, 5, 3 Adult 2 Juv
Swift, 1, (Carol Johnston)
Little Grebe, 2
Grey Heron, 1
Skylark, 2
Swallow, 2
House Martin, 10
Reed Warbler, 1
Whitethroat, 3
1 collecting nesting material
Meadow Pipit, 1
Linnet, 2, 1 m 1f
Goldfinch, 6
Reed Bunting, 3, male
all singing
Stock Dove, 5, (Tony Sharples)
Over west
Little Grebe, 1, ad
West side pool
Linnet, 3
Around practice field pool
Shelduck, 1, (Tony Sharples)
SE field
Swift, 10
Stock Dove, 18, (RED)
On newly cultivated field, Union Lane.
Chiffchaff, 1, Singing, (RED)
At Crawley's Cross Farm.
Blue-headed Wagtail, 1, male, (Robert Pocklington)
Barn Owl, 2, (RED)
On edge of Moss

9th June 2024

Shelduck, 5, (PE/PGS webs)
Mallard, 4
Oystercatcher, 10
3+ sitting
Lapwing, 9, 6 ad, 3+ small chicks
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Skylark, 2
one carrying food
Shelduck, 34, inc 14 young in one brood, (PE/PGS webs)
Eider, 9
inc one very small young
Swift, 1
Oystercatcher, 1340
Curlew, 2
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1
House Martin, 12
Sedge Warbler, 1, male
Whitethroat, 2, males
Reed Bunting, 1, male
Shelduck, 5, (PE / PGS / WeBS)
Skylark, 3
two singing, one carrying food
Oystercatcher, 3, (PE/PGS webs)
Redshank, 6
3 x pairs, all mobbing Gulls and corvids
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 2
Little Egret, 2
Whitethroat, 1, male
Reed Bunting, 3
one singing
Snow Goose, 46, (Jonathan Platt)
Marsh Lane
Feral Pigeon, 2, (Pauline Clark)
Stock Dove, 2
Woodpigeon, 3
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, Male
Carrion Crow, 2
Blue Tit, 2
Great Tit, 2
House Martin, 2
Long-tailed Tit, 3
Starling, 5, 1 Adult 4 Juv
Blackbird, 7, 2M 2F 3 Juv
Tree Sparrow, 1
Chaffinch, 1, Male
Greenfinch, 5, M, F, 3 Juv
Goldfinch, 5, 2 Adult 3 Juv
Shelduck, 1, (PE/PGS webs)
Eider, 1, male
Whimbrel, 1
Curlew, 1
Herring Gull, 97
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 11
Grey Heron, 3
Little Egret, 3
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
Central pool
Collared Dove, 2
Over west
Blackcap, 4, 3m, f
Between NW corner pond and crossing path
Woodpigeon, 2, (Colin Mairs)
Blue Tit, 1
Great Tit, 2
Blackbird, 3, 3m
Robin, 2, 1 adult 1 juv
Dunnock, 1
Bullfinch, 1, Male
On garden feeder
Greenfinch, 4, 1m 1f 2juv
Goldfinch, 6, 2 adult 4 juv
Siskin, 1, Male
On garden sunflower feeder
Jay, 2, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, male
singing east of Little Poulton Lane
Whitethroat, 1, male
singing Fouldrey Ave
Grey Heron, 1, (G Coulburn)
Disturbed from reeds
Sedge Warbler, 3
Reed Warbler, 2
Whitethroat, 1
Reed Bunting, 1
Pheasant, 4, 3m, (Nigel Laing WeBS)
East fields
Canada Goose, 9
Mute Swan, 9, 3ad + 6young
Shoveler, 3, 2m
Mallard, 12, 7ad + 5young
Swift, 6
Feeding over Mere
Moorhen, 7
Coot, 13
Oystercatcher, 2
Black-headed Gull, 4
Herring Gull, 27
Common Tern, 2
Feeding over Mere
Grey Heron, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1
Over SW reedbed
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Over pumping station
Magpie, 7
Woodland Watch
Blue Tit, 2
Great Tit, 7
North scrub
House Martin, 3
Feeding over Mere
Cetti's Warbler, 7
Calling various locations
Willow Warbler, 2
NW scrub
Chiffchaff, 4
North scrub
Sedge Warbler, 2
Reed Warbler, 3
Reed Warbler, 2
Paulines bench
Blackcap, 1, m
North scrub
Whitethroat, 1
Paulines bench
Wren, 2
North scrub
Blackbird, 3, 2m
Song Thrush, 1
Hawthorn by FBC hide
Song Thrush, 2
North scrub
Robin, 1
NW scrub
Dunnock, 2
Pied Wagtail, 2
East fields
Chaffinch, 3, 2f
NW scrub
Greenfinch, 2, Pair
SE alders
Linnet, 5
Hawthorn East fields
Goldfinch, 5
North scrub
Reed Bunting, 11, 9m
Jay, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Flew low over NE field
Oystercatcher, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Great Black-backed Gull, 3, 2 ads, 2cy
Field west of Newton Drive Health Centre
Goldcrest, 1, male, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Singing Moreton Drive
Greylag Goose, 67, 43 ads, 24 young, (PE/PGS webs)
Mute Swan, 1
Shelduck, 12
Mallard, 5
Moorhen, 3
Coot, 4
Great Crested Grebe, 1
Oystercatcher, 7
3 sitting birds
Lapwing, 10
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Chiffchaff, 3, males
Sedge Warbler, 1, male
Reed Warbler, 6, males
Robin, 1, juv
Tree Sparrow, 1
Reed Bunting, 3, males
Shelduck, 12, (PE/PGS webs)
Mallard, 4
Moorhen, 1
Oystercatcher, 5
Herring Gull, 1
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 25
Little Egret, 7
Skylark, 1, male
Whitethroat, 1, male
Shelduck, 4, (PE/PGS webs)
Mallard, 22
Oystercatcher, 5
Lapwing, 8
Curlew, 4
Redshank, 3
Black-headed Gull, 4
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 9
Little Egret, 1
Whitethroat, 1, male
Shelduck, 8, (PE/PGS webs)
Mallard, 24
Common Scoter, 1, male
on river between Skippool & Shard Bridge
Curlew, 1
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Herring Gull, 7
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 19
Cormorant, 1
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 6
Swift, 10, (Tony Sharples)
Plus over north lake
Swallow, 3
House Martin, 6
Over north lake
Nuthatch, 1
Mistle Thrush, 6
Golf course near the clubhouse
Gadwall, 4, (archie)
first time iv"e known them to breed there
Canada Goose, 25, (LGB,SC.)
Shelduck, 1
Common Scoter, 36
11 South 25 North
Kittiwake, 153
110 South 43 North
Arctic Skua, 1
Manx Shearwater, 165
Gannet, 55
6 South 49 North
Cormorant, 3
2 South 1 North
Chiffchaff, 1, male, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
singing Highgate Lane
Greylag Goose, 2, (PE/PGS webs)
Shelduck, 42
26 ads + broods of 5,6,5+
Mallard, 14
Oystercatcher, 7
Lapwing, 1
Curlew, 1
Redshank, 3
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 37
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 2
Blackcap, 1, male
Song Thrush, 1, male
Shelduck, 8, (Carl Denton)
Overhead, Lytham Edge.
Woodpigeon, 4
Lytham Edge feed station.
Collared Dove, 1
Barn Owl, 1
Hunting along ditch to rear of caravan
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Lytham Edge feed station. Regular trips from Land Registry.
Kestrel, 1
Over field between Lytham Edge and Land Registry.
Magpie, 2
Lytham Edge feed station.
Jackdaw, 5
Rook, 7
Blue Tit, 6, 2 adult, 4 young.
Lytham Edge feed station
Great Tit, 7, (CD)
Two adult, five young
Cetti's Warbler, 2, (Carl Denton)
1 in ditch reeds to rear of caravan, 1 land registry (heard only).
Long-tailed Tit, 17, (CD)
Mixed flock of adult and young. Lytham Edge feed station.
Sedge Warbler, 1, (Carl Denton)
In ditch reeds to rear of caravan.
Blackcap, 1
In Hawthorn to rear of caravan.
Whitethroat, 1
Starling, 40, Mixed flock of adults and young
Lytham Edge feed station
Blackbird, 2, 1M 1F
Lytham Edge feed station. Feeding young in nest to rear of caravan.
Robin, 4, 2 adult, 2 young
Lytham Edge feed station
Tree Sparrow, 5, 2M 3F
Lytham Edge feed station.
Dunnock, 1
Chaffinch, 3, 1M 2F
Lytham Edge feed station
Greenfinch, 11, 5 adult, 6 young
Goldfinch, 7, 3 adult, 4 young.
Swift, 20, (Lee Harris)
Plus, around new caravan park opposite Weeton camp entrance

8th June 2024

Swift, 11, (AC)
Swift, 2, (AC)
Little Grebe, 1, ad, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Mistle Thrush, 1
Green 1
Reed Bunting, 1, m
Long west side pool
Little Egret, 1, (David Nuttall)
Buzzard, 1
Cetti's Warbler, 1, singing male
Chiffchaff, 3, singing males
Sedge Warbler, 5, singing males
Blackcap, 2, singing males
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, singing male
south of Division Lane
Whitethroat, 7, singing males
Greenfinch, 4, singing males
Swift, 3, (Tony Sharples)
Oystercatcher, 1
SE field
Sparrowhawk, 1
Over the mere
Buzzard, 1
Over east fields
Ring-necked Parakeet, 1
Over the west end
Swift, 30, (Frank Bird)
Coot, 7, 2adult, 5 newly hatched
flood west of railway
Lapwing, 39
Dyke flood
Common Sandpiper, 1
Common Tern, 2
Ream Hills Lake
House Martin, 15
Tawny Owl, 1, (RED)
Yellowhammer, 3, M, F
2 adult and 1 juv. near Benson's Farm.
Goldcrest, 1, male, (Paul Slade)
singing Sheringham Way/Moorland Rd
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, (Barry Dyson)
Uttering 'tack' alarm call at Valiants farm
Common Scoter, 65, (Len Blacow, Joe Makepeace, Steve Swift)
S 43 N22. 5.30am till 9
Kittiwake, 1, (Steven Swift)
Arctic Skua, 1
Manx Shearwater, 255
Gannet, 42
S4 N38

7th June 2024

Shelduck, 19, (David Nuttall)
Eider, 3, males
In estuary
Oystercatcher, 16
Ringed Plover, 50
Curlew, 2
Turnstone, 40
Dunlin, 60
Common Tern, 4
flew down river
Swallow, 34, (RED)
7 nests with 20 young and 10 eggs. Gulf Lane.
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Oystercatcher, 1
Green 1
Bullfinch, 1, M, (G Coulburn)
On my feeders in Orders Lane 8.15
Swift, 3, (Tony Sharples)
Great Black-backed Gull, 2, ads
Magpie, 2, (Dave McGrath)
Blue Tit, 5
Family of fledged young
Great Tit, 1
Long-tailed Tit, 12
Single flock
Chiffchaff, 3
Blackcap, 4
Wren, 6
Blackbird, 2
Female with food for nestlings, male in another part of the site
Robin, 3
Dunnock, 4
Goldfinch, 6
Family group
Starling, 8, (RED)
4 nests with 12 eggs and 4 young. 2 pr 1st clutches, 2 pr 2nd clutches.
Stock Dove, 3, 2 ad, 1 fledged juv, (Paul Ellis)
Beach Road
Kestrel, 1
over Beach Road
Buzzard, 2, M, F, (RED)
Barn Owl, 1
Mistle Thrush, 1
In tree at Smithson's Farm.
Canada Goose, 38, (David Nuttall)
single flock over
Mute Swan, 3, pair with at least 1 cygnet
Shelduck, 11
Swift, 15
Stock Dove, 3
Oystercatcher, 1
Lapwing, 12
Buzzard, 2
soaring birds
Kestrel, 2, males
Jay, 1
calling bird
Skylark, 5, singing males
Swallow, 20
House Martin, 25
Cetti's Warbler, 2, singing males
Willow Warbler, 1, singing male
Chiffchaff, 1, singing male
Sedge Warbler, 4, singing males
Reed Warbler, 1, singing male
in small patch of phragmites near golf course
Blackcap, 3, singing males
Whitethroat, 2, singing males
Chaffinch, 2, singing males
Reed Bunting, 2, singing males
Canada Goose, 24, (SC,DN.)
Greylag Goose, 5
Common Scoter, 101
70 South 31 North
Dunlin, 12
Kittiwake, 117
55 South 62 North
Manx Shearwater, 25
7 South 18 North
Gannet, 12
Cormorant, 4
1 South 3 North
Avocet, 18, (DS)
4 large fledglings on the eastern end of the marsh.
Little Egret, 10
On pools .
Marsh Harrier, 1
Western end of marsh .
Hobby, 1, Adult
Flying low west across the marsh , no sign of it landing on any of the posts .

6th June 2024

Lesser Whitethroat, 1, (John Swarbrick)
singing next to UU compound
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Little Grebe, 1, ad
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Over NW corner
House Martin, 5
Over field NE of crossing path
Mistle Thrush, 1
Green 1
Grey Heron, 1, (Paul Slade/Jol)
Sparrowhawk, 1
Alexandra Nursing Home
Goldcrest, 1, male
singing Alexandra Nursing Home
Gadwall, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Swift, 4
Black-headed Gull, 2, ads
Common Tern, 2, ads
Fishing the mere, 10.22-30, then flew SE turning south, west of Gipsy Hole Wood
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Over NE scrub
Buzzard, 1
Over Gipsy Hole Wood
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
NW corner
House Martin, 3
Willow Warbler, 1, m
Singing, SW scrub
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, m
Singing, SW field
Blue-headed Wagtail, 1, male, (Chris Piner)
landed on pools then flew south

5th June 2024

Swift, 5, (AC)
Feeding over Saltmarsh
Oystercatcher, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Hotel roof
Swallow, 6
Around the keepers yard
Swift, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Black-headed Gull, 1, ad
Common Tern, 2, ads
Fishing the mere, 18.00-18.10
Buzzard, 1
Over east fields
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Flew over NE field
House Martin, 3
Tufted Duck, 7, 6M 1F, (Tom P)
Swift, 8
Great Crested Grebe, 3
Oystercatcher, 3
Lapwing, 1
Grey Heron, 2
Sparrowhawk, 1, F
Cetti's Warbler, 2
Willow Warbler, 1
Reed Warbler, 1
Bullfinch, 1, M
Shelduck, 5, (FB,LGB,SC.)
Common Scoter, 26
21 South 5 North
Knot, 60
Sanderling, 12
Kittiwake, 77
Sandwich Tern, 1
Fulmar, 4
Gannet, 48
19 South 29 North
Cormorant, 6
1 South 5 North

4th June 2024

Tufted Duck, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Little Grebe, 1, ad
Oystercatcher, 1
Green 1
Swift, 3, (Tony Sharples)
Canada Goose, 35, (FB,SC.)
Common Scoter, 45
15 South 30 North
Kittiwake, 9
Sandwich Tern, 4
Black Guillemot, 1
Manx Shearwater, 55
19 South 36 North
Gannet, 28
18 South 10 North
Cormorant, 4
Swallow, 1

3rd June 2024

Oystercatcher, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Green 1
Mistle Thrush, 1
Grasshopper Warbler, 1, (Vincent Smith)
Shelduck, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
SE field flood
Shoveler, 2, m, f
Swift, 8
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, ad
Common Tern, 2, ads
Flew west over the embankment. Over the mere, 10.03-10.10
Buzzard, 2
1 over Gipsy Hole Wood, 1 barn area
Swallow, 2
House Martin, 4
Sedge Warbler, 1
East marsh
Tree Sparrow, 2
Mere View
Linnet, 2, m, f
East End
Shoveler, 4, 2 pair, (Frank Bird)
Gadwall, 5, 3 male
Dyke flood
Teal, 2, m/f
Swift, 16
Common Tern, 2
Ream Hills Lake
Little Egret, 1
Tufted Duck, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Four Seasons Fisheries
House Martin, 7
Low over flood by Newton Arms
Stock Dove, 5, (RED)
Feeding at bird table at West Boundary Farm.
Ring-necked Parakeet, 1
Feeding at bird table, West Boundary Farm Pilling
Song Thrush, 1
Collecting food for young, at West Boundary Farm.
Tree Sparrow, 5
Adult feeding young beneath bird table.
Barn Owl, 2, M, F, (RED)
Kestrel, 1
Canada Goose, 48, (Tom P)
Shelduck, 7
Oystercatcher, 7
Lapwing, 6
Ringed Plover, 10
Curlew, 1
Dunlin, 17
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 4
Sand Martin, 1
Swallow, 1
Barn Owl, 2, M, F, (RED)
Moss House Farm.
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, Calling
Jay, 2
Stock Dove, 3, (Dave McGrath)
1 singing N end + pair by nut sculpture
Great Crested Grebe, 3, Pr + 1 juv
Ring-necked Parakeet, 2
Blackcap, 4
Nuthatch, 3
Pr by bridges + 1 calling behind boathouse
Song Thrush, 1
Singing N end
Mistle Thrush, 2
Pr foraging on grass by boathouse
Dunnock, 1
Singing near large feeding station area

2nd June 2024

Hobby, 1, (DS)
Flying west
Siskin, 2, (Carol Johnston)
on garden bird feeders
Oystercatcher, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Green 1
Swallow, 4
Over fields NE of crossing path
Whitethroat, 1
Between paths south of hotel car park
Mistle Thrush, 1
Green 1
Swallow, 7, (Tony Sharples)
Low over west field
Barn Owl, 1, (DS)
Seen sat on fence post along Edith rigby way.
Pheasant, 3, (Tom P)
Shelduck, 2
Oystercatcher, 1
Lapwing, 6
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 4
Grey Heron, 1
Buzzard, 2
Kestrel, 1
Rook, 15
Skylark, 6
Swallow, 5
Long-tailed Tit, 2
Sedge Warbler, 3
Whitethroat, 4
Linnet, 6
Reed Bunting, 2
Great Crested Grebe, 2, ads, (Tony Sharples)
Buzzard, 1
Over Gipsy Hole Wood
Linnet, 6
Over the embankment
Continental Black-tailed Godwit, 8, 4 ad, min 4 probably 6+ juveniles, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Two broods: 2, probably 3 medium sized on north side of channel and brood of 2+, small north side
Buzzard, 1
took a wader chick avocet or lapwing
Blackcap, 1
singing west end
Whitethroat, 1
Reed Bunting, 1
Pied Wagtail, 1, ad, (Tony Sharples)
Flood by Four Seasons Fisheries
Stock Dove, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Blackcap, 1, m
Buzzard, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Circled east of Mere View Lane
Cetti's Warbler, 1, m
Singing, Mere View Lane
Gadwall, 3, 2m, (Tony Sharples)
Tufted Duck, 4, 2m
Collared Dove, 1
Singing, east Lion copse
Great Crested Grebe, 2, ads
Possibly only 1 young on female's back
Long-tailed Tit, 5
E. Lion copse
Blackcap, 3, m
Goldcrest, 1
East Lion copse
Nuthatch, 1
Mistle Thrush, 3
Grass east of boathouse
Grey Wagtail, 2, ad, juv
Fence by Heron island

1st June 2024

Tufted Duck, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Stone banked pool
Little Grebe, 1
West side pool
Raven, 2
Circled high over NW corner, 11.50-53
Grasshopper Warbler, 2, (Tony Sharples)
North side
Mute Swan, 10, m, f + 8 young, (Tony Sharples)
Shelduck, 2, m, f
SE field flood
Swift, 18
At 19.30
Stock Dove, 11
Barn roof
Oystercatcher, 2
SE field flood
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Over west end
Buzzard, 1
barn roof
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
NW corner
Jay, 1
North central scrub
Linnet, 3, 2m, f
East marsh
Canada Goose, 6, m/f 5 small young, (Frank Bird)
Ream Hills Lake
Common Tern, 2
Shoveler, 4, 3m, 1f, (Paul Ellis)
Gadwall, 2, m, f
Avocet, 6, three large juvs east end
Continental Black-tailed Godwit, 5, 4 adults, 1+ medium sized juv
One pair each side of main channel 300 yds from tip road
Buzzard, 2
Skylark, 2
singing at east end
Swift, 1, (Paul Ellis)
over the town
Buzzard, 1
Peregrine, 2
Mallard, 2, (Paul Ellis)
Moorhen, 2
Coot, 2
pair with nest
Great Crested Grebe, 8, 6 adults ,2 juvs
pair with 2 hatched young and two eggs still being incubated. 2 more pairs present
Black-headed Gull, 4
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, 2nd summer
Herring Gull, 4
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 12
Common Tern, 70
35 adults on nests. All on western wave breakers. All bar one in nest trays.
Long-tailed Tit, 4, Juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Tree Sparrow, 3
Mere View
Mute Swan, 9, m, f + 7 young, (Tony Sharples)
Gadwall, 2, m, f
Great Crested Grebe, 2, ads
Female with young on back
Ring-necked Parakeet, 2
Behind boathouse
Mistle Thrush, 1
Shelduck, 2, (LGB,SC,TP,SS.)
Common Scoter, 3238
3014 South 224 North
Red-breasted Merganser, 1
Sanderling, 35
Kittiwake, 27
Sandwich Tern, 29
22 South 7 North
Common Tern, 1
Guillemot, 2
Black Guillemot, 1
Manx Shearwater, 13
9 South 4 North
Gannet, 64
19 South 45 North
Cormorant, 22
14 South 8 North
Swallow, 6

31st May 2024

Little Grebe, 1, ad, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Spotted Flycatcher, 1, (Len Blacow)
Trees, south bank , west end
Gadwall, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
Swift, 3
Buzzard, 1
Circled over NE area
Jay, 1
North central scrub
Bullfinch, 1, m
NC Scrub / NE scrub
Oystercatcher, 4, (RED)
On cereal field, Pasture House Farm
Lapwing, 25
10 adults and 15 juv. on cereal field, Pasture House Farm.
Barn Owl, 1
Wheel Lane, Duck Street.
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, Calling
Sandfield Cottage, Fluke Hall Lane.
Swallow, 8
1 pr with eggs, 1 pr with young, 2 nests lined, Duck Street.
Swallow, 8
4 nests with ten eggs and 8 young, Fluke Hall Lane.
House Martin, 4
2 active nests, Fluke Hall Lane.
Shelduck, 7, (Tom P)
3 young
Oystercatcher, 4
Herring Gull, 12
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 19
Grey Heron, 3
Little Egret, 7
House Martin, 3

30th May 2024

Mute Swan, 10, m, f + 8 young, (Tony Sharples)
Shelduck, 1
SE field
Swift, 1
Jay, 1
Flew low into the NW corner of NE scrub and then gave a 3 note call mimicking a Golden Oriole!
Cetti's Warbler, 1, m
Singing, Mere View Lane
Tree Sparrow, 1
Mere View

29th May 2024

Swift, 3, (AC)
Swift, 4, (AC)
Around Tarn Farm
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Little Grebe, 1, ad
House Martin, 7
Over fields NE of crossing path
Cetti's Warbler, 1, m
Singing, NW corner pond east side scrub
Reed Warbler, 4
1 singing, 2 west side pools
Reed Bunting, 1, m
West side pool
Short-eared Owl, 1, (Mike Cowan)
hunting saltmarsh off Coniston Avenue am (photographed)
Mute Swan, 10, m, f + 8 young, (Tony Sharples)
Swift, 13
Great Crested Grebe, 1, ad
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, ad
House Martin, 6
Low over east end of mere
Shelduck, 3, (FB,SC.)
Eider, 2
Common Scoter, 87
68 South 19 North
Knot, 110
Kittiwake, 73
Sandwich Tern, 17
Common Tern, 2
Razorbill, 1
Manx Shearwater, 34
27 South 7 North
Gannet, 45
24 South 21 North
Cormorant, 2
2 South

28th May 2024

Kingfisher, 2, (Ashley Baines)
Mute Swan, 9, m, f + at least 7 young, (Tony Sharples)
6 young on the water, at least 1 on females back
Swift, 4
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2
NW corner

27th May 2024

Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Near Cogie Hill
Jackdaw, 6
Black Lane Head, nest with 4 young.
Kestrel, 1, F, (RED)
Near Black Barn.
Jackdaw, 1
Black Barn, Pilling
Kestrel, 1, F, (RED)
Near Sweeting's Farm, Cockerham.
Jackdaw, 6
Sweeting's Farm, nest with 4 young
Swift, 2, (Carol Johnston)
House Martin, 10
Whitethroat, 1
Goldfinch, 6
Reed Bunting, 4, male
Barn Owl, 1, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Hunting 20.15
Barn Owl, 2, M, F, (RED)
Longwood Pilling
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
Central pool
Reed Warbler, 2, m
Singing, 2 west side pools
Mute Swan, 10, m, f + 8 young, (Tony Sharples)
Buzzard, 1
Over Mythop fields
Jay, 1
Low perch near island path bench
House Martin, 3
Tree Sparrow, 1
Mere View
Linnet, 2, m, f
NW Brambles
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Lancaster road
Stock Dove, 2, (RED)
Newers Wood Pilling, nest with 2 egg's
Kestrel, 1, F
Newers Wood Pilling
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Kestrel, 1, F
Jackdaw, 0
Nest with 4 young.
Blue Tit, 0
Nest with 10 young.
Tree Sparrow, 2
Nest with 5 eggs.
Common Tern, 1, (Lee Harris)
Reed Warbler, 5
Along roughly half mile stretch of towpath, 4 singing, 1 carrying food
Greenfinch, 1, M
Mute Swan, 7, 2 adults 5 young, (Jeff Butcher)
Bred and lived on pool by YMCA Swimming Pool until 26th. Now on S Prom pools opposite Grand Hotel.
Linnet, 8
Lawn corner South Prom and Links Road. Several days.
Common Scoter, 22, (SC,RJS.)
Swift, 8
Curlew, 1
Kittiwake, 39
Sandwich Tern, 14
Great Skua, 1
Manx Shearwater, 30
22 South 8 North
Gannet, 44
28 South 16 North
Cormorant, 3
1 south 2 North
Swallow, 3
Nuthatch, 1, (Lee Harris)
Taking food to nest, near football pitch
Barn Owl, 2, M, F, (RED)
Island lane
Jackdaw, 12
Gift Hall Farm, nest with 3 young.
Buzzard, 1, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Swift, 27, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Marsh Harrier, 1, juv
Hobby, 1
Willow Warbler, 5, males
Chiffchaff, 1, male
Reed Bunting, 1, male
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Garstang Road

26th May 2024

Eider, 2, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Great Crested Grebe, 2
Ringed Plover, 10
Whimbrel, 5
Plover Scar
Turnstone, 6
Dunlin, 40
Little Stint, 2
With dunlin on rising tide from lighthouse carpark
Sedge Warbler, 1, male
singing from wire Moss Lane
Tufted Duck, 4, 2m, 2f, (Paul Ellis)
Avocet, 0, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
no count but many pairs with young on pool
Pied Wagtail, 2, male and juv
dependent fledged juv on pool
Teal, 2, males, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Swift, 3
Little Ringed Plover, 7
3 prs + 1+ yng
Dunlin, 2
Mediterranean Gull, 1, adult
Common Tern, 32
12 visible sitting on nests (11 in new 'raft'), prob 2 more pairs out of sight on islands
Whitethroat, 1, male
House Sparrow, 1
Carrying food
Oystercatcher, 750, (Bob Stinger)
Ringed Plover, 45
Knot, 850
Sanderling, 40
Dunlin, 75
Short-eared Owl, 1
Swift, 1, (Bob Stinger)
Chiffchaff, 3, Singing
Sedge Warbler, 1
Lesser Whitethroat, 1
Whitethroat, 1, Singing
Greenfinch, 3, Displaying males
Linnet, 6
Canada Goose, 251, 140 juv, (Bob Stinger)
Greylag Goose, 8, 4ad 4 juv
Mute Swan, 6, Adult
Little Egret, 1
Starling, 40, 28 young
Stock Dove, 1, male, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Coal Tit, 1
Long-tailed Tit, 10
family party
Chiffchaff, 2, males
Blackcap, 2, males
Whitethroat, 1, male
Nuthatch, 1
Song Thrush, 1
Carrying nest material
Mistle Thrush, 3
Spotted Flycatcher, 2
Whitethroat, 4, (Jonathan)
Two along sea wall, one in bramble by carpark, one in hedgerow leading to Ridge Farm.
Wheatear, 1, Female
In field by entrance to Ridge Farm
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Little Grebe, 1
Cetti's Warbler, 1, m
Singing, scrub near NW corner pond
Reed Warbler, 1
West side pool
Swift, 9, (Tony Sharples)
Stock Dove, 7
Barn roof
Grey Heron, 4, 3 ads, 2cy
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Over NE area
Buzzard, 1
Over east fields
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
NW corner
Linnet, 1, m
NE field
Little Owl, 1, (andy myo)
thames street
Kestrel, 1, male
Whitethroat, 1
Starling, 200, mostly young birds
Song Thrush, 2
Pied Wagtail, 12, 7 young
Greenfinch, 3, m f 1young
Goldfinch, 6, 4 young
Kestrel, 1, F, (RED)
Blackcap, 1, M singing
Whitethroat, 1, M singing
Oystercatcher, 6, (Bob Stinger)
Pair with 4 young
Great Black-backed Gull, 2
1 sitting on nest
Herring Gull, 130
86 sitting on nests , 21 young visible
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 65
34 sitting on nests 9 young visible
Barn Owl, 2, M, F, (RED)
Penny's Platt.
Shelduck, 3, (LGB,SC,JM.)
Common Scoter, 168
79 South 89 North
Swift, 2
Knot, 350
Sanderling, 17
Sandwich Tern, 34
Common Tern, 2
Gannet, 14
Shag, 3
Cormorant, 7
6 South 1 North
Swallow, 5
4 South 1 North
Cetti's Warbler, 2, (CD)
Lytham Edge
Chiffchaff, 1
Sedge Warbler, 2
Reed Warbler, 1
Blackcap, 1
Whitethroat, 1

25th May 2024

Willow Warbler, 5, singing males, (Malcolm Evans)
Chiffchaff, 7, 6 singing males
Sedge Warbler, 11, 9 singing males
Blackcap, 2, 2 males
one singing
Whitethroat, 8, 7 singing males
one carrying food
Reed Bunting, 8, 7 males
4 singing
Sedge Warbler, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Jackdaw, 4
2 pr with 6 young.
Willow Warbler, 2, Singing
Thompson's Fold, Eagland Hill
Chiffchaff, 1, Singing
Tree Sparrow, 16
8 nests with eggs and young.
Greenfinch, 1, Singing
Stock Dove, 3, (Paul Ellis)
one singing
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Willow Warbler, 1
Chiffchaff, 1
Blackcap, 1
Goldcrest, 1
Treecreeper, 6, 2 ad, c 4+ juvs, (PE / AC / J. Platt,)
recently fledged family party
Spotted Flycatcher, 2, (J. Platt, PE / AC)
Rose Cottage
Golden Pheasant, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Wheatear, 1, Female, (Jonathan)
Sea wall by car park
Kestrel, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Mallard, 5, 5m, (Tony Sharples)
Stone banked pool
Tufted Duck, 3, 2m
Central pool
Swift, 4
Low over west side pools
Little Grebe, 2, ads
West side pool
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 12, ads
Central green
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Low NE over SSSI hedgerow
House Martin, 1
Over NE
Cetti's Warbler, 1, m
Singing, scrub north of NW corner pond
Reed Warbler, 1, m
Singing, west side pool
Swift, 4, (Paul Ellis)
over west end of Esplanade
Swift, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Oystercatcher, 1
Buzzard, 1
Barn roof
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
NW corner
Sand Martin, 1
Pied Wagtail, 1, m
Grass near FBC hide
Linnet, 2, m, f
Sedge Warbler, 2, (Paul Ellis)
singing. One Fluke car park. One hedge one field inland
Whitethroat, 2
Avocet, 8, 4 large young, (andy myo)
Lapwing, 14, 4 young
Little Ringed Plover, 1
entrance pool
Redshank, 7, 4 fairly big young
Whitethroat, 2
Stock Dove, 6, (RED)
3 pr with eggs and young. Union Lane Out Rawcliffe
Barn Owl, 1
Union Lane.
Kestrel, 1, F
Union Lane Out Rawcliffe
Whitethroat, 1, Singing, (RED)
No 14 Water Well, New Lane, Pilling
Swift, 1, (Paul Ellis)
over screaming
Sedge Warbler, 1
singing in ditch east of Beach Road
Spotted Flycatcher, 3, (Jonathan Platt)
Siskin, 1, (Paul Slade)
calling over Moreton Drive
Raven, 1, (Paul Ellis)
calling wood to south
Whitethroat, 2
Swift, 3, (Paul Ellis)
over south end
Jay, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Mere View
Chiffchaff, 2
With food at nest site
Whitethroat, 3
Tree Sparrow, 1
Mere View
Shelduck, 11, (LGB,SC,JM,SS.)
Common Scoter, 92
54 South 38 North
Ringed Plover, 15
Knot, 94
80 South 15 North
Sanderling, 99
Kittiwake, 81
Sandwich Tern, 49
Guillemot, 2
Gannet, 35
19 South 16 North
Cormorant, 5
4 South 1 North
Hooded Crow, 1
Swallow, 51
Grey Wagtail, 1
Grey Partridge, 2, (andy myo)
one bird chased off carrion crow so may of been defending young

24th May 2024

Tufted Duck, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
Central pool
Swift, 2
Over fields NE of crossing path
Cuckoo, 1
Flew over east end of long west side pool, over the greens and past practice field pool, 18.55
Little Grebe, 1
West side pool
Swallow, 20
20+ Swallows & House Martins over fields NE of crossing path, 19.15
Pheasant, 1, f, (Nigel Laing)
Rosefinch Way garden and feeders
Swift, 3
Feral Pigeon, 4
Rosefinch Way garden and feeders
Woodpigeon, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 4, Pair and 2 young
Rosefinch Way garden and feeders
Magpie, 2
Blue Tit, 4
Great Tit, 5
Swallow, 2
Long-tailed Tit, 7
Rosefinch Way garden and feeders
Chiffchaff, 1
Blackcap, 1, m
Wren, 1
Blackbird, 2, m/f
Robin, 2
Dunnock, 2
Chaffinch, 3, 2f
Goldfinch, 4
Reed Bunting, 2, 2m
Mute Swan, 8, m, f + 6 small young, (Tony Sharples)
Gadwall, 1, m
Swift, 20
Plus at 18.10. 16 over SE corner area
Oystercatcher, 2
Over east end
Sparrowhawk, 1, m
Low past island path bench
Buzzard, 1
Over east fields
Jay, 2
1 flew low over island path, then 2 flew into NE scrub
House Martin, 6
Over east fields
Linnet, 2, m, f
NW Brambles
House Martin, 14, (Tony Sharples)
Over Four Seasons Fisheries, early evening
Sparrowhawk, 1, female, (Paul Ellis)
Beach Road
Kestrel, 1
field east of Beach Road
Little Egret, 3, (Tony Sharples)
Flying south over the windmill, turning SW over The Nook, 19.15
Cetti's Warbler, 1, m
Singing, hedge just north of Mere View
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, m
Singing, Mere View Lane hedge
Tree Sparrow, 3
Mere View
Greenfinch, 2, m, f
Eider, 1, (LGB,FB,SC.)
Common Scoter, 58
17 South 41 North
Great Crested Grebe, 2
Knot, 340
Dunlin, 55
Sandwich Tern, 24
Arctic Tern, 76
Manx Shearwater, 2
1 South 1 North
Gannet, 42
17 South 25 North
Cormorant, 13
5 South 8 North
Swallow, 2

23rd May 2024

Little Ringed Plover, 6, 4ad 2 chicks, (J C Wood)
Pool - 1pr at nest. Another ad with at least 2 small young.
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Little Grebe, 2
2 west side pools
Oystercatcher, 1
Green 1
Blackcap, 10, m
Singing, 7 from NW entrance to The Nook, 3 west side
Whitethroat, 1
Rough by south side of green 18
Song Thrush, 4
Shelduck, 1, (Tony Sharples)
SE field
Swift, 4
Pied Wagtail, 2
SE field
Linnet, 1, m
NW Brambles

21st May 2024

Buzzard, 2, (RED)
Circling over field near Aggleby's Wood.
Little Owl, 1, (RED)
Near Eagland Hill Church.
Tree Sparrow, 20
10 pr with 15 young and 12 eggs.
Spotted Flycatcher, 1, (Ash Baines)
UU compound
Swift, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Over south end
Oystercatcher, 1
Flew on to hotel roof
Swallow, 2
Over fields NE of crossing path
Long-tailed Tit, 6
Plus, east side of crossing path
Reed Warbler, 1, m
Singing, practice field pool
Blackcap, 5, m
Singing, 4 west side
Song Thrush, 5, m
Grasshopper Warbler, 1, (Janet Bramhall)
Gadwall, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Grey Heron, 4
East end of north reeds
Buzzard, 1
Over Gipsy Hole Wood
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Flew NW over west end of mere
Stonechat, 2, male,fem, (Frank Bird)
feeding young in nest
Barn Owl, 1, (Paul Ellis / Dave Hall)
flew through gardens at Beach Road at dusk
Barn Owl, 2, M, F, (RED)
Cemetery Lane, Preesall.
Whitethroat, 1, Singing
Park Cottage Farm, Preesall
Swallow, 3, (Tony Sharples)
Around Mere View
House Martin, 6
To the SE
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, m
Singing, north of Mere View
Whitethroat, 1
Tree Sparrow, 2
Mere View
Shelduck, 7, (Stewart Conroy,Frank Bird)
Common Scoter, 176
91 South 85 North
Knot, 56
Sanderling, 196
Dunlin, 15
Kittiwake, 59
Sandwich Tern, 25
Arctic Tern, 14
Razorbill, 2
Manx Shearwater, 16
10 South 6 North
Gannet, 5
Cormorant, 12
Swallow, 21

20th May 2024

Lapwing, 5, 4 ad, 1 large chick, (Paul Ellis / Dave Hall)
Buzzard, 1
Corn Bunting, 3
on wires one singing
Yellowhammer, 2, males
one singing
Jackdaw, 24, (RED)
4 pr with 16 young, Gulf Farm, Cockerham
Wigeon, 1, male, (Paul Ellis / Dave Hall)
Tufted Duck, 6, 3m, 3f
Oystercatcher, 0
at a least two nests, one in large raft with eggs. Pool
Avocet, 0
pairs with 4 young, & 2 with 3 young ea. & at least 4 others sitting visible from blind. Pool
Little Ringed Plover, 3
Common Tern, 15
10 nests in large 'raft' many with eggs. Pool
Sparrowhawk, 1
flew through Pool mobbed
Sedge Warbler, 1
singing east end of pool area
Little Owl, 1, (Paul Ellis / Dave Hall)
east of Moss Cottage. Viewed from road.
Kestrel, 1, male
Willow Warbler, 1
Yellowhammer, 1, male
Eider, 4, 3m, 1f, (Paul Ellis / Dave Hall)
on Lune
Swift, 8
over village
Avocet, 10
on Lune
Grey Heron, 4
Barn Owl, 2, M, F, (RED)
Near Fold House Farm Pilling
Swift, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Over practice field
Little Grebe, 1
West side pool
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, ad
Central green
Herring Gull, 45, 2 2nd.w.
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 12, ads
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2
Flew over practice field pool
Sand Martin, 1
Low over long west side pool
Cetti's Warbler, 1, m
Singing, scrub by practice field pool
Blackcap, 6, m
Shelduck, 1, (Tony Sharples)
SE field
Tufted Duck, 3, 2m
Swift, 4
Sand Martin, 1
Over the mere
Skylark, 1, Singing, (RED)
Over field to N of farm.
Swallow, 8
Around the farm buildings
Sedge Warbler, 1, Singing
In scrub near midden
Whitethroat, 1, Singing
Gadwall, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Flood by Four Seasons Fisheries
Buzzard, 1, (Paul Ellis / Dave Hall)
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Long-tailed Tit, 3
Blackcap, 1
Whitethroat, 1
Song Thrush, 1
Tawny Owl, 1, (RED)
Pear Tree Grove, Pilling
Kestrel, 2, M, F
Near Pear Tree Grove, Pilling
Willow Warbler, 1, Singing
Pear Tree Grove, Pilling
Chiffchaff, 1, Singing
Song Thrush, 1, Singing
Greenfinch, 1, Singing
Goldcrest, 1, male, (Paul Slade)
Singing Moreton Drive
House Martin, 12, (Tony Sharples)
To the SE
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, m
Singing, hedge north of Mere View
Tree Sparrow, 2
Mere View
Greenfinch, 2, 2m
Goldfinch, 3

19th May 2024

Osprey, 1, (Brian)
circling over
Tufted Duck, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Stone banked pool
Eider, 6, (Barry Dyson)
Common Scoter, 83
Oystercatcher, 4
Dunlin, 50
Kittiwake, 241
All north
Sandwich Tern, 7
Razorbill, 2
North. + 9 unidentified auk sp
Gannet, 13
Sea watch 6.40-9.00 12 north 1 south
Cormorant, 3
2 south, 1 north
Red Kite, 1, Juv?, (MartinG)
Seen thermalling over South Pk./Witch Wood @1455L
Jay, 1, (Tony Sharples)
NE scrub
Gadwall, 1, male, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Avocet, 12, 6 juvs (3 broods of 2)
Redshank, 0, Pair with 2 large juvs east end
Marsh Harrier, 1, (Paul Slade)
Buzzard, 5, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Kestrel, 1
Whitethroat, 1
singing east end
Reed Bunting, 1
Oystercatcher, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Flood by Four Seasons Fisheries
Swift, 3, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
over town
Moorhen, 5, 2 ad, 3 juv, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
3 juv and two eggs still in nest
Coot, 1
Great Crested Grebe, 4
inc one on nest
Black-headed Gull, 13
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, first summer
Herring Gull, 16
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 16
Common Tern, 34
27 apparent nests
Raven, 1
Swallow, 2
House Martin, 7
Sparrowhawk, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Cetti's Warbler, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Shelduck, 10, (LGB, DN, RJS, JM)
Seawatch 0530-0930 Rising / High Tide - Very Calm
Eider, 11
Common Scoter, 685
Red-breasted Merganser, 3
Grey Plover, 1
Mixed with a flock of Knot
Whimbrel, 3
Knot, 790
Sanderling, 78
Dunlin, 12
Kittiwake, 212
Sandwich Tern, 18
Guillemot, 27
Unidentified Auk Species
Red-throated Diver, 4
Fulmar, 1
Manx Shearwater, 13
Gannet, 41
Cormorant, 14
Swallow, 5

18th May 2024

Moorhen, 5, 2 ad, 3+ small juvs, (Paul Ellis)
Sedge Warbler, 2
singing between Cocker's Dyke Houses and Seafield
Wheatear, 1
sea wall
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Moss House Farm
Swallow, 12
Moss House Farm, Cockerham
Tree Sparrow, 6
3 nests with 15 young Moss House Farm Cockerham
Hobby, 2, (Jonathan Platt)
over Hall, then mobbed Buzzard
Long-tailed Tit, 3, (Pauline Clark)
Starling, 10, 5 juv
Blackbird, 6, 3M 2F 1juv
Robin, 2
House Sparrow, 1, M
Tree Sparrow, 2
Greenfinch, 2, M&F
Goldfinch, 3
Nuthatch, 2, (Paul Ellis)
Treecreeper, 1
taking food into nest
Song Thrush, 1
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Cattle Egret, 10, (Barry Dyson)
Fairfield farm
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Swift, 2
Low over long west side pool
Little Grebe, 1
West side pool
Buzzard, 1
Perched on hay bales, field NE of crossing path
Long-tailed Tit, 4
2 & 2 east side
Reed Warbler, 1
Singing, west side pool
Blackcap, 9
9m, 8 perimeter path trees
Eider, 1, male, (Barry Dyson)
Common Scoter, 25
Red-breasted Merganser, 2
Oystercatcher, 5
Whimbrel, 1
Kittiwake, 96
87 north, 9 south. Largest flock = 27
Black-headed Gull, 9, All first summers
Sandwich Tern, 12
Guillemot, 9
Gannet, 11
Watching from 7.05 to 9.40 included 4 BN Dolphins north at 7.40
Cormorant, 2
Kestrel, 1, female
Swallow, 11
10 north, 1 south
Tawny Owl, 2, MF, (JA Stinger)
Calling to each other in trees on Chapel Rd near end Eastbank at 10.30pm
Gadwall, 1, f, (Tony Sharples)
Stock Dove, 8
Barn roof
Great Crested Grebe, 2
Oystercatcher, 2
Low SE over SE corner
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Circled over SE corner
Sedge Warbler, 3
East end
Reed Bunting, 4, 3m
Lapwing, 10, (Paul Ellis)
two broods of two large young visible
Sedge Warbler, 1
singing in weedy bank by Fluke Car Park
Whitethroat, 5
Grey Heron, 6, (RED)
Benson Farm wood, Out Rawcliffe.1pr. With 3 young, 1 pr with at least 1 fledged young.
Kestrel, 1, F
On pylon near Benson's Farm, going onto nest.
Raven, 3, M, F + at least 1 young
Nest on pylon near Benson's Farm,
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, M singing
Benson's Farm
Whitethroat, 2, M singing
Bensons Farm,
Nuthatch, 9
Rawcliffe School area
Lesser Redpoll, 1, (Paul Ellis)
in tree Beach Road
Siskin, 2, m, f
Tawny Owl, 1, (RED)
Bensons Farm Out Rawcliffe
Lapwing, 4, 3 ad, 1 large young, (Paul Ellis)
Skylark, 1
Sedge Warbler, 1
Whitethroat, 2
House Martin, 14, (Tony Sharples)
To the SE, evening
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, m
Singing, west side
Whitethroat, 3
Tree Sparrow, 1
Mere View
Canada Goose, 1, (Tom Parkinson, Joe Makepeace)
Seawatch 0545-1030 Rising / High Tide - Present
Shelduck, 1
Seawatch 0545-1030 Rising / High Tide
Eider, 2, M
Common Scoter, 144
Feral Pigeon, 7
Woodpigeon, 6
Oystercatcher, 3
Ringed Plover, 18
Turnstone, 3
Knot, 710
Sanderling, 78
Dunlin, 5
Kittiwake, 173
Several groups >20+ Birds
Black-headed Gull, 7
Great Black-backed Gull, 4
Herring Gull, 107
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 34
Sandwich Tern, 47
Arctic Tern, 9
Arctic Skua, 3
2 Pale Morph
Guillemot, 8
Plus 20 Unidentified auk sp.
Razorbill, 3
Puffin, 1
Very close over millpond sea - exceptional views (for a seawatch)
Red-throated Diver, 4
Manx Shearwater, 12
Gannet, 31
Cormorant, 6
Magpie, 1
Carrion Crow, 4
Swallow, 2
Starling, 8
House Sparrow, 7
Pied Wagtail, 1

17th May 2024

Stock Dove, 2, (Pauline Clark)
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, M
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Swallow, 6, 2 pr with eggs, (RED)
Chiffchaff, 1, M singing
Nook Cottage
Lesser Whitethroat, 1, M singing
In hedge, Sandfield Cottage.
Song Thrush, 1, M singing
Nook Cottage
Tree Sparrow, 18
9 pr with eggs and young. Several sites.
Greenfinch, 1, M singing
Nook Cottage
Pheasant, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
SW rough
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f
West side pool
Swallow, 5
Around keepers yard / low over green 1
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Singing, scrub by practice field pool
Reed Warbler, 1
Singing, practice field pool
Tawny Owl, 2, MF, (JA Stinger)
Calling to each other Chapel Rd nr Eastbank Ave at midnight
Shelduck, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Flew north over east fields
Gadwall, 1, m
SE field flood
Swift, 3
Briefly over NE corner
Oystercatcher, 2
Building roof, caravan park
Pied Wagtail, 1
Flew north over east field
Tawny Owl, 4, Pr with 3 young., (RED)
Bonds Farm, Pilling
Skylark, 1, M singing
Over field near Bone Hill Farm, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 22, 11 pr with eggs and young
Bone Hill area.
Tufted Duck, 2, M, F, (RED)
On pond near Farm
Tawny Owl, 3, Pr with 2 young, (RED)
Crawley's Cross Farm Pilling.
Shelduck, 1, (Frank Bird, David Nuttall, 07:00-10:00)
Eider, 1, male
N 1.
Common Scoter, 71
N6, S65
Red-breasted Merganser, 1, male
Oystercatcher, 16
N 10, S 6.
Ringed Plover, 8
Whimbrel, 3
Knot, 50
Sanderling, 1
S 1.
Dunlin, 22
N 10, S 12
Sandwich Tern, 30
N 14, S16
Arctic Tern, 7
North in single flock
Red-throated Diver, 2
N 1, S 1.
Manx Shearwater, 8
N 6, S 2.
Gannet, 22
N 10, S 12.
Swallow, 80
N 78, S 2.
Snow Goose, 2, Adult white morph., (DS)
Birds flying north over the land registry.
Swift, 2
Avocet, 18
East end of marsh .
Marsh Harrier, 1
Buzzard, 1
Cetti's Warbler, 3
Calling behind BAE and land registry
Willow Warbler, 2
Sedge Warbler, 3
Whitethroat, 5