Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

11th January 2025

Buzzard, 1, (RED)
On tree to E of Bradshaw lane Nurseries, Pilling.
Stock Dove, 1, (RED)
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Buzzard, 1
In tree at Moss Cottage Eagland Hill, Pilling.
Barn Owl, 1
Over road near Moss Cottage Eagland Hill.
Kestrel, 1, F
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Blackbird, 17, 8 M
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Blackbird, 5, 3 M
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Robin, 3
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Tree Sparrow, 6
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 37
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Dunnock, 1
Chaffinch, 39
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 11
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Corn Bunting, 1
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Water Rail, 2, (Steven Swift)
One seen from second bridge from the canal.
Kingfisher, 1
First bridge from canal
Ring-necked Parakeet, 3
Blue Tit, 5
Great Tit, 3
Long-tailed Tit, 4
Wren, 2
Blackbird, 3
Greenfinch, 1
Goldfinch, 1
Barnacle Goose, 1, (RED)
On pasture to SE of Pilling Hall Farm, Pilling.
Pink-footed Goose, 901
On pasture to SE of Pilling Hall Farm Pilling, many more on adjacent fields.
Buzzard, 1
On hedgerow to E of Pilling Hall Farm Pilling.
Wren, 2, (Peter Rhind)
Curlew, 336, (RED)
On pasture to SE of Lane Ends, Pilling.
Black-tailed Godwit, 156
Eider, 1, male, (Sea Watch 08:00-10:00. CH, JM, DN)
Common Scoter, 258
62N, 196S
Great Crested Grebe, 2
Oystercatcher, 3
2N, 1S
Turnstone, 7
Sanderling, 3
Common Gull, 12
Red-throated Diver, 38
4N, 34S
Cormorant, 1930
1855N, 75S
Redwing, 4
Pink-footed Goose, 700, (AA)
On the marsh
Curlew, 45
Great White Egret, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Marsh Harrier, 1, f
Hen Harrier, 1, m
Peregrine, 1
Long-tailed Tit, 22
Fieldfare, 57
Redwing, 39
Song Thrush, 3
Stonechat, 1, f
Mallard, 88, (Joe Makepeace)
On or around the pond (The Dub) of which 20% was still open water.
Moorhen, 4
Black-headed Gull, 54
Common Gull, 3
Jackdaw, 1190

10th January 2025

Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 3, (Stephen Dunstan)
Pintail, 55, (AA)
Black-tailed Godwit, 85
Knot, 70
Goosander, 1, Redhead, (Paul Ellis)
on outflow bank at low tide
Lapwing, 258, (RED)
On wet pasture at Dam Side Pilling.
Golden Plover, 70
Curlew, 296
On pasture opposite Lane Ends, Pilling.
Black-tailed Godwit, 11
On wet pasture at Dam Side Pilling.
Snipe, 2
Redshank, 90
Stock Dove, 4, (RED)
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Collared Dove, 8
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Collared Dove, 13
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Buzzard, 1
Flew from tree at New Lane feeding site, Pilling.
Little Owl, 1
Raven, 1
In trees down lane from New Lane feeding site, calling loudly.
Blackbird, 12, 7 M
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Blackbird, 6, 4 M
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 14
Tree Sparrow, 32
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 14
Chaffinch, 26
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Greenfinch, 2, M, F
Greenfinch, 3, 1 M, 2 F
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Corn Bunting, 3
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Yellowhammer, 3, M, F, imm.
Red-breasted Merganser, 1, f/imm, (Dave McGrath)
Little Grebe, 1
Cormorant, 1
Shelduck, 342, (RED)
Coming onto coastal fields opposite Wheel Lane, Pilling.
Great Black-backed Gull, 2, Ad, 1st w.
Raven, 1
Coastal fields, to N of Wheel Lane junction, Pilling.
Fieldfare, 1
In tree at Sandfield Cottage Pilling.
Kestrel, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Hunting central rough
Woodpigeon, 1, (Geoff Speight)
The Coppice feeding station
Blue Tit, 4
Great Tit, 4
Blackcap, 1, F
Nuthatch, 1
Starling, 12
Blackbird, 6, 3m 3f
Robin, 2
Dunnock, 2
Chaffinch, 0
Chaffinch, 6, 3m 3f
The Coppice feeding station
Eider, 3, (Paul Ellis)
On the Wyre north of the slipway at low tide
Red-breasted Merganser, 3, 1 m, 2 f
Peregrine, 1
sat on Great Knott mussel bed at low tide
Black Redstart, 1, 1st winter male, (Sue Southward)
On slipway then coastguards , photographed
Bullfinch, 1, m, (AA)
Mute Swan, 6, (Bob Stinger)
Shoveler, 47
Gadwall, 28
Wigeon, 12
Mallard, 22
Teal, 240
Water Rail, 13
11 heard 2 seen
Moorhen, 12
Coot, 36
Woodcock, 1, (Peter Scholes)
Snipe, 2, (Bob Stinger)
Black-headed Gull, 42
Common Gull, 2
Herring Gull, 68
Bittern, 1
Flew along north reedbed 15:02
Grey Heron, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1, F
Tawny Owl, 1
Ring-necked Parakeet, 1
Cetti's Warbler, 4
Goldcrest, 1, (Peter Scholes)
Blackbird, 13, (Bob Stinger)
Fieldfare, 4, (Peter Scholes)
Redwing, 1, (Bob Stinger)
Song Thrush, 2
Stonechat, 2, M F
Tree Sparrow, 2
Dunnock, 12
7 at once at feeding station
Reed Bunting, 1, (Peter Scholes)
Stock Dove, 26, (Tony Sharples)
16 east field wires, 3 barn roof, 7 north over east field
Water Rail, 1
Showed for 15 minutes close in to NW platform
Little Grebe, 1
Lapwing, 90
Plus, east fields
Golden Plover, 1
2nd. east field, p.m.
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1, ad
Buzzard, 2
East fields
Barn Owl, 2
Island box & barn ledge. One west over north reeds / central south scrub, 15.35
Greenfinch, 6
SE Alders
Linnet, 90
Plus, NW scrub Poplars pre-roost
Stock Dove, 4, (RED)
On potato field near Ridge Farm Pilling.
Snipe, 1
On potato field New Ridge Farm Pilling.
Buzzard, 1
On hedgerow next to wildlife field.
Skylark, 33
On weedy potato field near wildlife crop. New Ridge Farm Pilling
Chaffinch, 6
On hedgerow next to wildlife field.
Linnet, 178
On hedgerow at West boundary to wildlife crop, flock moved before fully counted.
Pink-footed Goose, 70, (Paul Ellis)
pasture west of Beach Road
Tawny Owl, 1
Beach Road
Long-tailed Tit, 7
Feeders Beach Road
Linnet, 30
Eating samphire seed at edge of beach off Beach Road
Reed Bunting, 2, m, f
Sea wall just east of Beach Road
Eider, 1, f, (Dave McGrath)
Cormorant, 50
Into bay in several groups
Pink-footed Goose, 64, (SC,DN.)
Teal, 3
Eider, 0
Common Scoter, 699
504 South 195 North (sea watch 0800-0930)
Red-breasted Merganser, 2
Great Crested Grebe, 2
Black-headed Gull, 88
Red-throated Diver, 73
69 South 4 North
Cormorant, 1430
11 South 1419 North

9th January 2025

Eider, 1, M, (Stephen Dunstan)
Red-throated Diver, 64
Cormorant, 737
Pintail, 78, (AA)
Teal, 25
Knot, 300
Collared Dove, 12, (RED)
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Collared Dove, 9
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Buzzard, 1
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, M
Kestrel, 1, F
Jay, 1
Blackbird, 14, 8 M
Robin, 2
Tree Sparrow, 23
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 38
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Dunnock, 2
Chaffinch, 14
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Greenfinch, 5, 3 M
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Sparrowhawk, 1, (Ken Green)
In garden Ullswater Avenue
Magpie, 16
In tree Ullswater Avenue
Blackbird, 7
In garden Ullswater Avenue
Goldfinch, 18
On feeders Ullswater Avenue
Raven, 1, (RED)
Over coastal fields Fluke Hall Lane, Pilling.
Redwing, 300, (Barry Dyson)
Flew off NE
Stonechat, 2, m&f
Black-tailed Godwit, 950, (RED)
On wet pasture at Pointer Corner, Preesall
Barn Owl, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Circled the pool east of zoo car park, over green 1, then over central rough at 16.00
Whooper Swan, 22, 3 juvenile, (DS)
Buzzard, 1
Merlin, 1
Peregrine, 1, Male
Chasing wood pigeons
Water Rail, 2, (Nigel Laing)
Pauline’s bench
Lapwing, 50
East fields - first time for a while
Barn Owl, 2
On barn ledge and in flight over N Scrub
Cetti's Warbler, 6
One showing on embankment - rest calling
Blackcap, 1, m
Volunteer cabins
Stock Dove, 2, (Dave McGrath)
Water Rail, 6
Little Grebe, 1
Lapwing, 3
over SW
Black-tailed Godwit, 30
Circled over mere then NW
Snipe, 3
E over embankment
Bittern, 1
From FBC Hide reeds to island reeds @12.10
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, f
Jay, 1
1 heard Office scrub then later 1 NE corner, same ?
Skylark, 3
Heard going over W
Skylark, 0
Cetti's Warbler, 5
Fieldfare, 2
Over SE
Song Thrush, 2
Robin, 10
Dunnock, 9
7 at Feeders
Chaffinch, 2
Bullfinch, 1
Greenfinch, 2
Water Rail, 2, (DS,)
Heard only
Woodcock, 1
Flew over path from staining
Bittern, 2, (DS, FB)
One seen in front of the reeds north end , one seen from the north west side by FB different locatio
Barn Owl, 1, (DS,)
Tawny Owl, 1
Cetti's Warbler, 3
At least 3 calling
Mute Swan, 7, 2 ads + 5 juvs., (Tony Sharples)
6th juv. not been around for several weeks
Stock Dove, 42
26 flew north over east field, 14.50, while 16 on wires SE of barns
Water Rail, 1
Crossed the path by the overflow bridge
Oystercatcher, 1
2nd. E. field
Lapwing, 125
Plus, mostly 2nd. east field
Golden Plover, 7
2nd. east field
Black-tailed Godwit, 100
Plus, flew north, east of Chain Lane, 14.35
Snipe, 1
West over the embankment
Common Gull, 13, ads
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, ad
Bittern, 1
Landed at west end of north reeds, then flew east along north reeds, later at 10.05
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Low through NW corner trees
Buzzard, 1
East field telegraph pole
Barn Owl, 2
Island box, barn ledge. I hunting north reeds at 15.30
Ring-necked Parakeet, 5, 1m
SW feeders
Fieldfare, 15
East field
Song Thrush, 3
Linnet, 25
Over NW scrub, pre-roost
Golden Plover, 97, (RED)
On pasture at Dam Side Pilling.
Snipe, 11
Redshank, 130
On pasture opposite Lane Ends Recreation Area, Pilling.
Tawny Owl, 1, (Kinta Beaver)
Looking out of nest box in daytime, Beach Road. Can be seen from sea wall.
Curlew, 10, (Barry Dyson)
Valiants farm
Snipe, 3
Long-tailed Tit, 5
Meadow Pipit, 1
Wigeon, 4, 4S, (Sea Watch 08:00-09:30)
Eider, 3, male with 2 females
Common Scoter, 557
330N, 227S
Oystercatcher, 10
6N, 4S
Guillemot, 4
3N, 1S
Red-throated Diver, 43
21N, 22S
Cormorant, 833
821N, 12S
Snipe, 1, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Sparrowhawk, 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Fieldfare, 6
Redwing, 1

8th January 2025

Blue Tit, 1, (Dave McGrath)
North side shrubs. My 1st here
Robin, 2
North side shrubs
Pink-footed Goose, 80, (Joe Makepeace)
19:50 Flying overhead East to West at relatively low level and illuminated by the moon.
Pink-footed Goose, 2500, (Paul Ellis)
On beach roost by 1635 hrs
Lapwing, 500, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
pasture with Golden Plover east of Pilling Lane
Golden Plover, 100
pasture with lapwings east of Pilling Lane
Little Owl, 1, (Mike Cowan)
south side
Reed Bunting, 2, male and female, (Ken Green)
In garden Ullswater Avenue
Pink-footed Goose, 100, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
on pasture behind hall. Hard to see, probably may more
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, female
Nuthatch, 1
Redwing, 5
Mistle Thrush, 2
Reed Bunting, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Marsh Harrier, 2, first winters, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
Up together over fields between road and sea wall. SD401494 to SD396499
Buzzard, 2
Wigeon, 500, (Lee harris)
Golden Plover, 98
Bar-tailed Godwit, 4
Black-tailed Godwit, 110
Dunlin, 26
Raven, 3
Pair being harassed by individual bird
Nuthatch, 1
Treecreeper, 1
Barn Owl, 1, (Mike Cowan)
Pink-footed Goose, 250, (Tony Sharples)
Plus, field NE of crossing path
Tufted Duck, 7, 4m
3 west side pools
Little Grebe, 1
West side pool
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Perched, central area
Long-tailed Tit, 5
Central area
Bullfinch, 2, m, f
Path trees near east side of crossing path
Woodpigeon, 1, (Geoff Speight)
The Coppice feeding station
Magpie, 2
Raven, 2
Flew over heading west.
Coal Tit, 2
The Coppice feeding station
Blue Tit, 4
Great Tit, 4
Long-tailed Tit, 6
Wren, 1
Starling, 4
Blackbird, 6, 3m 3f
Robin, 1
Dunnock, 2
Chaffinch, 6, 3m 3f
Lapwing, 1142, (Bob Stinger)
Larger flock of nearly 900 west of Brays Road other flock east of Road
Golden Plover, 38
In with lapwing West of Brays Road
Starling, 155
Fieldfare, 268
Brays Road
Redwing, 65
Stonechat, 2, M F
Meadow Pipit, 4
Merlin, 1, fem, (Frank Bird)
Anna's road on straw bales
Pheasant, 1, m, (Nigel Laing)
Rosefinch garden and feeders
Moorhen, 3
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Ring-necked Parakeet, 2
And another 6 flying over to Mere feeders
Blue Tit, 5
Great Tit, 7
Long-tailed Tit, 7
Blackcap, 1, m
Wren, 1
Blackbird, 2, m
Robin, 2
Dunnock, 1
Chaffinch, 4, 1m
Goldfinch, 4
Reed Bunting, 3, 2m
Shoveler, 12, (Tony Sharples)
Gadwall, 2
Wigeon, 65
Teal, 125
Goldeneye, 4, ad.m.
Stock Dove, 20
Barn roof
Water Rail, 2
Crossed over the reeds in front of NW platform
Common Gull, 1, ad
Barn Owl, 2
Island box, west facing barn ledge. 1 hunting north reeds at 3.55, 1 hunting east marsh at 4.25
Redwing, 1
Flew east from Mere View Lane hedgerow
Goldfinch, 10
SE Alders
Grey Partridge, 1, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
calling from seed crop
Stock Dove, 20
on seed crop
Woodpigeon, 400
Buzzard, 1
Skylark, 44
Stubble fields
Fieldfare, 13
in trees
Chaffinch, 10
on seed crop
Linnet, 30
Song Thrush, 1, S along cliffs, (Dave McGrath)
Whooper Swan, 20, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
On fields. Seen distantly from sea wall, probably many more.
Barn Owl, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Hunting in afternoon west of Duck Street
Common Gull, 115, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
on field east of Hi Fly
Tawny Owl, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Calling south end of Beach Road 1140 hrs
House Sparrow, 45
Beach Road feeders
Tree Sparrow, 10
Stonechat, 2, m, f, (Andrew Bradley)
In sand dunes near Coast Guards
Shoveler, 1, (
Teal, 125
Moorhen, 7
Jackdaw, 11
Rook, 3
Blackbird, 1
House Sparrow, 3
Dunnock, 1
Greenfinch, 1
Teal, 12, (David Nuttall)
pools near railway line
Lapwing, 250
Sparrowhawk, 1, male
flew over farmland
Buzzard, 3
Jay, 1
in trees near farm
Jackdaw, 300
on farmland with Rooks
Rook, 300
on farmland with Jackdaws
Raven, 4
2 pairs in dispute
Blue Tit, 4
Great Tit, 6
Long-tailed Tit, 12
mainly at feeders at the farm
Blackbird, 20
mainly around the farm
Fieldfare, 80
feeding on farmland
Redwing, 20
Song Thrush, 8
mainly around the farm
Mistle Thrush, 1
House Sparrow, 8
In hedgerow near farm
Tree Sparrow, 4
In trees near farm
Pied Wagtail, 3
Chaffinch, 25
mainly around the farm
Greenfinch, 4
Goldfinch, 12
especially on feeders at farm
Snipe, 4, (DS)
Flushed by harrier
Sparrowhawk, 1, Male
Close in along bank.
Marsh Harrier, 2
Over Warton marsh .
Hen Harrier, 1, Male
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Water Pipit, 2
Flew over calling and landed on posts near the kissing gate .
Bullfinch, 1
Heard only .

7th January 2025

Barnacle Goose, 1, (RED)
With Pink footed Geese to East of Head Farm, Bradshaw lane Pilling
Pink-footed Goose, 2000
On pasture fields to East of Head Farm Pilling
Buzzard, 1
On pole at Head Farm, Bradshaw lane Pilling.
Fieldfare, 146
On pasture to East of Head Farm Bradshaw lane Pilling.
Redwing, 8
On pasture to East of Head Farm Bradshaw lane Pilling
Pheasant, 8, 4 M, (RED)
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Stock Dove, 1
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Collared Dove, 16
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, M
Kestrel, 1, M
Near Moss Cottage Eagland Hill
Kestrel, 1, F
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Peregrine, 1, M
Flew NW over field past Northwood's Hill Farm Pilling, everything else left.
Jay, 1
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Long-tailed Tit, 16
Blackbird, 8, 4 M
Blackbird, 2, M, F
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Fieldfare, 54
In trees over New Lane feeding site, Pilling.
Robin, 1
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 4
Tree Sparrow, 32
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 200
On stubble field to East of Northwood's Hill Farm Pilling.
Chaffinch, 19
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Brambling, 12
On stubble field to East of Northwood's Hill Farm Pilling, viewed from behind farm.
Corn Bunting, 35
On wires to N of Moss Cottage Eagland Hill
Yellowhammer, 3, M, F, imm
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Yellowhammer, 1, F
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Peregrine, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Goldeneye, 2, male, (Mike Cowan)
Blackbird, 14, (Bob Stinger)
Lower lane with redwings
Redwing, 6
Lower lane with blackbirds
Ring-necked Parakeet, 8, (SAnkers)
Trees behind duck pond.
Pink-footed Goose, 1500, (Paul Ellis)
On pasture south of Throstle Nest Farm, Spread out over wide area
Mediterranean Gull, 1, Ad. W, (RED)
On pasture to N of Council yard, Head Dyke Lane Pilling.
Gadwall, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
Long west side pool
Tufted Duck, 10, 6m
3 pools
Collared Dove, 2
Over west
Little Grebe, 2
2 west side pools
Sparrowhawk, 1, m
Low past east side of practice field
Blackcap, 1, Male, (David Gove)
in garden sheraton park on feeders and apples , 12 year in a row though this latest arrival date
Pink-footed Goose, 130, (Paul Ellis)
On pasture behind the Library
Oystercatcher, 430
Curlew, 65
Redshank, 30
House Sparrow, 42, (RED)
In Privet hedge at corner of Quail Home Road, Knott End.
Pink-footed Goose, 1000, (Bob Stinger)
On pasture NW of disused fracking site
Teal, 126
Flood North of Preston New Road
Whooper Swan, 13, 1 juvenile, (DS)
Pegs lane
Green Sandpiper, 1
On flood bray’s road
Common Gull, 400
Between brays and pegs lane
Buzzard, 1
Kestrel, 1
Fieldfare, 32
Bray’s road
Redwing, 18
Woodpigeon, 42, (Bob Stinger)
Brays Road
Lapwing, 678
Curlew, 1
Black-headed Gull, 259
Common Gull, 347
Starling, 380
Redwing, 51
Brays Road
Stonechat, 1, Male
Great White Egret, 1, (DS)
On pools
Marsh Harrier, 1
Peregrine, 2, M/F
Shoveler, 5, 2m, (Tony Sharples)
Gadwall, 2, m, f
Wigeon, 2, m
Mallard, 2, m, f
Teal, 30
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f
Goldeneye, 4, ad.m.
Buzzard, 1
Over Gipsy Hole Wood
Barn Owl, 1
Island box ledge
Jay, 1
Low past SW benches / inflow reeds
Greenfinch, 2
SE corner Willows
Linnet, 125
Plus, over SE field
Greylag Goose, 39, (Frank Bird)
Dyke flood inc orange neck collar HSS
Gadwall, 17
Wigeon, 82
Shelduck, 16, (Bob Stinger)
Shoveler, 22
Wigeon, 295
Teal, 80
Lapwing, 345
Woodpigeon, 22, (Kinta Beaver)
in one garden Beach Road
Tawny Owl, 1
Roosting in nest box Beach Road
Mallard, 36, (Bob Stinger)
River by bullnose
Teal, 83
Tufted Duck, 1, M
Goosander, 21, 4 M 17 F
Moorhen, 8
Coot, 6
Great Crested Grebe, 2
Black-headed Gull, 62
Black-headed Gull, 42
River by bullnose
Herring Gull, 21
Cormorant, 4
River by bullnose
Cormorant, 16
Red-legged Partridge, 12, (David Nuttall)
in stubble field
Mute Swan, 6, 2 adults, 4 juvs
adults on main drain, juvs on pasture
Teal, 12
on main drain
Lapwing, 250
over then dropped into flooded fields
Curlew, 2
Black-tailed Godwit, 1
Snipe, 1
flushed near golf course
Grey Heron, 3
Little Egret, 1
off Cartmell Lane
Buzzard, 3
Kestrel, 2
Raven, 2
pair over, calling
Cetti's Warbler, 1
singing bird near golf course
Redwing, 30
feeding in crop field
Song Thrush, 5
Mistle Thrush, 1
Pied Wagtail, 15
feeding on and around frozen pool near waste centre
Meadow Pipit, 8, with the Pied Wagtails
Reed Bunting, 3
with the Pied Wagtails
Cormorant, 32, (Tony Sharples)
At 2.15
Shelduck, 4, (Stewart Conroy)
Teal, 3, (SC.)
Eider, 3
Common Scoter, 695
North (sea watch 0815-0945)
Great Crested Grebe, 1
Guillemot, 1
Red-throated Diver, 21
5 South 16 North
Cormorant, 956
Tawny Owl, 1, (Jol)
Flew across main road 4.50pm
Shoveler, 3, (
Teal, 45
Curlew, 1
Common Gull, 1
Grey Heron, 2
Buzzard, 1
Kestrel, 1
Jackdaw, 11
Carrion Crow, 9
Long-tailed Tit, 7
Blackbird, 2
Dunnock, 2

6th January 2025

Pink-footed Goose, 576, (Bob Stinger)
Marsh Lane on pasture
Black-headed Gull, 42
Common Gull, 112
Cattle Egret, 14
Gulf lane by Horse field west of brewery
Little Egret, 4
Gulf lane
Starling, 100
Fieldfare, 30
Wigeon, 8, (Bob Stinger)
Teal, 136
Little Grebe, 3
Redshank, 6
Greenshank, 1
Pink-footed Goose, 225, (Bob Stinger)
On pasture
Grey Heron, 2
Woods lane
Barn Owl, 2
Tufted Duck, 10, 6m, (Tony Sharples)
3 west side pools
Little Grebe, 2
West side pool
Blackbird, 14
Corner of field NE of crossing path
Redwing, 6
With the Blackbirds
Green Sandpiper, 1, (Lee Harris)
Carr lane flood
Ruff, 1, (Ashley Baines)
With redshank on ribble bank
Pink-footed Goose, 1100, (Frank Bird)
Lapwing, 1000
on winter wheat field east of new road
Peregrine, 1
on a clod in a stubble field
Pheasant, 4, 4f, (Tony Sharples)
Around SW feeders. A Fox walked past them and wasn't interested
Goldeneye, 3, ad.m.
Water Rail, 1
Called, inflow reeds
Sparrowhawk, 2
Circled together over west end of mere
Barn Owl, 1
Island box ledge
Song Thrush, 1
South bank grass
Dunnock, 5
Around SW feeders
Stock Dove, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Beach Road
Kestrel, 1
Field east of Beach Road
House Sparrow, 25
feeders Beach Road
Tree Sparrow, 18
Goosander, 25, (DS)
On river near the dock entrance
Moorhen, 4
Coot, 6
Great Crested Grebe, 5
Black-headed Gull, 2000
On dock 16.30
Bullfinch, 5, 2m, (Tony Sharples)
Bushes by west side path
Eider, 1, (SC,DN.)
Common Scoter, 1707
81 south 1626 north (sea watch 0800-1000)
Common Gull, 4
Red-throated Diver, 4
north +1 auk
Cormorant, 620
186 south 434 north
Canada Goose, 4, (
Greylag Goose, 31
Teal, 18
Curlew, 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Jackdaw, 84
Rook, 2
Carrion Crow, 2
Long-tailed Tit, 4
Mistle Thrush, 1
Mute Swan, 2, (Bob Stinger)
Moss lane
Bewick's Swan, 2
Moss lane by Clarkson Farm
Whooper Swan, 104
Moss lane
Black-headed Gull, 196
Common Gull, 236
Little Egret, 6
Moss lane
Starling, 100
Fieldfare, 30
Pied Wagtail, 12

5th January 2025

Raven, 2, (Dave McGrath)
Usual two
Pied Wagtail, 1
Meadow Pipit, 5
Hen Harrier, 1, Male, (Chris Piner)
Flew SW over Lewth lane
Cattle Egret, 10, (-)
near Wild Goose Cottage
Little Egret, 8
Fieldfare, 35
Collared Dove, 6, (RED)
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Sparrowhawk, 1, M
Moss Cottage.
Kestrel, 1, F
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Kestrel, 2
Moss Cottage.
Blue Tit, 10
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Great Tit, 6
Blackbird, 14
House Sparrow, 5, 3 M
Tree Sparrow, 109
Dunnock, 1
Chaffinch, 18
Chaffinch, 9
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Greenfinch, 8, 2M
Yellowhammer, 3, 1 M
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Robin, 3, (Ken Green)
In garden Ullswater Avenue
House Sparrow, 6, 2 male
Greenfinch, 9
In garden Ullswater Avenue
Goldfinch, 36
Reed Bunting, 3, 2 male 1 female
Pochard, 1, Male, (Peter Guy)
Sparrowhawk, 1, M, (RED)
Flew over field and landed in tall tree Fluke Hall Lane Pilling.
Buzzard, 1
On fence post on field at end of Wheel Lane, Pilling.
Dipper, 1, (J C Wood)
River Conder
Pink-footed Goose, 2050, (RED)
On wet pasture at Pointer Corner, Preesall
Curlew, 285
Black-tailed Godwit, 83
On wet field at Pointer Corner, Preesall
Buzzard, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Low south over Greenfinch Court
Sparrowhawk, 1, f, (Steven Swift)
Coal Tit, 1
Blue Tit, 6
On bird feeder
Long-tailed Tit, 4
Blackbird, 4
Bullfinch, 3, 2f, 1m
Goldfinch, 4
Feeding with siskin
Siskin, 8
Feeding on alder in garden
Fieldfare, 8, (Tony Sharples)
7 SE over the mere, 1 east over Mere View
Stock Dove, 80, (RED)
On flower field near New Ridge Farm Pilling.
Woodpigeon, 50
On wild flower field near New Ridge Farm Pilling.
Linnet, 150
On flower field near New Ridge Farm.
Reed Bunting, 3, F
On hedgerow at New Ridge, Pilling.
Golden Plover, 447, (RED)
On wet pasture Dam Side, Pilling.
Redshank, 458
On wet pasture at Dam Side, Pilling.
Pink-footed Goose, 730, (Kinta Beaver / Paul Ellis)
On pasture south of Beach Road
Curlew, 83, (Paul Ellis)
On pasture south of Beach Road
Kestrel, 1, (Paul Ellis)
on pole north side of bridge
Common Scoter, 12, (David Nuttall)
Great Crested Grebe, 1
feeding close to shore
Oystercatcher, 2
flew down the tide line
Grey Plover, 9
in wader flock
Ringed Plover, 17
Turnstone, 21
hunkered down on a snowy beach in mixed wader flock
Sanderling, 85
in wader flock
Black-headed Gull, 4
on the beach
Common Gull, 7
Herring Gull, 7
Cormorant, 175
mainly heading north
Meadow Pipit, 3
feeding on beach
Snipe, 18, (Lee Harris)
Ariel flock, went down north end of marsh
Marsh Harrier, 1
Briefly quartering then off east
Stonechat, 2, M/F
Wintering pair, at feeding station
Greenfinch, 8

4th January 2025

Kestrel, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Pink-footed Goose, 2000, (Bob Stinger)
In flight
Fieldfare, 3
Redwing, 6
Mistle Thrush, 1
Meadow Pipit, 8
Pink-footed Goose, 250, (Paul Ellis)
On pasture east of Hackensall Road
Tufted Duck, 4, 2m, (Tony Sharples)
Long west side pool
Little Grebe, 2
2 west side pools
Kingfisher, 1
NW corner pond
Buzzard, 2, (G Coulburn)
Brookwood Drive Wood being mobbed by crows
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Brookwood Drive wood
Long-tailed Tit, 10
Nuthatch, 1
Pink-footed Goose, 450, (Paul Ellis)
On pasture behind the library with sheep
Teal, 24
On wet pasture behind the library
Eider, 1, female
River off slipway
Oystercatcher, 360
On pasture behind the library
Lapwing, 55
Curlew, 68
Black-tailed Godwit, 2
Turnstone, 40
Redshank, 85
On pasture behind the library
Twite, 1
on beach by slipway
Pink-footed Goose, 875, (Bob Stinger)
Behind library
Wigeon, 60
River mouth
Oystercatcher, 240
Oystercatcher, 82
Behind. library
Lapwing, 36
Behind library
Curlew, 116
Bar-tailed Godwit, 80
South down river
Black-headed Gull, 112
Common Gull, 158
Behind library
Herring Gull, 37
Teal, 84, (Frank Bird)
flood north of Preston New Rd
Green Sandpiper, 1
Grey Wagtail, 1, (Bob Stinger)
Colwyn Avenue
Goldeneye, 3, ad.m, (Tony Sharples)
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Low over north reeds
Buzzard, 1
Hawthorn by barn
Barn Owl, 1
Island box
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Flew south over the embankment
Ring-necked Parakeet, 10
Flew SW over Rosefinch Way
Long-tailed Tit, 6
NE scrub
Stonechat, 1, m
East marsh
Linnet, 30
Down to embankment Bramble roost at 3.35
Reed Bunting, 1, f
Mere View
Shoveler, 2, (Frank Bird)
Dyke flood
Wigeon, 103
Teal, 2
Stonechat, 2
Grange old flood
Pink-footed Goose, 106, (Tom P)
Snipe, 18
18 visible, not flushed so likely significantly more
Common Gull, 46
Buzzard, 1
Tawny Owl, 1, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
Beach Road calling 1635 hrs
Goldfinch, 34, (Jol)
Moorland Gardens
Greylag Goose, 46, (RED)
On pasture at side of Preesall Flashes.
Mute Swan, 3, M, F + juv.
On pasture with Greylags
Mallard, 19, 11 M
Moorhen, 11
Coot, 6
Cormorant, 1
Magpie, 2
Blue Tit, 3
Long-tailed Tit, 7
In Willow scrub.
Wren, 3
Blackbird, 11, 6 M
Robin, 10
Dunnock, 2
Chaffinch, 4
In hedge near No 1, Preesall Flashes.
Reed Bunting, 6, 2M
In scrub near Big Hole, Preesall Flashes.
Barn Owl, 1, (Peter Rhind)
Eider, 18, (Tom P, Colin H)
Common Scoter, 3
Red-breasted Merganser, 9, 5m 4f
Oystercatcher, 34
Ringed Plover, 19
Curlew, 2
Turnstone, 121
Sanderling, 57
Purple Sandpiper, 1
Redshank, 10
Short-eared Owl, 1, (Lee Harris)
At one point seen carrying a rodent
Little Egret, 2, (Ellen Pemberton)
on golf course
Blue Tit, 10
Great Tit, 8
Long-tailed Tit, 6
Goldcrest, 1
Nuthatch, 2
Blackbird, 10
Song Thrush, 1
Shelduck, 10, (Bob Stinger)
Lapwing, 400
Golden Plover, 130
Curlew, 85
Redshank, 40
Little Egret, 1
Shoveler, 29, (Ellen Pemberton)
Gadwall, 85
Tufted Duck, 12
Black-headed Gull, 94
Cormorant, 9
Stock Dove, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Rose Gardens
Ring-necked Parakeet, 7, 2m
Tree east of Rose Garden
Coal Tit, 1
Behind the boathouse
Goldcrest, 1
Low in Rose Garden Conifer
Nuthatch, 2
Trees by west bridge
Mistle Thrush, 1
South end of cricket ground
Wigeon, 2, (SC,DN,JM,CH,TP,SS.)
Eider, 4
1 South 3 North
Common Scoter, 1851
73 South 1778 North (seawatch 0800-1000)
Goosander, 1
Great Crested Grebe, 4
Sanderling, 4
Red-throated Diver, 98
25 South 73 North
Great Northern Diver, 1
Cormorant, 335
76 South 259 North

3rd January 2025

Barn Owl, 1, (Mike Cowan)
Nickson's Farm area
Buzzard, 1, (RED)
In tree to E of Head Farm, Pilling.
Kestrel, 2, M, F
On posts Bradshaw lane Pilling.
Jackdaw, 1000
On Field to the NE of Bradshaw Lane, flew to roost at Top Plantation, Pilling, min number of other c
Barn Owl, 1, (Peter Rhind)
Collared Dove, 22, (RED)
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Sparrowhawk, 1, M
New Lane feeding site, Pilling , landed on feeding cage.
Buzzard, 1
New Lane feeding site, Pilling , chased by two crows from large Fir tree in garden.
Kestrel, 1, F
New Lane feeding site, Pilling , sitting in bush.
Skylark, 200
On stubble field to North of Northwood's Hill Farm Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 65
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 73
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 14
Chaffinch, 24
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Greenfinch, 4
Yellowhammer, 1, F
Stock Dove, 35, (Steven Swift)
Brambling, 1
Northwood farm wood
Yellowhammer, 3
Feeding station
Woodpigeon, 2, (Pauline Clark)
Collared Dove, 2
Herring Gull, 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, Male
Carrion Crow, 4
Long-tailed Tit, 8
Wren, 2
Starling, 1200
Blackbird, 1
Robin, 1
Chaffinch, 3
Greenfinch, 2
Goldfinch, 6
Redwing, 1, (Ken Green)
In garden Ullswater Avenue
Red-breasted Merganser, 5, 2m,3fem, (Frank Bird)
Marsh Harrier, 1, 1st winter, (Peter Rhind)
Woodpigeon, 3, (Joe Makepeace)
Ring-necked Parakeet, 2
Magpie, 1
Carrion Crow, 1
Blackbird, 5
Robin, 1
Dunnock, 1
Chaffinch, 1, f
Greenfinch, 2
Kestrel, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Copse west of Staining Nook
Buzzard, 1, (Steven Swift)
Little Owl, 1
Teal, 40, (David Nuttall)
flock flying along The Ribble
Lapwing, 250
around the pools
Curlew, 25
flew down the river
Redshank, 100
around the pools
Little Egret, 8
Marsh Harrier, 2, female / juv
flying along river bank
Buzzard, 1
perched bird
Merlin, 1, female
tried for a Redshank but failed
Mute Swan, 3, 1 Juv, (Joe Makepeace)
Gadwall, 2
Stock Dove, 3
Woodpigeon, 3
Water Rail, 4
Calling - separate locations
Coot, 8
Herring Gull, 26
Buzzard, 1
Over headed east being mobbed by a Crow
Barn Owl, 1
Tawny Owl, 1
Jay, 1
Carrion Crow, 4
Cetti's Warbler, 2
Long-tailed Tit, 4
Chiffchaff, 1
Calling - Adjacent to Pauline's bench.
Goldcrest, 1
Adjacent to Pauline's Bench
Blackbird, 2
Stonechat, 1, M
Adjacent to dipping pond - East End
Tree Sparrow, 3
Toad Triangle - NE Corner
Reed Bunting, 1
Greylag Goose, 9, (Bob Stinger)
Pink-footed Goose, 22
Shoveler, 4
Wigeon, 56
In from North , later 45 flew West
Water Rail, 4
Sparrowhawk, 2, M F
Tawny Owl, 1
Little Owl, 1
Small barn
Kestrel, 1
Raven, 2
Flew SE calling 08:30
Cetti's Warbler, 5, Singing
Stonechat, 2, M F
Goldfinch, 8
Reed Bunting, 1
Linnet, 75, (Tony Sharples)
Plus, over SE field
Stock Dove, 30, (RED)
On Mustard field near wildflower field New Ridge.
Linnet, 120
On Mustard field, N of farm.
Reed Bunting, 1, F
On bush at side of mustard field.
Tawny Owl, 1, (Jol)
Female calling, Moorland Gardens
Purple Sandpiper, 1, (Frank Bird)
with Turnstone
Herring Gull, 2, (Joe Makepeace)
Little Egret, 1
In dyke - my first here.
Ring-necked Parakeet, 2
Magpie, 1
Carrion Crow, 1
Blue Tit, 4
Long-tailed Tit, 2
Wren, 1
Blackbird, 3
Robin, 2
Chaffinch, 2
Goldfinch, 5
Mute Swan, 6, 2 adults , 4 juvs, (David Nuttall)
Adults on main drain. Juvs on main pool
Teal, 60
Along main drain
Stock Dove, 2
Oystercatcher, 1
near main pool
Lapwing, 500
High over Peg's Lane. c100 later near main pool
Black-tailed Godwit, 3
near main pool
Black-headed Gull, 60
with Common Gulls
Common Gull, 700
on flooded fields near Morris Bridge Hall Farm
Herring Gull, 9
with Common Gulls
Grey Heron, 4
Little Egret, 2
in field off Cartmell Lane
Sparrowhawk, 1, female
zipped down Cartmell Lane
Buzzard, 3
perched up in trees or on fence posts
Kestrel, 2, both males
over stubble field
Fieldfare, 18
Flew from trees at Eastham Hall
Song Thrush, 2
off Cartmell Lane
Stonechat, 1, male
In scrub off Cartmell Lane
Chaffinch, 5
In trees at Eastham Hall
Woodcock, 1, (Bob Stinger)
Tawny Owl, 1
Blackbird, 5
Canada Goose, 2, (Joe Makepeace)
Greylag Goose, 8
Mute Swan, 39, 15 Juv
Shoveler, 18
Gadwall, 86
Mallard, 40
Tufted Duck, 57, 33m
Feral Pigeon, 54
Woodpigeon, 3
Moorhen, 22
Coot, 27
Little Grebe, 1
Black-headed Gull, 82
19 Ringed Birds Blue Left Leg, Metal Right Leg Blue 248T, 250E, 228T and 224E
Herring Gull, 42
Cormorant, 29
Grey Heron, 1
Ring-necked Parakeet, 8
Magpie, 7
Jackdaw, 4
Carrion Crow, 6
Coal Tit, 1
Blue Tit, 15
Great Tit, 17
Long-tailed Tit, 13
Goldcrest, 1
Nuthatch, 1
Blackbird, 5
Robin, 7
Dunnock, 1
Chaffinch, 3
Goldfinch, 4
Stock Dove, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Flew west over East Park Drive by Village entrance road
Common Gull, 1, ad
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, 1st. winter
Treecreeper, 1
Trees east of cafe
Shelduck, 8, (SC.)
Wigeon, 69
Eider, 8
Common Scoter, 665
58 South 607 North (Sea watch 0800-0945)
Kittiwake, 7
Common Gull, 6
Guillemot, 1
Red-throated Diver, 15
5 South 10 North
Cormorant, 665
189 South 476 North

2nd January 2025

Kingfisher, 1, (DS)
Flew over road from creek on bryning hall lane .
Spotted Redshank, 1, (Lee Harris)
Feeding in a channel as tide started to come in
Pink-footed Goose, 42, (Barry Dyson)
Green Sandpiper, 1
Blackbird, 12
Gorging on fallen apples
Fieldfare, 3
Apple eating
Greenfinch, 1, male
Woodpigeon, 22, (Ken Green)
In trees Ullswater Avenue
Sparrowhawk, 1, Immature male
In garden Ullswater Ave
Red-breasted Merganser, 1, m, (Ashley Anderton)
Little Grebe, 3, (AA)
Turnstone, 35
Grey Heron, 1
Stonechat, 1, M
Barn Owl, 2, (Mike Cowan)
Collared Dove, 3, (Barry Dyson)
By bowling green
Fieldfare, 29
At White crosses
Redwing, 5
Mistle Thrush, 1
By bowling green
Sparrowhawk, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Low over path west of The Nook NW corner
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, f
Path trees west of The Nook NW corner
Eider, 2, male, (Suesou)
Eider, 4, female
Turnstone, 38, unknown
Pink-footed Goose, 252, (Barry Dyson)
On hillside eating grass
Mute Swan, 2, M & F
Sparrowhawk, 1, Male
Kestrel, 1
Reed Bunting, 1, Female
Kestrel, 1, m, (Steven Swift)
Kestrel, 1, m
Spoonbill, 4, (DS,)
On far river edge .
Great White Egret, 2
Marsh Harrier, 3, (DS,LH)
2 on far side of the river 7th bird.
Hen Harrier, 1, Male
Merlin, 1
Stock Dove, 7, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
on farm buildings
Snipe, 1
Bittern, 1
Flew along North bank at dusk and dropped in NE corner
Sparrowhawk, 1
Barnacle Goose, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Greylag Goose, 21
Gadwall, 45
Goldeneye, 3, ad.m
Stock Dove, 13
Barn roof
Snipe, 1
Over the mere
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Low over embankment reeds
Buzzard, 1
East fields
Barn Owl, 2
1 on island box ledge and flew over east ends reeds towards dusk. 1 on barn ledge
Kestrel, 1
Hunting Mythop fields
Ring-necked Parakeet, 1, f
SW feeders
Stonechat, 2, m, f
South end of east marsh
Linnet, 72
NW scrub Poplars, pre-roost
Teal, 32, (Barry Dyson)
On flooded field by Thistleton brook
Lapwing, 250
Little Egret, 1
Buzzard, 1
Skylark, 50
In stubble field
Song Thrush, 1
Fieldfare, 7, (Frank Bird)
field west of railway
Redwing, 3
Song Thrush, 5
Stonechat, 2
Shoveler, 3, (Tony Sharples)
Four Seasons Fisheries
Purple Sandpiper, 1, (P Guy)
Short-eared Owl, 1, (Martyn King)
Teal, 5, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Water Rail, 1
Woodcock, 4
Long-tailed Tit, 6
Song Thrush, 1
Bullfinch, 1
heard only
Woodcock, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Flew over south hedge at 16.45
Reed Bunting, 1, m
Mere View
Canada Goose, 1, (Bob Stinger)
Greylag Goose, 1
Mute Swan, 42
Shoveler, 29
Gadwall, 32
Mallard, 86
Tufted Duck, 91
Moorhen, 37
Coot, 69
Black-headed Gull, 86
Common Gull, 12
Herring Gull, 44
Cormorant, 4
Grey Heron, 1
Ring-necked Parakeet, 9
Coal Tit, 1
Blue Tit, 9
Great Tit, 11
Long-tailed Tit, 7
Wren, 4
Nuthatch, 2
Treecreeper, 1
Blackbird, 5
Song Thrush, 1
Robin, 5
Pied Wagtail, 1
Wigeon, 11, (SC,JM,DN,TP.)
Teal, 6
Eider, 3
1 South 2 North
Common Scoter, 1601
144 South 1457 North
Goosander, 1
Great Crested Grebe, 3
Oystercatcher, 64
On Beach
Golden Plover, 22
Sanderling, 10
On Beach
Redshank, 1
Common Gull, 4
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 3
Red-throated Diver, 42
12 South 30 North +3 auks south
Cormorant, 382
173 South 209 North (sea watch 0800-1000)
Carrion Crow, 8
On Beach
Shelduck, 28, (Tony Sharples)
East floods
Lapwing, 14
Over south
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, ad
Flood north of Station Road
Buzzard, 2
Jay, 1
Fieldfare, 60
Redwing, 6
Song Thrush, 2
Mistle Thrush, 1
Tree Sparrow, 3
Pied Wagtail, 3
Meadow Pipit, 1
Greenfinch, 2, m, f
Cormorant, 350, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Roosting together on South Bank of Ribble
Great White Egret, 2
Marsh Harrier, 1
Buzzard, 1
Peregrine, 1
Stonechat, 2, Pair
Grey Wagtail, 1
Mallard, 8, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
100 Acre, Westby Hall Farm
Teal, 120
Stock Dove, 4
Sandhole, Westby Hall Farm
Woodpigeon, 600
Collared Dove, 1
100 Acre, Westby Hall Farm
Common Gull, 45
Meadow Bottom, Westby Hall Farm
Grey Heron, 1
100 Acre, Westby Hall Farm
Sparrowhawk, 1
Sandhole, Westby Hall Farm
Buzzard, 1
100 Acre, Westby Hall Farm
Kestrel, 1
Skylark, 1
Back of wood, Westby Hall Farm
Song Thrush, 1
Humber Wood, Westby Hall Farm
Tree Sparrow, 4
Sandhole, Westby Hall Farm
Tree Sparrow, 9
100 Acre, Westby Hall Farm
Tree Sparrow, 12
Meadow Bottom, Westby Hall Farm
Pied Wagtail, 2
Crown Hill, Westby Hall Farm
Meadow Pipit, 14
Chaffinch, 50
Sandhole, Westby Hall Farm
Brambling, 2, females
Greenfinch, 1
Linnet, 700
Goldfinch, 10
Corn Bunting, 4
100 Acre, Westby Hall Farm
Corn Bunting, 19
Sandhole, Westby Hall Farm
Yellowhammer, 8
Yellowhammer, 2
Meadow Bottom, Westby Hall Farm
Reed Bunting, 12
Reed Bunting, 2
Humber Wood, Westby Hall Farm
Reed Bunting, 5
Back of wood, Westby Hall Farm
Reed Bunting, 65
100 Acre, Westby Hall Farm
Reed Bunting, 16
Sandhole, Westby Hall Farm

1st January 2025

Great Black-backed Gull, 1, (Bob Stinger)
Herring Gull, 156
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 3
Barn Owl, 1, (Mike Cowan)
Nickson's Farm area
Pink-footed Goose, 73, (RED)
On pasture at Head Farm, Pilling.
Buzzard, 1
In tree to NE of Bradshaw lane Nurseries, Pilling.
Kestrel, 2, M, F
Near Black Barn, Pilling
Golden Plover, 110, (Paul Ellis)
Grey Plover, 180, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
High tide roost west of outflow
Bar-tailed Godwit, 120
Dunlin, 950
Mistle Thrush, 4, (Peter Rhind)
Greenshank, 1, (Ian Hartley)
Pink-footed Goose, 173, (RED)
On flooded stubble field to NE of Northwood's Hill Farm Pilling.
Collared Dove, 32
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Buzzard, 1
Flew along New Lane, Pilling.
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Kestrel, 1, M
Near Moss Cottage Eagland Hill
Jackdaw, 4
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Skylark, 162
On stubble field to the NE of Northwood's Hill Farm. Pilling.
Tree Sparrow, 36
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Tree Sparrow, 68
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 37
Chaffinch, 200
On stubble field to the NE of Northwood's Hill Farm Pilling.
Brambling, 16
To the NE of Northwood's Hill Farm, Pilling.
Greenfinch, 8
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Linnet, 142
On stubble field to the NE of Northwood's Hill Farm Pilling
Oystercatcher, 400, (David Nuttall)
high tide roost
Grey Plover, 50
Curlew, 20
Bar-tailed Godwit, 2
Knot, 150
high tide roost
Dunlin, 20
Snipe, 2
Little Egret, 1
feeding in rushes
Skylark, 4
flushed from rushes
Stonechat, 2, male & female
feeding in rushes
Meadow Pipit, 8
Linnet, 25
on the marsh
Marsh Harrier, 1, Imm/F, (RED)
NW Over coastal fields, Fluke Hall Lane, Pilling.
Buzzard, 1
Over coastal fields Fluke Hall Lane Pilling
Tufted Duck, 4, 3m, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Little Grebe, 1
Kingfisher, 1
Brief flight view over NW corner pond, then out of sight under north side trees
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
North over green 1 / zoo
Grey Plover, 210, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
High tide roost off Willow Close
Bar-tailed Godwit, 590
Knot, 2000
Dunlin, 1000
Black-headed Gull, 92, (Bob Stinger)
Common Gull, 62
Herring Gull, 196
Starling, 15
Cattle Egret, 3, (F Bird)
Grey Heron, 8, (P Shakeshaft)
Little Egret, 39
Pink-footed Goose, 1300, (Frank Bird)
Whooper decoy field
Mediterranean Gull, 1, adult
Pink-footed Goose, 62, (Bob Stinger)
10 North and 52 in East Field
Mute Swan, 3
Gadwall, 2
Mallard, 2
Teal, 44
East field and main dyke
Goldeneye, 2, Males
Water Rail, 7
Moorhen, 11
Coot, 28
Black-headed Gull, 10
Common Gull, 3
Herring Gull, 8
Buzzard, 1
Tawny Owl, 1
Little Owl, 1
Ring-necked Parakeet, 4
Magpie, 14
Jackdaw, 10
Rook, 15
Carrion Crow, 3
Blue Tit, 6
Great Tit, 7
Skylark, 1
Flew NW
Cetti's Warbler, 8, Singing males
Long-tailed Tit, 8
Wren, 3
Blackbird, 5
Robin, 5
Dunnock, 3
Meadow Pipit, 6
Flew West
Chaffinch, 9
Bullfinch, 1, Male
Linnet, 75
East field
Goldfinch, 2
Collared Dove, 1, (Tony Sharples)
SW over embankment
Snipe, 1
Over east field
Sparrowhawk, 1, m
Low over inflow reeds
Barn Owl, 1
Island box at 3pm.
Stonechat, 2, m, f
South end of east marsh, p.m.
Bewick's Swan, 2, (Andrew Cornall)
Entrance to Clark farm Moss Lane
Whooper Swan, 3, (DS)
On marsh
Great White Egret, 1
On pool
Hen Harrier, 1, Male

31st December 2024

Oystercatcher, 11, (Bob Stinger)
Grey Plover, 1
Flew East
Jackdaw, 30
Starling, 35
Song Thrush, 2
Goldfinch, 4
Moorhen, 11, (AC)
Gulf lane
Cattle Egret, 14
By horse paddock, Gulf Lane
Pheasant, 2, M, F, (RED)
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Pheasant, 1, M
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Collared Dove, 6
Moorhen, 2
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Tree Sparrow, 55
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 22
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 38
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 13, 2 M, 11 F
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Greenfinch, 3
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Shelduck, 12, (Bob Stinger)
Oystercatcher, 650
Grey Plover, 36
Curlew, 23
Bar-tailed Godwit, 170
Knot, 580
Dunlin, 45
Jack Snipe, 1
Black-headed Gull, 75
Common Gull, 20
Herring Gull, 35
Cormorant, 450
On sand bar as tide rolled in
Little Egret, 3
Skylark, 6
Stonechat, 2, Females
Meadow Pipit, 1
Canada Goose, 8, (Bob Stinger)
Mute Swan, 22
Black-headed Gull, 75
Common Gull, 9
Little Egret, 1
Pied Wagtail, 3
Shelduck, 85, (Bob Stinger)
Redshank, 95
Pied Wagtail, 4
Tufted Duck, 8, 4m, (Tony Sharples)
2 west side pools
Turnstone, 48, (Paul Ellis)
Slipway and adjacent beach
Cattle Egret, 3, (Bob Stinger)
Grey Heron, 10
Little Egret, 24
Goldeneye, 1, ad.m, (Tony Sharples)
Common Gull, 75
Plus, over and on the mere at 10.10
Pink-footed Goose, 60, (Paul Ellis)
Pasture south of Beach Road
Pink-footed Goose, 380, (Frank Bird)
Cartmell lane on pasture east railway Bridge SD382297
Whooper Swan, 14
east end Pegs Lane
Common Scoter, 2, (Bob Stinger)
Oystercatcher, 69
Sanderling, 24
Cormorant, 30
Mute Swan, 1, (Carol Johnston)
Shoveler, 2, 1m 1f
Tufted Duck, 8
Goldeneye, 7, male
Little Grebe, 2
Pink-footed Goose, 150, (DS)
On marsh .
Marsh Harrier, 3
Hen Harrier, 1, Male
Peregrine, 1, Male

30th December 2024

Cattle Egret, 14, (AC)
In horse paddock, Gulf Lane.
Black-headed Gull, 28, (Bob Stinger)
Brays Road
Common Gull, 64
Cattle Egret, 1
Kestrel, 1, Male
Peregrine, 1, Male
Jackdaw, 27
Rook, 62
Starling, 18
Oystercatcher, 32, (Bob Stinger)
Black-headed Gull, 13
Common Gull, 126
Cattle Egret, 1
With herons along entrance drive
Grey Heron, 10
Little Egret, 7
Jackdaw, 18
Rook, 92
Starling, 25
Pink-footed Goose, 120, (David Nuttall)
Curlew, 32
feeding in stubble field
Little Egret, 3
feeding in drains
Sparrowhawk, 1, female
over near landing lights
Jackdaw, 200
feeding in stubble field
Rook, 250
Song Thrush, 1
Grey Wagtail, 1, male
flew from drain
Greenfinch, 4
single flock
Linnet, 14
Goldfinch, 20
single charm on Division Lane
Barnacle Goose, 1, (Bob Stinger)
Pink-footed Goose, 1535
Oystercatcher, 42
Lapwing, 1
Curlew, 20
Black-headed Gull, 7
Common Gull, 43
Herring Gull, 3
Little Egret, 3
Buzzard, 1
Jackdaw, 136
Rook, 242
Skylark, 26
Field east of radar
Linnet, 8
Pink-footed Goose, 110, (Paul Ellis)
Pasture east of Beach Road
Sparrowhawk, 1
Beach Road
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, male
Coal Tit, 1, (RED)
On sunflower feeders, Jubilee Avenue Preesall
Blue Tit, 3
House Sparrow, 4, M, F
Chaffinch, 2, F
Goldfinch, 28
Curlew, 14, (Bob Stinger)
Cartmell lane West of railway bridge
Green Sandpiper, 1
Jackdaw, 25
Rook, 26
Starling, 40
Common Scoter, 199, (SC,JM.)
189 South 10 North (sea watch 0800-0930)
Oystercatcher, 69
Common Gull, 4
Red-throated Diver, 11
7 South 4 North
Cormorant, 248
148 South 100 North

29th December 2024

Raven, 1, (RED)
In Tarn Wood, Pilling.
Brambling, 9
With Chaffinch In trees opposite Northwood's Hill Farm Pilling.
Long-tailed Tit, 10, (Ken Green)
In garden Ullswater Ave
Greenfinch, 5
Red-breasted Merganser, 2, (Janet Bramhall)
Little Grebe, 2
Cormorant, 5
Kestrel, 1, M, (RED)
Fold House Farm Pilling.
Snipe, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Circled over Greenfinch Court
Kestrel, 1, m
North over Greenfinch Court
Pink-footed Goose, 250, (Tony Sharples)
Plus, field NE of crossing path
Mute Swan, 4, 2 ads + 2 juvs
West side pool
Tufted Duck, 10, 6m
3 west side pools
Little Grebe, 3
2 west side pools
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Low over track by waste compound
Buzzard, 1
Over west side near zoo car park
Bullfinch, 1, m
Bushes by dyke west of NW corner pond
Bullfinch, 4, 2m, 2f, (Steven Swift)
Feeding on sunflower hearts in the garden
Kestrel, 1, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Twite, 14, (Susan Cooney)
on beach by slipway (photographed)
Goldeneye, 3, ad.m, (Tony Sharples)
Water Rail, 2
Called, NW corner reeds
Cormorant, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Low over east end of mere
Buzzard, 3
2 over Gipsy Hole Wood, 1 over barns area
Jay, 1
NW scrub
Shelduck, 24, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Shoveler, 14
Wigeon, 1250
Teal, 80
Snipe, 1
Grey Heron, 2
Mistle Thrush, 2
Cattle Egret, 1, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
In field opposite Millers Arms with 2 x Little Egrets
Little Egret, 2
Wigeon, 6, (SC,CH,JM,DN)
Eider, 3
Common Scoter, 823
787 South 36 North (sea watch 0800-1000)
Great Crested Grebe, 6
Turnstone, 2
Red-throated Diver, 160
146 South 14 North +1 auk north
Gannet, 2
Cormorant, 612
254 South 358 North
Whooper Swan, 2, ads, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
flooded fields to east
Shelduck, 31
Collared Dove, 6
on seed on track by farm
Lapwing, 20
flooded fields to east
Buzzard, 1
fields to east
Tree Sparrow, 4
on seed on track by farm
Chaffinch, 12
Long-tailed Tit, 11, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Pink-footed Goose, 1000, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
on the marsh, west end
Great White Egret, 1
Marsh Harrier, 3
(plus one south side)
Buzzard, 1
Kestrel, 1, male
Peregrine, 2
Stonechat, 1, female
Pink-footed Goose, 360, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
on winter wheat Broadacre
Whooper Swan, 3, Adults
over south
Wigeon, 2, m, f
pond in 100 Acre
Teal, 46
ponds in 100 Acre field
Stock Dove, 2
100 Acre
Woodpigeon, 360
100 Acre then flew to north
Woodpigeon, 100
Humber Wood
Grey Heron, 1
ponds 100 Acre
Great White Egret, 1
At ponds 100 Acre
Buzzard, 2
Humber Wood
Kestrel, 1
Meadow Bottoms
Jay, 1
Humber Wood
Jay, 1
Back of Wood
Skylark, 1
Crown Hill
Fieldfare, 40
west side of 100 Acre
Tree Sparrow, 15
100 Acre field
Tree Sparrow, 14
moving between Meadow Bottoms and Sand Hole
Grey Wagtail, 1
over Back of Wood came from farmyard
Chaffinch, 100
Sand Hole
Chaffinch, 6
100 Acre
Brambling, 1
Sand Hole (2 seen by F Bird)
Greenfinch, 2
Sand Hole
Linnet, 1200
on wires above seed crop
Goldfinch, 7
Sand Hole
Corn Bunting, 7
100 Acre field
Corn Bunting, 9
on wires Meadow Bottoms (possible same moved to Sand Hole)
Corn Bunting, 17
Sand Hole
Yellowhammer, 9
moving between Meadow Bottoms and Sand Hole
Reed Bunting, 25
Meadow Bottoms north side
Reed Bunting, 68
100 Acre field
Pink-footed Goose, 42, (Colin Hickson, Joe Makepeace)
Whooper Swan, 3, 2 Adult
Teal, 54
Across 3 ponds and one ditch
Woodpigeon, 550
Moorhen, 2
Curlew, 1
Snipe, 5
Flushed when walking through a low / boggy area of sedge and rush.
Grey Heron, 1
Buzzard, 2
Kestrel, 2
Magpie, 2
Jackdaw, 128
forming roost in large trees at southern end of Westby Road
Rook, 12
Wren, 5
Starling, 350
Blackbird, 8
Fieldfare, 200
Robin, 8
Tree Sparrow, 4
Dunnock, 4
Chaffinch, 350
Greenfinch, 1, Male
Linnet, 1200
Goldfinch, 92
Yellowhammer, 3, 1m

28th December 2024

Cattle Egret, 14, (AC)
Horse paddock Gulf Lane, & flighty
Bullfinch, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
Path trees by SE pit
Shelduck, 3, (Tony Sharples)
Flew SW over the mere
Goldeneye, 5, ad.m
Water Rail, 1
Called, NW corner reeds
Sparrowhawk, 1
Over the mere
Barn Owl, 1
Perched on ledge outside island box
Fieldfare, 1
East over north scrubs
Stonechat, 1, f
Embankment / east marsh
Goldcrest, 1, male, (Paul Slade)
Singing Moreton Drive
Goldfinch, 16, (RED)
Jubilee Avenue, Preesall
Common Scoter, 40, (Stewart Conroy, David Nuttall, Joe Makepeace)
0815-1000 Rising / High Tide (0910). Visibility reduced to <500m by fog
Great Crested Grebe, 2
Oystercatcher, 18
Redshank, 1
Black-headed Gull, 25
Herring Gull, 50
Red-throated Diver, 4
Cormorant, 22

27th December 2024

Little Owl, 1, (RED)
Tree Sparrow, 58
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Tree Sparrow, 26
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 14
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 12
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Greenfinch, 2
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Greenfinch, 8
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Greenfinch, 2
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Corn Bunting, 1
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Blackcap, 2, 1 male 1 female, (Ken Green)
In garden Ullswater Ave
Tufted Duck, 7, 3m, (Tony Sharples)
2 west side pools
Snipe, 6
Circled over central pool and almost landed in reeds
Bullfinch, 1, male
Scrub by NW corner pond
Ring-necked Parakeet, 3, (Ellen Pemberton)
over south 10.00
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Pheasant, 2, male/female, (Ellen Pemberton)
Woodland Watch
Gadwall, 3
Goldeneye, 2, males
Water Rail, 1
Bullfinch, 2, male/female
hedge at west end
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
Goldeneye, 5, ad.m
Little Grebe, 1
Common Gull, 75
Plus, a.m.
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Low over north scrubs
Barn Owl, 1
Island box
Kestrel, 1, f
Hawthorn perch at north end of east marsh
Bullfinch, 2, m, f
NE scrub
Linnet, 12
NE corner tree-top, pre-roost
Goldfinch, 14
Over NE field
Pink-footed Goose, 13, (David Nuttall)
feeding in stubble field
Shelduck, 38
flew onto main pool
Shoveler, 5
on the main pool
Gadwall, 2, male & female
Wigeon, 160
feeding on pasture
Mallard, 17
Teal, 80
Moorhen, 2
Coot, 1
Little Egret, 1
Mute Swan, 6, 2 adults & 4 juvs, (David Nuttall)
Wigeon, 84
on the main pool
Teal, 64
on the main drain
Collared Dove, 5
flew over Cartmell Lane
Snipe, 1
flushed from stubble
Buzzard, 1
sat on fence post
Kestrel, 1, female
sat on telegraph pole
Skylark, 3
feeding in stubble field
Stonechat, 1, female
in scrub off Cartmell Lane
Grey Wagtail, 1, female
at Wrea Brook farm
Meadow Pipit, 18
in a field off Cartmell Lane
Blackcap, 1, M, (John Lees)
In my Curzon Road back garden this afternoon until seen off by a robin

26th December 2024

Short-eared Owl, 1, (Malcolm Evans)
From 08:10 to 11:50 at least
Shelduck, 30, (David Nuttall)
feeding on shore
Wigeon, 300
on the river or feeding on the shore
Pintail, 49
feeding on shore
Teal, 450
feeding on the shore
Oystercatcher, 50
feeding on shore
Curlew, 2
Black-tailed Godwit, 114
Knot, 9
Dunlin, 30
Snipe, 2
dropped into the marsh
Redshank, 80
feeding on shore
Pied Wagtail, 4
Linnet, 60
White-fronted Goose, 1, (a news service)
with pinkfeet
Little Grebe, 3, (Tom P)
Cormorant, 1
Snow Bunting, 1
Flushed from dunes by a dog, flew west calling but not relocated
Pink-footed Goose, 300, (Tony Sharples)
Plus, field NE of crossing path
Tufted Duck, 8, 4m
3 west side pools
Water Rail, 1
Calling, NW corner pond
Coot, 1
West side pool
Little Grebe, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Low over path by Newton Hall caravans
Barnacle Goose, 1, (Frank Bird)
With Pinks Whooper decoy field SD351300
Pink-footed Goose, 1000
Whooper decoy field SD351300
Pheasant, 12, (Tony Sharples)
Low over east field, flushed from SE field
Pink-footed Goose, 200
Plus, SE field
Goldeneye, 5, ad.m
Stock Dove, 18
Barn roof
Snipe, 10
Circled over the mere
Buzzard, 1
Telegraph pole by dyke
Barn Owl, 1
Island box
Raven, 1
Called over Mere View area
Linnet, 100
Plus, over SE field
Goldfinch, 30
Trees near island path bench
Buzzard, 2, (I.Walker & L.Harris)
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, Male
Raven, 2
Mistle Thrush, 6
Brambling, 1, Male
With mobile mixed finch flock at entrance to Recycling Centre
Goldfinch, 20
Siskin, 5, 2 M, 3 F
Pink-footed Goose, 88, (SC.JM.)
Shelduck, 3
1 South 2 North
Eider, 3
Common Scoter, 117
South (sea watch 0815-1000)
Goosander, 3
Great Crested Grebe, 3
Oystercatcher, 4
Red-throated Diver, 6
Cormorant, 211
18 South 193 North
Woodcock, 1, (Lee Harris)
Pied Wagtail, 17
On drained flood, westby wood

25th December 2024

Black-headed Gull, 12, (Bob Stinger)
Herring Gull, 146
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 3
Pink-footed Goose, 1, (Muhummed H)
lone bird on stubble
Buzzard, 1
Kestrel, 1
Jackdaw, 60
Shelduck, 110, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
low tide
Stock Dove, 9
Around buildings
Lapwing, 1110
low tide
Snipe, 2
Cattle Egret, 3, (AC)
Nr Brewery, Gulf Lane
Pheasant, 1, (Muhummed H)
Greylag Goose, 8
Mute Swan, 4
Teal, 20
in creek
Tufted Duck, 2
Little Grebe, 3
Curlew, 1
in flight briefly calling
Redshank, 3
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1
on pool
Cormorant, 2
Little Egret, 1
Starling, 5
Brambling, 18, (Jonny Scragg)
Seed crop east of Woods Lane
Stock Dove, 2, (RED)
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Stock Dove, 1
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Collared Dove, 21
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Jay, 1
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Jay, 2
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Long-tailed Tit, 10
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Blackbird, 7, 5 M
Blackbird, 4
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Fieldfare, 1
Tree Sparrow, 42
Tree Sparrow, 67
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 22
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 7, 2 M
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Greenfinch, 3
Greenfinch, 4
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Yellowhammer, 1, F
Pheasant, 2, (Muhummed H)
Greylag Goose, 1
with Pink-footed Geese
Pink-footed Goose, 200
in stubble/pasture next to Northwoods Farm
Stock Dove, 1
Snipe, 1
flew overhead calling
Grey Heron, 1
Barn Owl, 2
both hunting over pasture near Northwoods Farm
Kestrel, 1
Raven, 2
flew overhead calling
Blue Tit, 1
Starling, 350
Blackbird, 6
Robin, 1
Chaffinch, 100
Brambling, 1, male
in trees opposite Northwoods Farm
Linnet, 70
Pink-footed Goose, 350, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
On pasture south of Hall
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Kestrel, 1, male
Skylark, 3
coastal field
Buzzard, 2, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
Over sea wall
Curlew, 112, (RED)
On wet pasture at Pointer Corner, Preesall
Mute Swan, 2, (Tom P)
Mallard, 6
Teal, 14, 10m 4f
Moorhen, 4
Coot, 1
Black-headed Gull, 28
Cormorant, 2
Grey Heron, 1
Kingfisher, 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2
Ring-necked Parakeet, 1
Long-tailed Tit, 5
Chiffchaff, 1
Non-vocal, in willows near south side
Chaffinch, 2
Goldfinch, 11
Pink-footed Goose, 1000, (SueM)
Buzzard caused flock to take flight
Whooper Swan, 3
In field with pinkfoots
Shelduck, 2
Oystercatcher, 5
Curlew, 20
In flight
Buzzard, 1
Calling as flew over field scattering pinkfoots
Carrion Crow, 100
Mixed flock of rooks and crows
Stonechat, 1, F
Goldeneye, 8, 5 ad. m, 3 f, (Tony Sharples)
Stock Dove, 30, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
on arable fields
Whooper Swan, 35, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
East of Carr House Farm
Pink-footed Goose, 650, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
On pasture south of Beach Road
Stock Dove, 2
Beach Road, one singing
Kestrel, 1, female
Beach Road
Tree Sparrow, 20, (Paul Ellis)
garden feeders Beach Road
Twite, 17, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
In with Linnets feeding on samphire seed at the edge of the saltmarsh off Beach Road.
Linnet, 40
on saltmarsh off Beach Road with Twite
Mute Swan, 2, m&f, (Barry Dyson)
On another pond
Little Grebe, 1
Valiants farm. On pond
Snipe, 8
Among vegetation by pond.
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Drumming off and on for 10 minutes
Skylark, 1
Wren, 1
Blackbird, 9
Robin, 7
Dunnock, 4
Coal Tit, 1, (RED)
Jubilee Avenue, Preesall
Chaffinch, 2, F
Goldfinch, 14
Buzzard, 1, (Browns Lane)
Goldcrest, 1
Browns Lane
Fieldfare, 15, (G Coulburn)
Browns Lane
Greenfinch, 1, (Browns Lane)

24th December 2024

Shelduck, 75, (Kinta Beaver / Paul Ellis)
Golden Plover, 1000
roost at top of beach at low tide
Pink-footed Goose, 3000, (RED)
On stubble and potato fields, to SE of Birks Farm Eagland Hill.
Whooper Swan, 4, 2 ad, 2 juv
On potato field to SE of Birks Farm Pilling.
Stock Dove, 34
On stubble field to SE of Birks Farm Eagland Hill.
Collared Dove, 20
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Sparrowhawk, 1, M
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill, caught Tree Sparrow off feeders.
Skylark, 110
On bean stubble to NE of Northwood's Hill Farm, Pilling.
Song Thrush, 2
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 36
Chaffinch, 56
Chaffinch, 800
On bean stubble field near Northwood's Farm Pilling, the whole flock left together to the SW.
Brambling, 7
In trees near Northwood's Farm Pilling
Greenfinch, 13
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Linnet, 150
On stubble to SE of Birks Farm Eagland Hill.
Greylag Goose, 4, (David Nuttall)
over south
Little Egret, 1
feeding in the marsh
Raven, 1
dropped in as being mobbed by 2 carrion crows. later flew north calling.
Stonechat, 2, male & female
feeding along the edge of the marsh
Blackcap, 2, male, (Ken Green)
In garden Ullswater Ave
Kestrel, 1, M, (RED)
In tree at Pointer Corner Preesall.
Kestrel, 1
Fold House Farm, Pilling.
Tufted Duck, 15, (Tony Sharples)
9 over NW, 6 (3m) - west side pool
Barn Owl, 1
Low over greens east of central pool, 4.50
Kestrel, 1
South over SE side
Greenfinch, 5
Path trees by zoo car park
Bar-tailed Godwit, 250, (Kinta Beaver / Paul Ellis)
flew north over R. Wyre and out to bay at low tide late afternoon
Redshank, 150
off the Esplanade low tide
Peregrine, 2, m, f
sitting on Great Knott mussel bed at low tide
Linnet, 50
Pink-footed Goose, 82, (Barry Dyson)
On grass. Didn't expect to see them back here once the new bypass opened.
Stonechat, 2, (Lee harris)
Pair, brays road
Goldeneye, 2, ad. male, (Tony Sharples)
Sparrowhawk, 1, juv male, (Kinta Beaver / Paul Ellis)
Beach Road
Tawny Owl, 2, m, f
calling Beach Road just after dark
Kestrel, 1, female
Beach Road
Tree Sparrow, 14
Common Scoter, 1222, (SC.)
South (sea watch 0800-0945
Great Crested Grebe, 7
Red-throated Diver, 54
51 South 3 North
Cormorant, 65
49 South 16 North

23rd December 2024

Buzzard, 2, (Steven Swift)
On the Western distributor road on fence posts
Kestrel, 1
Hunting verges on new M55 junction
Pied Wagtail, 2
New Essar petrol station near Bartle Hall
Buzzard, 1, (RED)
Very dark bird. Head Farm, Bradshaw lane Pilling
Kestrel, 1
Bell Farm,
Cattle Egret, 2, (AC)
In field opposite caravan park entrance, Gulf Lane
Stonechat, 2, Pair, (AC)
On Saltmarsh by CSCP
Kestrel, 1, (RED)
Moss Cottage.
Corn Bunting, 55
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Barn Owl, 1, (AC)
Moss Cottage
Blackcap, 1, male, (Ken Green)
In garden Ullswater Ave
Song Thrush, 1
Pink-footed Goose, 1000, (Paul Ellis)
North side of road
Tufted Duck, 3, 2m, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Little Grebe, 2
2 west side pools
Treecreeper, 1
Path trees at west side of Staining Nook
Coal Tit, 2, (Steven Swift)
Long-tailed Tit, 14
Bullfinch, 3, 2m,f
All birds on feeder Higher Greenfield
Pink-footed Goose, 1000, (Paul Ellis)
Sparrowhawk, 1, M, (RED)
Flew past the front of the flats, Knott End.
Twite, 5
Briefly on the beach at side of the ferry slip, Knott End.
Goldeneye, 1, male, (Tony Sharples)
Pink-footed Goose, 1350, (RED)
On fields near car park to New Ridge, Pilling.
Brambling, 2, M, (AC)
In trees opposite Northwoods Farm
Eider, 4, (sea watch 08:00-10:00. CH, JM, DN)
Common Scoter, 1147
1124N, 23S
Great Crested Grebe, 1
Red-throated Diver, 4
2N, 2S
Cormorant, 138
121N, 17S
Jay, 2, (Frank Bird)
east hedgerows
Raven, 4, Two pairs
on field to the north
Spoonbill, 2, (Andrew Myerscough)

22nd December 2024

Stock Dove, 3, (RED)
On pasture at Head Farm Bradshaw lane Pilling.
Lapwing, 388
On flooded pasture at Head Farm, Bradshaw lane Pilling
Curlew, 14
On flooded pasture at Head Farm Bradshaw lane Pilling.
Cattle Egret, 1, (Paul Slade / Paul Ellis)
Pheasant, 4, M, (RED)
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Stock Dove, 26
On stubble field near Northwood's Farm Pilling
Stock Dove, 1
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Woodpigeon, 2
Collared Dove, 7
Collared Dove, 22
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Moorhen, 1
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Buzzard, 1
Kestrel, 1
Opposite Birks Farm Pilling
Kestrel, 1, M
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Kestrel, 1, F
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Peregrine, 1
Chased Lapwing over field but missed, at New Lane Pilling.
Blue Tit, 12
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Great Tit, 9
Blackbird, 9, 6 M
Robin, 1
Tree Sparrow, 26
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 69
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Dunnock, 1
Chaffinch, 9, 2M
Chaffinch, 22
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 300
On stubble field near Northwood's Farm Farm.
Brambling, 5
On stubble field near Northwood's Farm Pilling
Greenfinch, 8, 2 M
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Greenfinch, 3, 1 M
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Shelduck, 362, (RED)
On wet field opposite Wheel Lane junction Pilling.
Barnacle Goose, 1, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
With Pinkfeet on pasture
Pink-footed Goose, 2500
On pasture between Green Dicks Lane SD382477 and Tongue's Lane SD376479
Shelduck, 30, (Paul Slade / Paul Ellis)
On fields
Rook, 120
Whooper Swan, 2, (RED)
Flew NE over Dam Side Pilling
Lapwing, 1100
On wet pasture at Dam Side, Pilling.
Golden Plover, 97
On wet pasture at Dam Side Pilling
Curlew, 87
On wet pasture at Dam Side, Pilling.
Black-tailed Godwit, 2
On wet pasture at Dam Side Pilling.
Redshank, 650
On wet pasture at Dam Side, Pilling.
Common Gull, 38
On wet pasture at Dam Side Pilling.
Canada Goose, 2, (Joe Makepeace)
Mute Swan, 41
Heavy rain throughout. 0845-1000
Shoveler, 38, 17 M
Gadwall, 83
Only counted Males as it was pouring with rain.
Wigeon, 4, 2M
Teal, 6, 3M
Tufted Duck, 18, 8M
Feral Pigeon, 11
Woodpigeon, 6
Moorhen, 3
Coot, 74
Black-headed Gull, 19
Herring Gull, 120
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 2
Cormorant, 8
Ring-necked Parakeet, 4
Magpie, 3
Jackdaw, 2
Carrion Crow, 1
Blue Tit, 3
Great Tit, 4
Long-tailed Tit, 4
Blackbird, 1, M
Robin, 2
Hybrid Atlantic Canada Goose X Greylag Goose, 4
Spoonbill, 3, 2 Juveniles with the 3rd bird to distant, (Ian Walker)
Both Juvs very close on pools east of Bank Lane and clearly associated.
Blue Tit, 5, (Joe Makepeace)
Chaffinch, 4
Siskin, 3
Trees adjacent Yeadon Way / Fence

21st December 2024

Cattle Egret, 10, (AC)
Behind Wild Goose Hall, Gulf Lane
Cattle Egret, 5, (Steve Beastall)
entrance to Lytham Hall, first field on right
Jay, 1, (Tony Sharples)
NE scrub
Kestrel, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Beach Road

20th December 2024

Barn Owl, 1, (Mike Cowen)
Nickson's Farm
Cattle Egret, 1, (AC)
In horse paddock, Gulf Lane
Collared Dove, 11, (RED)
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Moorhen, 2
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Buzzard, 2
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Blackbird, 11, 8 M min.
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Tree Sparrow, 42
Tree Sparrow, 44
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 600
On stubble field near Northwood's Farm, Pilling.
Greenfinch, 7, 3 M
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Greenfinch, 6, 2 M
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Blackcap, 1, male, (Ken Green)
In garden Ullswater Avenue
Tufted Duck, 4, 2m, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Little Grebe, 2
2 west side pools
Water Rail, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Called, NW corner reeds
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Over north scrubs
Ring-necked Parakeet, 5, 1m
SW feeders
Linnet, 100
Plus, over SE field
Kestrel, 1, (RED)
At junction with Scronkey, Pilling.
Brambling, 8, (AC)
By Northwoods Farm, with Chaffinch, Goldfinch and Greenfinch
Buzzard, 2, (G Coulburn)
Brown's Lane
Fieldfare, 40
In fields at the end of Brown's Lane
Redwing, 20
Brown's Lane
Tree Sparrow, 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, (G Coulburn)
Jay, 1
Goldcrest, 3
Nuthatch, 3
Eider, 9, (SC.DN.)
4 South 5 North
Common Scoter, 459
75 South 384 North (sea watch 0815-1000)
Red-throated Diver, 13
North +2 auks
Cormorant, 163
36 South 127 North
Whooper Swan, 6, (DS, AM)
On marsh.
Great White Egret, 1
Marsh Harrier, 6
On far side of the river 7th bird our side.
Hen Harrier, 1, Male
Buzzard, 1
Kestrel, 1, Male
Merlin, 2
Peregrine, 1
Female over river .
Reed Bunting, 24, (Lee harris)
Feeding station

19th December 2024

Whooper Swan, 45, (NJL CH)
Hillam Farm
Shelduck, 9
Wigeon, 60
Oystercatcher, 25
Curlew, 59
Falling tide
Curlew, 22
Fields Hillam Lane
Redshank, 90
Starling, 5000
Going to roost
Oystercatcher, 22, (Bob Stinger)
Curlew, 3
Shelduck, 45, (NJL CH)
Wigeon, 35
Oystercatcher, 75
Lapwing, 3000
Top of the tide
Curlew, 9
Black-tailed Godwit, 60
Knot, 1000
Dunlin, 500
Great Black-backed Gull, 3
Marsh Harrier, 1
Spooking everything - creating spectacular displays
Kestrel, 1
Pink-footed Goose, 1400, (NJL CH)
Pintail, 27, (David Nuttall)
on shore line
Oystercatcher, 160
feeding on the shore
Curlew, 1
Turnstone, 20
Redshank, 12
Linnet, 50
feeding on the shore
Mute Swan, 2, (NJL CH)
With Whoopers
Whooper Swan, 33
In fields beyond Abbey
Whooper Swan, 82
In field beyond Crook Farm
Oystercatcher, 250
Falling tide - Plover Scar
Grey Plover, 5
Ringed Plover, 5
Turnstone, 17
Dunlin, 25
Redshank, 11
Goldfinch, 6
Pink-footed Goose, 1200, (NJL CH)
In fields behind St Marks church
Pink-footed Goose, 1000
In field beyond Thompsons Fold
Whooper Swan, 2
In fields behind St Marks church
Collared Dove, 3
Thompson Fold and feeders
Buzzard, 2, In fields behind St Marks church
Buzzard, 1
Thompson Fold and feeders
Kestrel, 2
New Lane
Jackdaw, 400
In fields behind St Marks church
Blue Tit, 3
Thompson Fold and feeders
Great Tit, 4
Blackbird, 2, m/f
Robin, 2
Tree Sparrow, 45
Thompson Fold and feeders
Tree Sparrow, 30
New Lane feeders
Chaffinch, 15
Chaffinch, 10, m/f
Thompson Fold and feeders
Greenfinch, 4, 2 pairs
Greenfinch, 3
New Lane
Reed Bunting, 2, male and female, (Ken Green)
In garden Ullswater Ave on feeders and feeding in garden
Pink-footed Goose, 200, (Tony Sharples)
Plus, field NE of crossing path
Mute Swan, 5, 2 ads, 3 juvs
2 west side pools. Rejected juv. on long west side pool
Tufted Duck, 4, 2m, 2f
West side pool
Stock Dove, 7
2 flew east from NW end copse. Later 1 flew north over west side & 4 flew west over central area
Collared Dove, 2
Over west
Little Grebe, 3
2 west side pools
Cormorant, 1
Long west side pool
Grey Heron, 1
Lily pond by SW pit
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Low past the waste compound
Kingfisher, 1
Flew over path from NW corner pond to dyke by Stanley park golf course
Rook, 75
Plus, fields south of Newton Hall caravans
Long-tailed Tit, 6
Copse by green 1
Redwing, 10
Edge of field NE of crossing path
Song Thrush, 1
With the Redwings
Bullfinch, 2, m, f
Trees near east side of crossing path
Greenfinch, 4
Hedge by east side of crossing path
Goldfinch, 15
Trees by east side of crossing path
Oystercatcher, 25, (AndyRob)
Cattle Egret, 3
3 definite, possibly 2 others with Little Egrets
Little Egret, 22
Wigeon, 500, (David Nuttall)
flew up river
Pintail, 4
flew down river
Oystercatcher, 200
flew up river
Lapwing, 300
flushed by Harrier
Curlew, 15
Snipe, 3
flushed by a dog
Little Egret, 4
Marsh Harrier, 2, female / juv
along the river channel
Peregrine, 1, female
perched on a log
Skylark, 6
flushed by a dog
Starling, 140
feeding on the marsh
Bar-tailed Godwit, 800, (Paul Ellis)
High tide roost just west of Beach Road
Knot, 2000
Lapwing, 400, (NJL CH)
Low tide
Curlew, 9
Little Egret, 1
Fieldfare, 3
Redwing, 25
Chiffchaff, 1, (Lee Harris)
Passing through gardens, market street
Teal, 22, 100 acre, (Bob Stinger)
Stock Dove, 6
100 acre
Woodpigeon, 108
22 Back of wood, 86 100 acre
Kestrel, 1, Female
Sand hole
Skylark, 115
In flight big moss
Blackbird, 4
Back of wood
Fieldfare, 3
14 acre
Tree Sparrow, 2
Meadow bottoms
Pied Wagtail, 1
14 acre
Chaffinch, 44
36 sand hole, 8 meadow bottoms
Brambling, 1
Sand hole on track
Linnet, 938
682 sand hole, 256 meadow bottoms

18th December 2024

Peregrine, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Barn Owl, 1, (Mike Cowen)
Nickson's Farm
Oystercatcher, 500, (David Nuttall)
high tide roost
Grey Plover, 14
Curlew, 38
Knot, 200
flushed by high tide
Jack Snipe, 2
Snipe, 26
Little Egret, 1
Peregrine, 1, male
flew inland with prey
Skylark, 4
Cattle Egret, 4, (John Lees)
Entrance field
Grey Heron, 10
Little Egret, 26
Raven, 1
Calling from one of the woods
Mute Swan, 7, 2ad/5juv, (Nigel Laing)
Shoveler, 14
Gadwall, 5
Wigeon, 23
Mallard, 8
Teal, 17
Goldeneye, 3, 2m
Moorhen, 2
Coot, 11
Black-headed Gull, 17
Marsh Harrier, 1, f
Over north reedbed and island then flew NE
Tawny Owl, 1
Ring-necked Parakeet, 13
SW feeders
Magpie, 7
Wren, 1
Pauline’s bench
Collared Dove, 8, (David Nuttall)
all sat in same tree
Curlew, 2
in fields near North Farm
Snipe, 3
dropped onto a field near North Farm
Black-headed Gull, 200
In fields near North Farm
Common Gull, 200
Cattle Egret, 1
flew in near North Farm
Little Egret, 4
North Farm
Kestrel, 2
Fieldfare, 18
Redwing, 3
with Fieldfares
Tawny Owl, 2, (Paul Ellis)
Calling just after dark Beach Road
Common Scoter, 537, (SC.)
491 South 46 North (sea watch 0900-1000
Great Crested Grebe, 1
Kittiwake, 2
Red-throated Diver, 4
Cormorant, 106
102 South 4 North
Pink-footed Goose, 13, (DS)
On marsh
Whooper Swan, 20
Lapwing, 600
On pool
Great White Egret, 1
On pools
Marsh Harrier, 1
Hen Harrier, 1, Male
Close in flew towards the quays.
Merlin, 1
Fieldfare, 2

17th December 2024

Barn Owl, 1, (Mike Cowen)
Nickson's Farm
Kestrel, 1, (RED)
Near Birks Farm,
Corn Bunting, 20
On wires at side of road. Bradshaw lane Pilling
Cattle Egret, 14, (AC)
By Wild Goose Hall, Gulf Lane
Collared Dove, 26, (RED)
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, M
Tree Sparrow, 13
Chaffinch, 36
Bittern, 1, (Paul Darch)
Shelduck, 290, (RED)
On flooded stubble field to North at Wheel Lane junction, Pilling.
Merlin, 1
Over field by sea wall, Wheel Lane junction Pilling.
Buzzard, 1, (Andrew Bradley)
Coal Tit, 1
Nuthatch, 1
Treecreeper, 1
Curlew, 104, (RED)
On pasture at Pointer Corner Preesall
Tufted Duck, 6, 3m, 3f, (Tony Sharples)
2 pools
Little Grebe, 3
2 west side pools
Marsh Harrier, 1, fem.
Circled over pool east of zoo car park, then flew north over green 3 / north west end, 9.25
Coal Tit, 1, (Lee Harris)
Feeders, warton street
Blackcap, 1, M
In garden, Warton street
Cattle Egret, 2, (Brian Holmes)
in field next to road up to Hall
Stock Dove, 13, (Tony Sharples)
Barn roof
Water Rail, 1
Called, north reeds
Buzzard, 1
East field
Ring-necked Parakeet, 2, m, f
SW feeders
Linnet, 75
Plus, over SE field
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, (RED)
Fold House Caravan park, Pilling
Long-tailed Tit, 5
Fold House Caravan park Pilling
Chaffinch, 11
Stock Dove, 3, (Paul Ellis)
Beach Road
Buzzard, 2
Low over Beach Road
Blue Tit, 4
Beach Road
Long-tailed Tit, 7
Grey Wagtail, 1
Garden pond Beach Road
Kestrel, 1, (RED)
Near Crook a breast Farm.

16th December 2024

Kestrel, 1, M, (RED)
Hunting at front of Bone Hill Farm.
Fieldfare, 45
On stubble field near Bone Hill, Farm.
Cattle Egret, 14, (RED)
On pasture at Goose Hall, Gulf Lane, later 12 moved onto Maize stubble field to South
Little Egret, 4
On pasture at Goose Hall, Gulf Lane, later 2 moved onto Maize stubble field to South
Curlew, 110, (RED)
On pasture at Dam Side Pilling
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, M, (RED)
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Tree Sparrow, 65
Red-breasted Merganser, 3, (AC)
Little Grebe, 3
Shelduck, 213, (RED)
On gutter behind sea wall, on edge of stubble field at end of Wheel Lane, Pilling.
Barn Owl, 1, (Mike Cowen)
Tufted Duck, 5, 2m, (Tony Sharples)
Central pool
Little Grebe, 2
Long west side pool
Grey Plover, 120, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
High tide roost off Willow Close
Bar-tailed Godwit, 650
Knot, 2000
Dunlin, 2000
Hen Harrier, 1, Male, (John Swarbrick)
Stock Dove, 14, (Tony Sharples)
Flushed off barn roof by Buzzards
Buzzard, 2
Low over east field / barns
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Singing near NW platform
Linnet, 50
Plus, over SE field
Stock Dove, 8, (RED)
On potato field next to wildflower field.
Chaffinch, 12
On hedgerow next to wildflower field.
Linnet, 260
Pink-footed Goose, 500, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
On pasture by sea wall, west of Beach Road (additional to flock south of Pilling Lane)
Pink-footed Goose, 580
Pasture south of Pilling Lane
Sparrowhawk, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Beach Road
Kestrel, 1
Mediterranean Gull, 1, (Harry Coghill)
with c250 BHG
Wigeon, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
Cormorant, 37
At 2.15
Grey Heron, 4
Common Scoter, 717, (SC.DN.)
Red-throated Diver, 1
South (sea watch 0800-1000)
Cormorant, 76
15 South 61 North

15th December 2024

Greylag Goose, 4, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis webs)
Pink-footed Goose, 20
Shelduck, 7
Teal, 15
Moorhen, 2
Black-headed Gull, 4
Common Gull, 12
Herring Gull, 4
Cormorant, 1
Shelduck, 1, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis webs)
Wigeon, 82
Mallard, 2
Teal, 440
Eider, 1, female
Red-breasted Merganser, 2, males
Oystercatcher, 520
Lapwing, 775
Golden Plover, 2
Bar-tailed Godwit, 1200
Black-tailed Godwit, 1020
Turnstone, 4
Knot, 600
Dunlin, 680
Snipe, 2
Redshank, 46
Black-headed Gull, 6
Herring Gull, 2
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1
Skylark, 2
Rock Pipit, 1
Linnet, 30
Reed Bunting, 1
Golden Plover, 37, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis webs)
Curlew, 100
Little Egret, 1
Rock Pipit, 1
Pink-footed Goose, 1000, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
On stubble
Kestrel, 2
Fieldfare, 2
Corn Bunting, 35
Blackbird, 1, (Muhummed H)
Bullfinch, 3
Pheasant, 4, (Muhummed H)
Canada Goose, 12
Greylag Goose, 20
Pink-footed Goose, 1
Mallard, 10, flyover
Lapwing, 35
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Jay, 1
Magpie, 2
Blue Tit, 2
Great Tit, 1
Long-tailed Tit, 2
Blackbird, 2
Fieldfare, 1
Pied Wagtail, 2
Chaffinch, 1
Shelduck, 16, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis webs)
Kestrel, 2
Golden Plover, 550, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
low tide, roosting at top of beach
Stock Dove, 30, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Northwood's Farm, bean field
Collared Dove, 8
New Lane Feeding Station
Collared Dove, 12
Thompson's Fold
Sparrowhawk, 1
Hen Harrier, 1, 2nd w male
Over fields between Eagland and Skitham 14.00
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
South Woods Farm
Kestrel, 1
Jay, 1
Jackdaw, 800
Approx in mixed flock with Rook on stubble
Rook, 200
Approx in mixed flock with Jackdaw on stubble
Raven, 1
Skylark, 120
Northwood's Farm, bean field
Chaffinch, 625
Brambling, 16
Corn Bunting, 2
Northwood's Farm on wires
Kestrel, 1, M, (RED)
Tree Sparrow, 58
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 66
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 6
Chaffinch, 32
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Greenfinch, 8
Greenfinch, 4
Shelduck, 3, (Muhummed H)
Woodpigeon, 3
Oystercatcher, 4000
Grey Plover, 20
Curlew, 3
Knot, 300
Dunlin, 150
Snipe, 7
Great Black-backed Gull, 5
Cormorant, 7
Little Egret, 4
Stonechat, 1
Mute Swan, 3, (Bob Stinger)
Mallard, 3
Goldeneye, 1, Male
Red-breasted Merganser, 2, Female
Little Grebe, 3
Turnstone, 138
In addition to the beach count
Redshank, 4
Black-headed Gull, 168
Herring Gull, 168
Mallard, 2, (Muhummed H)
Little Grebe, 3
Oystercatcher, 1
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Wigeon, 250, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade / WeBS)
Mallard, 10
Teal, 2
Oystercatcher, 10
Dunlin, 1
Redshank, 127
Grey Heron, 1
Pink-footed Goose, 15, (Muhummed H)
Mute Swan, 2
Shoveler, 12
Mallard, 70
Tufted Duck, 6
Woodpigeon, 40
Moorhen, 8
Coot, 29
Little Grebe, 1
Cormorant, 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Magpie, 50
Barn Owl, 1, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Mute Swan, 2, (RED)
On pasture at Pointer Corner Preesall
Curlew, 304
On pasture at Pointer Corner Preesall .
Black-tailed Godwit, 29
On pasture at Pointer Corner Preesall
Mistle Thrush, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Green 1
Pink-footed Goose, 550, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
inc neck collar XUD. On stubble
Common Gull, 20, (Ellen Pemberton)
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Herring Gull, 72
Cattle Egret, 1, (DS)
In the field from the drive to the hall .
Mute Swan, 3, 2ad/1juv, (NJL - WeBS)
Shoveler, 18
Gadwall, 6
Duck unperturbed by presence of otter
Wigeon, 25
Mallard, 9, 5m
Teal, 11
Goldeneye, 1, m
SW Mere
Water Rail, 1
Calling - Pauline’s bench
Moorhen, 3
Coot, 22
Great Crested Grebe, 1
SW Mere with goldeneye
Woodcock, 1
North pasture flushed by dog
Snipe, 2
Over from embankment
Black-headed Gull, 26
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Cormorant, 1
Grey Heron, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1
Over SW reedbed
Marsh Harrier, 1, f
Skirting island and headed NE
Buzzard, 2
Over east field and Gypsy Hole wood
Tawny Owl, 1
Great to meet Muhummed and Naz
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Flew from Mere View
Kestrel, 1
Over north pasture
Magpie, 7
Woodland Watch feeders
Raven, 2
Over north scrub
Blue Tit, 2
Woodland Watch feeders
Great Tit, 3
Cetti's Warbler, 5
Calling - around Mere
Long-tailed Tit, 8
Pauline’s bench
Wren, 2
North scrub
Blackbird, 8
Around Mere
Robin, 2
Woodland Watch feeders
Dunnock, 2
Bittern view
Greenfinch, 2, m/f
North scrub
Goldfinch, 3
Pauline’s bench
Reed Bunting, 3, 2m
Duck feeding area
Wigeon, 28, (Ellen Pemberton)
Water Rail, 2
Redwing, 1
north-west scrub
Mute Swan, 8, 2 ads + 6 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Goldeneye, 1, ad. male
Great Crested Grebe, 1
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, ad
Cormorant, 1
Long-tailed Tit, 10
NW corner
Pink-footed Goose, 450, (Paul Ellis)
on pasture west of Beach Road
Water Rail, 1, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Buzzard, 1, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Peregrine, 2
Long-tailed Tit, 8, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Chiffchaff, 1
Goldcrest, 1
Grey Wagtail, 1
Pink-footed Goose, 61, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis webs)
Curwen's Hill
Mute Swan, 3, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis webs)
Mallard, 4
Teal, 1
Moorhen, 10
Coot, 6
Little Grebe, 2
Black-headed Gull, 50
Common Gull, 4
Herring Gull, 8
Cormorant, 1
Grey Heron, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Blackbird, 13
Tree Sparrow, 9
Meadow Pipit, 3
Reed Bunting, 2
Shelduck, 1, (Paul Slade/webs)
Curlew, 1
Dunlin, 1
Redshank, 20
Great Black-backed Gull, 1, adult
Oystercatcher, 51, (Bob Stinger)
Ringed Plover, 56
Turnstone, 170
Sanderling, 210
Dunlin, 2
Purple Sandpiper, 1
Webs count
Black-headed Gull, 28
Cormorant, 6
Stonechat, 2, Pair
Meadow Pipit, 1
Oystercatcher, 64, (Bob Stinger)
Redshank, 93
Black-headed Gull, 32
Common Gull, 9
Herring Gull, 146
Shelduck, 2, (Paul Slade/webs)
Lapwing, 1600
Golden Plover, 2
Curlew, 220
Turnstone, 1
Redshank, 47
Black-headed Gull, 7
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 1
Buzzard, 1
Mallard, 42, (Paul Slade/webs)
Lapwing, 80
Golden Plover, 12
Curlew, 8
Dunlin, 3
Redshank, 43
Black-headed Gull, 22
Common Gull, 17
Herring Gull, 11
Little Egret, 1
Common Scoter, 5, (Joe Makepeace)
WeBS Count - Rising / High Tide 10:31
Feral Pigeon, 2
Woodpigeon, 1
Collared Dove, 1
Oystercatcher, 102
Grey Plover, 2
Ringed Plover, 21
Knot, 210
Sanderling, 463
Dunlin, 107
Redshank, 31
Common Gull, 3
Herring Gull, 54
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 2
Cormorant, 32
Carrion Crow, 8
House Sparrow, 7
Tufted Duck, 9, 3m 6f, (Carol Johnston)
Goldeneye, 2, 2 m
Moorhen, 2
Little Grebe, 5
Mute Swan, 1, (Muhummed H)
Tufted Duck, 8
Goldeneye, 1, male
Woodpigeon, 1
Moorhen, 1
Coot, 3
Little Grebe, 2
Shelduck, 4, (Paul Ellis / WeBS)
Mallard, 26
Moorhen, 1
Oystercatcher, 17
Lapwing, 26
Black-tailed Godwit, 1
Dunlin, 15
Snipe, 19
river bank rising tide early am
Redshank, 74
Greenshank, 4
Black-headed Gull, 3
Cormorant, 1
Rock Pipit, 1
Whooper Swan, 25, (DS)
On marsh pool
Great White Egret, 1
On pool
Marsh Harrier, 1
Hen Harrier, 1, Sub adult male
In front of Lytham quays
Merlin, 1
Harassing hen harrier

14th December 2024

Buzzard, 2, (RED)
Opposite Head Farm Pilling
Starling, 5000
On wires and fields opposite Bradshaw lane Nurseries Pilling
Pheasant, 3, (Barry Dyson)
Snipe, 2
Took flight from stubble field
Common Gull, 26
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 2
Kestrel, 2, m&f
Skylark, 16
Redwing, 12
Chaffinch, 20
Goldfinch, 11
Yellowhammer, 8, 5m, 3f
Reed Bunting, 1, female
Buzzard, 1, (RED)
In tree near Birks Farm.
Corn Bunting, 43
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Barn Owl, 1, (Mike Cowen)
Barnacle Goose, 1, (Barry Dyson)
Greylag Goose, 322
Hen Harrier, 1, M, (Lee Harris)
Apparent cooperation with Merlin resulted in harrier taking prey
Merlin, 1
Shoveler, 20, (Tony Sharples)
Gadwall, 6
Wigeon, 40
Stock Dove, 21
Barn roof, a.m.
Collared Dove, 5
Flew west over Mere View
Coot, 38
Great Crested Grebe, 1
Buzzard, 1
Telegraph pole by main dyke
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
SE over east fields towards Gipsy Hole Wood
Ring-necked Parakeet, 2, 2f
SW feeders
Raven, 2
Dyke pylon, 1.50-2.10
Stonechat, 2, m, f
South side of barn field
Greenfinch, 3
NE scrub
Goldfinch, 9
Mere View
Greylag Goose, 1, (B Smith)
Orange neck collar SH looks like 6SH. ??
Whooper Swan, 6, 3 juv, (RED)
On flooded pasture off Union Lane Out Rawcliffe.
Kestrel, 1, M
On hedgerow near The Bungalow, Lancaster road Out Rawcliffe.
Stock Dove, 1, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
Beach Road
Sparrowhawk, 1, juvenile
Sparrowhawk, 1, (Kinta Beaver)
Beach Road
Tawny Owl, 1, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
calling on Beach Road at dusk
Kestrel, 1
Beach Road
Raven, 4
In a group over the sea wall then headed west over Beach Road together
Tree Sparrow, 20
Beach Road feeders
Sparrowhawk, 1, male, (Paul Slade)
Hardhorn Rd
Buzzard, 1
Sat on lampost Garstang Rd West
Wigeon, 2, (SC,JM,TP,SS.)
Eider, 11
Common Scoter, 421
309 South 113 North (sea watch 0800-1000)
Great Crested Grebe, 1
Kittiwake, 14
Razorbill, 1
South +4 auks south
Red-throated Diver, 154
146 South 8 North
Cormorant, 83
29 South 54 North
Kestrel, 2, (Paul Slade)
Spoonbill, 3, (andy myo)

13th December 2024

Cattle Egret, 9, (AC)
Behind Wild Goose Hall, Gulf Lane
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Near Moss Cottage Eagland Hill.
Tree Sparrow, 56
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 55
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 300
On stubble field to North of Northwood's Hill Farm Pilling
Chaffinch, 12
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Brambling, 10
On stubble field to North of Northwood's Hill Farm Pilling
Corn Bunting, 119
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Peregrine, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Sparrowhawk, 1, m, (Andrew Bradley)
Tufted Duck, 4, 2m, (Tony Sharples)
Central pool
Little Grebe, 2
2 west side pools
Sparrowhawk, 1
Low past stone-banked pool
Pink-footed Goose, 1330, (Paul Ellis)
On pasture behind the Library
Turnstone, 39, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
Sanderling, 190, (Paul Ellis)
On the beach north of the slipway
Pink-footed Goose, 500, (SueM)
Three separate skeins flying over moss
Oystercatcher, 18
Curlew, 14
Buzzard, 1
On fence post
Rook, 8
Mixed flock with crows
Carrion Crow, 100
Mixed flock with rooks
Wren, 1
Grey Wagtail, 1
Great Black-backed Gull, 4, (andy myo)
Sparrowhawk, 1
Marsh Harrier, 2
Hen Harrier, 2, males
first bird crossed river second bird close in and caught prey in spite of disruptive tactics of merl
Buzzard, 1
Merlin, 2
Linnet, 50
Stock Dove, 16, (Tony Sharples)
Barn roof, a.m.
Water Rail, 1
Called, NW corner reeds
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Low through NE scrub
Marsh Harrier, 1, ad. fem.
Circled around the mere then flew west, 2.44-47
Jay, 1
NW scrub
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Singing, reeds near FBC hide
Fieldfare, 1
Over north scrubs
Woodcock, 2, (B Smith)
Of east Field on to back of Mere @ 16-20 flying together
Little Owl, 1, Calling at Old mushroom farm
Green Sandpiper, 1, (andy myo)
landed on pond east side of marsh

12th December 2024

Raven, 2, (Dave McGrath)
Broken foot and friend
Grey Wagtail, 1
In the pond then N
Meadow Pipit, 10
Bewick's Swan, 2, (Dave Balding)
with Whoopers, Slack Lane. SD433543
Marsh Harrier, 1
mobbed by Raven which joined 2nd raven on ground. South of Cockersands car park
Raven, 2
South of Cockersands car park
Red-breasted Merganser, 3, 1m 2f, (Carol Johnston)
Little Grebe, 2
Barn Owl, 1, (Mike Cowen)
Tufted Duck, 4, 2m, (Tony Sharples)
Central pool
Little Grebe, 3
2 west side pools
Buzzard, 1
Low west over green 2
Jay, 1
Trees by green 2
Long-tailed Tit, 9
Copse west of Staining Nook
Goldfinch, 12
Over greens west of The Nook
Moorhen, 6, (NJL CH)
Oystercatcher, 1
On golf course
Oystercatcher, 23
In fields off main drive
Curlew, 4
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 2
In fields off main drive
Buzzard, 1
Blue Tit, 2
Great Tit, 3
Long-tailed Tit, 8
Nuthatch, 1
Treecreeper, 1
Blackbird, 8
Robin, 4
Pheasant, 1, m, (NJL CH)
Pink-footed Goose, 500
Flying NE
Lapwing, 25
Curlew, 26
Anna’s Road
Black-tailed Godwit, 11
With curlew
Buzzard, 2
Jackdaw, 40
Wren, 2
Blackbird, 2, m
Song Thrush, 1
Robin, 1
Grey Wagtail, 2
Pied Wagtail, 1
Meadow Pipit, 6
Canada Goose, 26, (NJL CH)
Whooper Swan, 14
Mallard, 9
Teal, 150
Oystercatcher, 9
Lapwing, 400
Over river
Curlew, 5
Black-tailed Godwit, 2
Low tide
Redshank, 18
Cormorant, 1
Little Egret, 3
Hen Harrier, 1, f
Wren, 1
Meadow Pipit, 2
Chaffinch, 3, 2f
Linnet, 6
Wigeon, 125, (Tony Sharples)
Plus, p.m.
Stock Dove, 18
Barn roof / wires, a.m.
Water Rail, 3
Called, 2 east end, 1 west end
Sparrowhawk, 1
Over west end of mere
Buzzard, 1
East field
Raven, 2
Flew SE over the mere then east and up to dyke pylon at 10.10. Same flight route repeated at 3.00
Woodcock, 2, (B Smith)
16-24 @ East edge of golf course
Great Crested Grebe, 3, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Mistle Thrush, 1
singing north side
Grey Wagtail, 1
Wave breakers
Shelduck, 2, (SC.)
Wigeon, 34
Eider, 4
Common Scoter, 788
663 South 125 North (sea watch 0810-0945)
Great Crested Grebe, 11
Red-throated Diver, 109
Cormorant, 333
72 South 261North
Grey Partridge, 7, (Dave Balding)
on road close to Hall
Canada Goose, 240, (NJL CH)
Greylag Goose, 35
Shelduck, 15
Cormorant, 2
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 9
Marsh Harrier, 3
Buzzard, 1
Merlin, 1
Meadow Pipit, 3
Pheasant, 2, 2m, (NJL CH)
Wren, 1
Robin, 3
Stonechat, 1, m
Dunnock, 1
Goldfinch, 2
Reed Bunting, 9, m/f
Kestrel, 1, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Sand Hole
Linnet, 1500
On wires Sand Hole

11th December 2024

Fieldfare, 63, (RED)
On pasture opposite Head Farm, Bradshaw lane Pilling
Redwing, 28
Stonechat, 2, M, F
Opposite derelict pumping station Bradshaw lane Pilling.
Barnacle Goose, 1, (John Wood)
Cattle Egret, 7, (AC)
Gulf Lane behind Wild Goose Hall
Stonechat, 1, F
Bewick's Swan, 2, adults, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
With Whoopers on pasture, east of Slack Lane
Whooper Swan, 152
On Pasture east of Slack Lane
Raven, 2
Song Thrush, 1
Slack Lane
Wigeon, 11, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
Tufted Duck, 7
Stock Dove, 2, (RED)
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Collared Dove, 8
Collared Dove, 12
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Kestrel, 1, F
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Merlin, 1, F
Near North Woods Hill Farm, Pilling.
Blue Tit, 11
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Great Tit, 5
Blackbird, 6, 4 M
Blackbird, 3, M
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Robin, 2
Robin, 1
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
House Sparrow, 2, M
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
House Sparrow, 4, 3 M
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Tree Sparrow, 58
Tree Sparrow, 4
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Dunnock, 1
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 9
Chaffinch, 18
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Greenfinch, 10
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Corn Bunting, 19
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Yellowhammer, 1, M
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tufted Duck, 11, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
Goosander, 1, female
Coot, 24
Cormorant, 3
Pink-footed Goose, 2000, (RED)
On pasture opp Throstle Nest Farm Pilling
Pink-footed Goose, 350, (Tony Sharples)
Plus, field south of Newton Hall caravans
Ring-necked Parakeet, 14, (Peter Bond)
Flying over Higher Greenfield
Pink-footed Goose, 3000, (RED)
On fields from Jarvis Carr to Cummings Carr Pilling.
Goldeneye, 1, male, (Tony Sharples)
Brambling, 9, 5M+, (AC)
By Northwoods Farm
Water Rail, 1, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
Calling from west pond
Barn Owl, 1, Female
Hunting south of Backsands Lane at dusk
Pink-footed Goose, 5000, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
2000 on marsh at dusk joined by 3000+ that flew in from the south and landed
Whooper Swan, 19
Pink-footed Goose, 240, (David Nuttall)
flew over
Mute Swan, 6, 2 adults, 4 juvs
Shelduck, 15
flew over
Teal, 60
along main drain
Stock Dove, 6
Lapwing, 8
flew over
Curlew, 23
feeding in field off Cartmell Lane
Common Gull, 9
feeding in flooded field off Cartmell Lane
Grey Heron, 3
Little Egret, 9
feeding in field off Peg's Lane
Buzzard, 5
Kestrel, 3, all males
Skylark, 25
off Peg's Lane
Long-tailed Tit, 10
Starling, 200
feeding in flooded field at end of Peg's Lane
Fieldfare, 140
mainly off Cartmell Lane
Redwing, 30
Mistle Thrush, 3
Meadow Pipit, 30
feeding in flooded field off Cartmell Lane
Reed Bunting, 2, females
Fieldfare, 173, (RED)
On pasture to NW of New Eskham Farm, Skitham Lane.
Shoveler, 66, (Tony Sharples)
Gadwall, 174
Wigeon, 3
Tufted Duck, 29
Cormorant, 27
At 2.30
Eider, 4, (SC.)
2 South 2 North
Common Scoter, 1059
784 South 275 North +2000 approx on sea.(sea watch 0800-0945)
Great Crested Grebe, 10
Guillemot, 4
2 South 2 North +3 auks north
Red-throated Diver, 130
122 South 8 North
Cormorant, 218
175 South 43 North
Whooper Swan, 2, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
Moss Lane pasture
Curlew, 230
On one pasture field
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, male, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
Jay, 1
Coal Tit, 2
Long-tailed Tit, 3
Nuthatch, 2
Redwing, 3
Spoonbill, 3, (Geoff Wilby)
Nuthatch, 1, (Lee Harris)
Derby hill entrance

10th December 2024

Buzzard, 2, (RED)
On fence post's near Black Barn, Bradshaw lane, Pilling.
Kestrel, 1, F
On post at Plantation corner Bradshaw Lane Pilling
Cattle Egret, 9, (AC)
Gulf Lane
Collared Dove, 24, (RED)
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Kestrel, 1, F
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Blackbird, 10, 5 m, 5 f,
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Song Thrush, 1
In hedgerow near North Woods Hill Farm Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 35
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 300
On stubble field near North Woods Hill Farm, Pilling.
Brambling, 13
On stubble field next to North Woods Hill Farm, Pilling.
Corn Bunting, 32
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Yellowhammer, 1, M
In hedgerow near New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Barnacle Goose, 29, (Tony Sharples)
Zoo birds in field south of Newton Hall caravans
Mute Swan, 5, 2 ads, 3 juvs
2 ads + 2 juvs - west side pool, 1 juv - central pool
Teal, 3, 2 m, f
NW corner pond
Tufted Duck, 4, 2m, 2f
2 pools
Coot, 1
West side pool
Little Grebe, 2, ads
Long west side pool
Cormorant, 1
Central pool
Grey Heron, 1, ad
Rook, 125
Plus. Mixed Rook & Jackdaw flock in field NE of crossing path
Greenfinch, 2, m, f
East side of crossing path
Pink-footed Goose, 3000, (RED)
On fields from Jarvis Carr to Cummings Carr, Pilling.
Peregrine, 1, (Paul Ellis)
sitting on Great Knott mussel bed at low tide
Barn Owl, 1, (Bob Stinger)
Hunting alongside driveway
Tawny Owl, 1
On fence along driveway
Bittern, 2, (Paul Lambert)
Seen together. Photographed (FBC Facebook)
Marsh Harrier, 1, ist w
Photographed (FBC Facebook)
Mute Swan, 11, 4 ads, 7 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Resident ads + juvs - mere. 1 wandering juv briefly on mere. 2 ads - main dyke
Shoveler, 25
Gadwall, 1
Wigeon, 45
Teal, 50
Stock Dove, 12
Barn roof
Water Rail, 1
Called near FBC hide
Buzzard, 1
East field
Ring-necked Parakeet, 2, m, f
SW feeders
Long-tailed Tit, 14
10 NW scrub, 4 around FBC hide
Stonechat, 2, m, f
Embankment / east marsh
Bullfinch, 2, m, f
Mere View
Linnet, 75
Plus, over SE field / SE marsh hedgerow
Stock Dove, 19, (RED)
On potato field near wildflower field
Kestrel, 1, M
On hedgerow near stubble field down lane.
Stonechat, 1, M, (Jol)
On fence post along Lancaster Rd
Raven, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Flew west over Beach Road
Pink-footed Goose, 10, Sea Watch 08:00-10:00, (David Nuttall)
Wigeon, 8
Eider, 2
Common Scoter, 286
217N, 69S
Red-breasted Merganser, 1
Great Crested Grebe, 6
Turnstone, 3
Redshank, 14
feeding on beach
Common Gull, 6
feeding on tide line
Guillemot, 4
3N, 1S
Red-throated Diver, 23
3N, 20S
Cormorant, 288
267N, 21S
Spoonbill, 3, juvs, (andy myo)
Great White Egret, 2
Marsh Harrier, 5
Hen Harrier, 1, male
Buzzard, 2
Merlin, 1
Peregrine, 1
Raven, 4
Fieldfare, 1
Song Thrush, 2
Greenfinch, 5

9th December 2024

Black-tailed Godwit, 1, (David Gove)
with lapwing flock , from lay bye second sharp bend , looking north to flooded fields from metal ga
Green Sandpiper, 2
on first flooded fields wood lane at second sharp bend where large double metal gate offers viewing
Cattle Egret, 6, (AC)
Gulf Lane
Pink-footed Goose, 0, (DA)
Pink-footed Goose, 100
In fields opposite Benedict Drive
Little Grebe, 1, ad, (Tony Sharples)
Long west side pool
Cormorant, 2
East over NW corner
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, f
Trees by practice field
Bullfinch, 2, m, f
East side of crossing path
Shoveler, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
Wigeon, 20
Teal, 50
Stock Dove, 15
Barn roof
Buzzard, 2
East fields
Ring-necked Parakeet, 2, m, f
Flew NW from SW scrub
Fieldfare, 60
Plus, flew east over north side scrubs
Stonechat, 1, f
East marsh
Linnet, 125
Plus, over SE field
Gadwall, 3, (Tom P)
Woodcock, 1
Flushed by a dog walker, flew north
Bittern, 1
In flight, 14:21
Tawny Owl, 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Peregrine, 1
Chiffchaff, 1
Blackcap, 1
Bullfinch, 3, 2m 1f
Woodcock, 1, (B Smith)
Flew out of nook onto golf course @ 16 35
Spoonbill, 3, (Geoff Wilby)

8th December 2024

Hen Harrier, 1, Male, (John Wood)
Pink-footed Goose, 515, (RED)
On pasture at Head Farm, Bradshaw Lane Pilling.
Kestrel, 1, M
Hunting near Head Farm, Pilling
Stonechat, 2, M, F
In vegetation at foot of electric pole opposite. Bradshaw Lane Nurseries Pilling.
Pink-footed Goose, 5, (Muhummed H)
Woodcock, 1
flushed out in the open. Gave close, in flight views
Snipe, 3
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Jay, 2
Great Tit, 2
Wren, 2
Redwing, 6
Tree Sparrow, 21
around feeders
Collared Dove, 10, (RED)
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Jackdaw, 500
North over Moss Cottage, going to roost.
Tree Sparrow, 43
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 28
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 13
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 160
On stubble fields to N. of Northwood's Hill Farm Pilling.
Brambling, 1, F
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Greenfinch, 3
Stock Dove, 2, (Muhummed H)
Collared Dove, 16
Blue Tit, 2
Great Tit, 2
Treecreeper, 1
In hedgerow opposite North Wood's Hill Farm
Tree Sparrow, 32
Chaffinch, 58
Greenfinch, 2
Pink-footed Goose, 965, (RED)
On potato field at corner of Lamb's Lane and Head Dyke Lane, Pilling.
Kestrel, 1, M
Over field at Lamb's Lane junction with Head Dyke Lane.
Teal, 75, (Tony Sharples)
Plus, over south to the mere
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f
West side pool
Little Grebe, 2, ads
Long west side pool
Cormorant, 3
2 over east, 1 over west
Kestrel, 1, male
North over paths by Newton Hall caravans
Bullfinch, 1, m
Path trees near east side of crossing path
Shoveler, 1, f, (Tony Sharples)
Wigeon, 25
Circled over
Teal, 200
Plus, p.m.
Tufted Duck, 3, 1m
Water Rail, 1
Called, north reeds
Buzzard, 1
East field
Treecreeper, 1
SW scrub
Fieldfare, 2
NE scrub
Kestrel, 1, (RED)
Sunnyside Preesall.
Great Crested Grebe, 5, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Cormorant, 9
Canada Goose, 290, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
on marsh
Whooper Swan, 18
min visible on west end of marsh
Lapwing, 400
on marsh
Great White Egret, 1
Hen Harrier, 1, male 2nd/3rd w
contrasting brown saddle.
Buzzard, 2
Kestrel, 1
Peregrine, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Buzzard, 3, (Lee Harris)
Merlin, 1
Reed Bunting, 16
Plus. Feeding station

7th December 2024

Teal, 50, (Tony Sharples)

6th December 2024

Kestrel, 1, M, (RED)
On post at Top Plantation corner,
Fieldfare, 120
On pasture to NE. of Head Farm, Pilling.
Redwing, 8
On pasture opposite. Head Farm
Mediterranean Gull, 1, Male, (John Wood)
with bad right leg
Cattle Egret, 10, (AC)
Behind Wild Goose Hall farm, Gulf Lane
Little Egret, 8
With Cattle Egrets
Collared Dove, 16, (RED)
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Sparrowhawk, 1, M
On hedgerow near stubble field, at Northwood's Farm Pilling.
Kestrel, 1, F
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Jackdaw, 230
In trees to South of Northwood's Hill Farm.
Blue Tit, 14
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Great Tit, 12
Robin, 1
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 33
Tree Sparrow, 11
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Dunnock, 1
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 26
Chaffinch, 400
On stubble field near the farm, birds moving to fields to SE. Of South Woods Hill Farm.
Brambling, 5
On stubble field near Northwood's Farm Farm.
Greenfinch, 6
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Corn Bunting, 42
On wires to North of Birks Farm,
Corn Bunting, 24
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Reed Bunting, 1, F
Whooper Swan, 59, 13 juv., (RED)
On stubble field North of road.
Shelduck, 83
On flooded stubble field North of road.
Mute Swan, 4, 2 ads + 2 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Stone banked pool
Tufted Duck, 4, 2m, 2f
West side pool
Little Grebe, 1, ad
Long west side pool
Cormorant, 1
Central pool
Jay, 1
Pines clump by west side pool
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Flew over road near Pasture House Farm road end.
Greylag Goose, 29, (Tony Sharples)
Mute Swan, 10, 4 ads, 6 juvs
2 ads on SE field
Shoveler, 3
Wigeon, 11
Teal, 25
Goldeneye, 1, ad. male
Stock Dove, 3
Barn roof
Water Rail, 1
Called, east channel reeds
Little Grebe, 1
Cormorant, 1
Buzzard, 1
SE marsh hedge
Jay, 1
NE scrub
Stonechat, 4, 2 pair, (Frank Bird)
pair field west of railway, pair (old grange flood)
Whooper Swan, 5, M, F, 3 juv, (RED)
On potato field to N of track.
Stock Dove, 152
On potato field near wildflower field.
Woodpigeon, 14
On potato field next to wildflower field
Fieldfare, 100
In trees near farm.
Chaffinch, 22
On hedgerow at side of wildflower field
Linnet, 16
On hedgerow next to wildflower field.
Ring-necked Parakeet, 2, (Muhummed H)
Little Egret, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Flew low over golf course by woodland
Ring-necked Parakeet, 2, 2f
Mute Swan, 45, 35 ads, 10 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Shoveler, 95
Gadwall, 192
Wigeon, 4
Tufted Duck, 31
Stock Dove, 1
Tree by west bridge
Common Gull, 2, ads
Cormorant, 63
By 2.00
Nuthatch, 1
Tree by east bridge

5th December 2024

Peregrine, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Plucking feathers off prey
Fieldfare, 120, (AC)
Blackcap, 1, female, (Ken Green)
In garden Ullswater Ave
Whooper Swan, 40, (Paul Ellis)
On stubble field north of road
Grey Wagtail, 1
Bullfinch, 3, 2m, f, (Tony Sharples)
Trees at east side of SE pit
Pheasant, 1, f, (NJL CH)
Buzzard, 2
Anna’s Lane
Kestrel, 1
Grey Wagtail, 1
Meadow Pipit, 5
Chaffinch, 3, 2f
Whooper Swan, 7, (AA)
Marsh Harrier, 2, F
Hen Harrier, 1, M
Kestrel, 1
Skylark, 11
Reed Bunting, 2, M
Canada Goose, 22, (NJL CH)
Shelduck, 6
Mallard, 17
Teal, 21
Oystercatcher, 4
Lapwing, 25
Curlew, 6
Black-tailed Godwit, 22
Flying up river
Redshank, 19
Grey Heron, 3
Kestrel, 1
Buzzard, 2, (Tony Sharples)
On east field telegraph poles
Shelduck, 7, (NJL CH)
Shoveler, 22
Wigeon, 450
Mallard, 14
Teal, 150
Moorhen, 3
Coot, 2
Cormorant, 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Beach Road
House Sparrow, 52
feeders Beach Road
Tree Sparrow, 22
Feeders Beach Road
Chaffinch, 3
Under feeders Beach Road
Greenfinch, 10
feeders Beach Road
Wigeon, 6, 4m, (Tony Sharples)
Cormorant, 41
At 10.00
Pink-footed Goose, 1200, (NJL CH)
Flying upstream to roost
Shelduck, 14
Mallard, 26
Teal, 4
Lapwing, 400
Great Black-backed Gull, 2
Grey Heron, 1
With little egrets in field at Land Registry
Great White Egret, 2
Little Egret, 22
13 in field at Land Registry
Marsh Harrier, 2
Buzzard, 2
Kestrel, 1
Meadow Pipit, 4

4th December 2024

Coal Tit, 1, (RED)
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Blackbird, 7, 5 M
Tree Sparrow, 26
Tree Sparrow, 18
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 15
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 23
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Brambling, 1
Siskin, 2, (J C Wood)
In Alders c300yds south of Grange alongside Lancaster canal
Snipe, 1, (Andrew Bradley)
Dunlin, 11, (Susan Southward)
in estuary near Golf Club
Common Gull, 1, ad, (Tony Sharples)
West over the embankment
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, m
Tree-top near SW hide
Raven, 2
Flew east over the mere
Fieldfare, 2
Over NW corner
Sparrowhawk, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Beach Road
Tree Sparrow, 22
Feeders Beach Road
Greenfinch, 11
Bewick's Swan, 2, (AC)
Great White Egret, 3, (andy myo)
Marsh Harrier, 4
Hen Harrier, 2, males
Merlin, 2
Raven, 3
Stonechat, 2, m f

3rd December 2024

Song Thrush, 1, (Dave McGrath)
By works compound
Meadow Pipit, 5
Water Rail, 1, (Malcolm Evans)
calling in ditch near Woods Lane/main road junction
Woodcock, 1
flew onto the common closely followed by a Peregrine
Peregrine, 1
appeared to be chasing a Woodcock before losing interest and flying off to the east
Fieldfare, 3
over flying south
Redwing, 1
Tree Sparrow, 20
on and around feeders
Bullfinch, 4, 2m, 2f
together in willow tree by pond
Cattle Egret, 14, (Jonathan Platt)
Gulf Lane. In small pasture behind Moss House Farm
Great White Egret, 1
Brambling, 1, (Andy Myerscough)
At Feeding Station
Bittern, 1, (P Guy)
Mute Swan, 4, 2 ads + 2 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Central pool
Tufted Duck, 4, 2m
West side pool
Little Grebe, 2
2 pools
Long-tailed Tit, 9
Bushes by long west side pool
Bullfinch, 2, m, f
Path trees by SE pit
Goldfinch, 7
Trees by long west side pool
Mute Swan, 8, 2 ads + 6 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Shoveler, 16
Gadwall, 11
Wigeon, 15
Stock Dove, 8
Barn roof
Water Rail, 1
Called, embankment reeds
Sparrowhawk, 1, m
Over the mere
Buzzard, 1
East field
Long-tailed Tit, 6
SW scrub
Goldeneye, 1, Female, (Cornelius Jones)
Pit 2
Water Rail, 1
on small reedy pond beyond Pit 2 style
Great White Egret, 1
Pit 2
Whooper Swan, 30, (Roy Kendall)
Union Lane. with several young
Pink-footed Goose, 300, (Paul Ellis)
pasture field south of Beach Road
Sparrowhawk, 1
Beach Road
Hen Harrier, 1, Male, (Jonathan Platt)
Whooper Swan, 4, (DS,)
On pools .
Great White Egret, 3, (DS, GW)
On pools.
Marsh Harrier, 2, (DS,)
Buzzard, 1
Kingfisher, 1, (DS, GW)
On fence posts.
Merlin, 1, (DS,)
Redwing, 6
Pink-footed Goose, 300, (Paul Ellis)
On arable

2nd December 2024

Blackcap, 1, Male, (Mila Harrison)
In garden on Larches estate
Pink-footed Goose, 318, (RED)
On potato field, Bradshaw Lane, Pilling.
Fieldfare, 24
In trees at Bradshaw Lane Nurseries, Pilling.
Collared Dove, 14, (RED)
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Buzzard, 3
Chasing and grappling round Mayfield, New Lane Pilling
Kestrel, 1
Near Birks Farm
Tree Sparrow, 8
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 68
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 24
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 6
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Greenfinch, 6
Greenfinch, 3
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Wigeon, 60, (Tony Sharples)
Plus, circled over the mere
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f
Ring-necked Parakeet, 5, 5f
SW feeders
Jay, 2
NE corner
Long-tailed Tit, 9
NE scrub
Linnet, 40
Circled field west of NW gate, pre-roost
Great Tit, 2, (Dave McGrath)
N along gardens on houses on prom
Grey Wagtail, 1
Shelduck, 24, (RED)
On flooded pasture Union Lane Out Rawcliffe.
Buzzard, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Over Beach Road
Greenfinch, 11
At feeders Beach Road
Goldfinch, 27, (RED)
On feeders at Jubilee Avenue.
Kestrel, 1, M, (RED)
On top of hedgerow.
Marsh Harrier, 1, Female, (Jonathan)
Barn Owl, 1

1st December 2024

Kestrel, 1, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Corn Bunting, 7
On wires
Whooper Swan, 14, (RED)
On potato field at Top Plantation corner Bradshaw Lane, Pilling.
Pink-footed Goose, 190, (Muhummed H)
on stubble fields
Stock Dove, 1
Collared Dove, 3
Black-headed Gull, 3
Grey Heron, 1
Starling, 60
Water Rail, 1, (Muhummed H)
heard only
Woodcock, 1, (Nasreen A)
Black-headed Gull, 1, (Muhummed H)
Barn Owl, 1
hunting over north side in evening
Starling, 12
Blackbird, 2
Stonechat, 1
Reed Bunting, 3
Shelduck, 210, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
At outflow
Lapwing, 780
Top of beach low tide
Mediterranean Gull, 2, Ad, 1st winter
At outflow at dusk
Greylag Goose, 23, (Muhummed H)
2 domestic-type
Mute Swan, 15
2 on pool, 13 on pasture
Whooper Swan, 9
on pasture
Mallard, 70
Teal, 1
Collared Dove, 4
Oystercatcher, 3
Curlew, 17
Grey Heron, 1
Rook, 15
Blackbird, 1
Redwing, 6
Song Thrush, 2
Chaffinch, 3
Golden Plover, 700, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Pasture around Abbey SD429534 to SD429541
Curlew, 50
On stubble field
Snipe, 4
Wet fields by Abbey
Buzzard, 1
Barn Owl, 1, Male
Hunting at south side, showing well from road
Stonechat, 2, m, f
Bank Houses, south side
Grey Wagtail, 1
Rock Pipit, 1
South side
Barn Owl, 1, (AC)
Little Owl, 1
Short-eared Owl, 1, Flying with Barn
Stonechat, 1, F
On fence post by Tomlinsons Farm entrance
Whooper Swan, 107, (Tom P, Joe M, Colin H)
Wigeon, 132
Majority on sea
Teal, 83
Eider, 19
Goosander, 2, 1m, 1f
Oystercatcher, 140
Lapwing, 215
Golden Plover, 550
Grey Plover, 2
Ringed Plover, 3
Curlew, 130
Black-tailed Godwit, 11
Turnstone, 72
Dunlin, 281
Redshank, 75
Little Egret, 2
Buzzard, 3
Short-eared Owl, 1
Hunting across the fields in the area, showing very well
Kestrel, 1, F
Fieldfare, 1
Stonechat, 2
Meadow Pipit, 10
Twite, 3
Calling, Plover Scar
Canada Goose, 21, (Muhummed H)
Greylag Goose, 6
Pink-footed Goose, 500
Whooper Swan, 4
Shelduck, 5
Shoveler, 1
Wigeon, 960
Mallard, 21
Teal, 20
Eider, 14
Goosander, 2
Great Crested Grebe, 1
Oystercatcher, 347
Lapwing, 120
Golden Plover, 550
Grey Plover, 1
Ringed Plover, 2
Curlew, 49
Bar-tailed Godwit, 162
Turnstone, 37
Dunlin, 40
Snipe, 3
Redshank, 43
Black-headed Gull, 8
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 3
Short-eared Owl, 1
hunting over fields between Abbey and Bank Houses
Peregrine, 1
sat on driftwood out on marsh
Fieldfare, 1
Little Grebe, 2, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Stonechat, 1, female
Pink-footed Goose, 350, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
On arable
Whooper Swan, 17
Buzzard, 1
Barn Owl, 1
Hunting to south
Little Owl, 1
east of Moss Cottage
Kestrel, 2
Kestrel, 1
Chaffinch, 300
Wood and stubbles around North Woods Hill Farm
Brambling, 6
Wood opposite North Woods Hall Farm with Chaffinches
Corn Bunting, 34
11 on wire North Woods Hall Farm, 23 on wires north of Birk's Farm
Jay, 1, (RED)
In hedgerow down lane from Thompson's Fold
Redwing, 1
Tree Sparrow, 16
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Dunnock, 1
Chaffinch, 21
Greenfinch, 1
Corn Bunting, 16
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Collared Dove, 14, (Muhummed H)
Thompson's Fold feeding station
Kestrel, 1
Blue Tit, 2
Great Tit, 1
Tree Sparrow, 15
Thompson's Fold feeding station
Chaffinch, 4
Greenfinch, 2
Tufted Duck, 5, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Goldeneye, 3
Goosander, 7
Little Grebe, 1
Mute Swan, 4, 2 ads + 2 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Tufted Duck, 4, 2m
Little Grebe, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1
Through the trees at east side of crossing path
Bullfinch, 2, m, f
East side of crossing path
Greenfinch, 3
SE pit
Wigeon, 40, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Flew west over the sea
Teal, 40
Oystercatcher, 650
Beach north of slipway
Turnstone, 48
Sanderling, 63
Beach north of slipway
Rock Pipit, 1
Twite, 14
Greylag Goose, 190, (Tony Sharples)
Wigeon, 10
Teal, 125
Tufted Duck, 5, 3m
Goldeneye, 1
Stock Dove, 8
Barn roof
Water Rail, 1
Called, island reeds
Bittern, 1
Landed in reeds east of FBC hide, 10.52
Buzzard, 2
East field
Ring-necked Parakeet, 1, f
SW feeders
Long-tailed Tit, 10
SW scrub
Fieldfare, 1
NE scrub
Bittern, 1, (B Smith)
Over head at the north east path from golf course direction and on to the Mere
Bullfinch, 5
At the Nook (1 male)
Little Egret, 8, (RED)
Jarvis Carr, Garstang road.
Pink-footed Goose, 710, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Coastal fields between Beach Road and Cocker's Dyke SD37104939 to SD37304947
Pink-footed Goose, 350
Pasture south of Beach Road am
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, (Jol)
Moorland Rd
Treecreeper, 1
Civic centre
Kestrel, 1, (Paul Ellis / Paul Slade)
Moss Lane
Fieldfare, 25
Cattle Egret, 3, (Andy Myerscough)
Junction Brays Road and Moss Lane
Pink-footed Goose, 1, (Tom P, Joe M, Colin H)
Injured bird with Swans
Bewick's Swan, 2
Moss Lane
Whooper Swan, 63
Red-legged Partridge, 1, (Muhummed H)
Mute Swan, 9
Bewick's Swan, 2
in pasture along Moss Ln
Whooper Swan, 42
Curlew, 6
Grey Heron, 1
Kestrel, 1
Marsh Harrier, 2, 1st winter male, female, (Jonathan)
Hen Harrier, 1, Male

30th November 2024

Pink-footed Goose, 200, (Paul Ellis)
on pasture to west
Brambling, 1, (Andrew McCafferty)
In trees near North Woods Farm
Woodcock, 1, (Ellen Pemberton)
Flew towards Heron's Reach at dusk
Greylag Goose, 240, (FBC Meeting)
Mute Swan, 10
Shoveler, 7
Wigeon, 9
Teal, 45
Tufted Duck, 4, 3 m, 1 f
Water Rail, 2
calling west end
Little Grebe, 1
Cormorant, 1
Bittern, 1
One flew to north of island 1601 hrs. One flew to outflow 1621 hrs. Poss 2 birds
Sparrowhawk, 2
Ring-necked Parakeet, 1
calling from west end
Cetti's Warbler, 3
Chiffchaff, 1
calling west end
Fieldfare, 2
Linnet, 30
roosted west end
Goldfinch, 19
Ring-necked Parakeet, 4, (Ellen Pemberton)
Woodland Watch
Stonechat, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
East marsh
Golden Plover, 170, (Paul Ellis)
flew off beach and over Beach Road
Shelduck, 7, (SC,CH.)
Wigeon, 76
Common Scoter, 246
South (sea watch 0800-1000)
Great Crested Grebe, 10
2 South +8 on sea
Sanderling, 3
Guillemot, 1
South +2 auks
Red-throated Diver, 13
11 South 2 North
Cormorant, 110
29 South 81 North

29th November 2024

Pink-footed Goose, 2500, (Paul Ellis)
On beach at dawn
Golden Plover, 145
edge of saltmarsh on falling tide
Knot, 2000
Shoreline on falling tide
Chaffinch, 100, (RED)
On stubble fields Northwood's Farm, Pilling.
Curlew, 148, (RED)
On wet pasture at Pointer Corner, Preesall
Black-tailed Godwit, 454
On pasture at Pointer Corner, Preesall.
Pink-footed Goose, 1000, (Paul Ellis / Chris Day)
On pasture behind Library
Eider, 1, female
on Wyre
Peregrine, 1
over Esplanade
Rock Pipit, 1
Slipway beach
Twite, 10
slipway briefly
Merlin, 1, M, (Lee Harris)
Male, on fence posts pegs lane. Then south towards Saltcotes tip
Stock Dove, 54, (RED)
On potato field near wildflower field, feeding on the flower field.
Woodpigeon, 27
On potato field near wildflower field.
Snipe, 3
On potato field
Skylark, 20
On potato field near wildflower field.
Linnet, 318
In hedgerow at side of wildflower field.
Shoveler, 12, (Muhummed H)
Wigeon, 165
Teal, 128
Moorhen, 1
Coot, 1
Pink-footed Goose, 100, (Paul Ellis)
Pasture field south of Beach Road
Kestrel, 1, (Paul Ellis / Chris Day)
Beach Road
Tree Sparrow, 14
Feeders Beach Road
Twite, 1
With linnets on saltmarsh off Beach Road
Linnet, 30, (Paul Ellis)
Saltmarsh off Beach Road
Barn Owl, 1, (RED)
Flew over at Sunnyside, Preesall.
Goldfinch, 16
On sunflower heart feeders Jubilee Avenue Preesall
Bewick's Swan, 2, adults, (RBA)
Moss Lane
Pink-footed Goose, 500, (Muhummed H)
in flight distantly
Whooper Swan, 8
Shelduck, 4
Wigeon, 2
Teal, 16
Lapwing, 115
Curlew, 5
Black-tailed Godwit, 2
Redshank, 2
Cormorant, 1
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 8
Sparrowhawk, 1
Marsh Harrier, 4
Hen Harrier, 1, Immature male
showed well, often close in at times
Kestrel, 2
Raven, 2
Great Tit, 3
Wren, 1
Fieldfare, 2
Reed Bunting, 1

28th November 2024

Blackbird, 1, m, (Dave McGrath)
North side shrubs
Meadow Pipit, 2
Around works compound
Linnet, 14
Kestrel, 2, (NJL CH)
Barnacle Goose, 1, (Paul Ellis)
with Pinkfeet on pasture
Pink-footed Goose, 1670
on pasture
Whooper Swan, 75, (Paul Ellis)
on pasture
Black-tailed Godwit, 130
on fields
Snipe, 2
wet fields near Abbey
Marsh Harrier, 1, 2nd cal year male
over fields, headed to Bank End
Barn Owl, 1, (Mike Cowen)
South side
Little Owl, 1
Short-eared Owl, 1, (Paul Ellis)
over fields near Abbey
Kestrel, 1
Peregrine, 1
chasing waders over beach
Fieldfare, 1
Redwing, 1
Stonechat, 2, m, f
south end
Grey Wagtail, 1
Rock Pipit, 1
Pink-footed Goose, 1500, (RED)
On stubble and pasture fields to SW of Thompson's Fold Eagland Hill.
Barn Owl, 1
Thompson's Fold, Eagland Hill
Kestrel, 1
On post near Mowmens Farm.
Jay, 1
Thompson's Fold, Eagland Hill
Coal Tit, 1
On feeders at Northwood's Farm, Pilling.
Skylark, 100
On stubble field to SW of Thompson's Fold Eagland Hill.
Fieldfare, 6
Thompson's Fold, Eagland Hill
Tree Sparrow, 56
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 24
Chaffinch, 300
On stubble field near Northwood's Farm, Pilling.
Brambling, 7, 2m
On stubble field
Greenfinch, 8
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Goldfinch, 8
North Woods Farm, Pilling
Corn Bunting, 42
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Pink-footed Goose, 1500, (NJL CH)
In fields behind Thompson fold
Whooper Swan, 18
In fields beyond Birks Farm SD427457 - possibly 2 Bewicks among them
Buzzard, 1
Black-tailed Godwit, 1600, (RED)
On wet pasture at Pointer Corner, Preesall
Little Grebe, 1, ad, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Sparrowhawk, 1
Low over NW corner pond
Long-tailed Tit, 13
Trees along pool by waste compound
Pink-footed Goose, 1680, (Paul Ellis)
on pasture behind library
Teal, 2, (on wet pasture behind library)
Lapwing, 80, (Paul Ellis)
on pasture behind library
Peregrine, 2
sitting on Great Knott mussel bed at low tide
Blackcap, 1, (AndyRob)
In garden on feeders
Blackcap, 1, Male
Stonechat, 2, m, f, (John Lees)
Marsh Harrier, 2, (andy myo)
Hen Harrier, 1, male
sat on marsh fairly close in
Kestrel, 1
Merlin, 1
Peregrine, 1
Shoveler, 13, (Tony Sharples)
Gadwall, 1, m
Wigeon, 20
Sparrowhawk, 1, m
Low over the island
Buzzard, 2
East fields
Barn Owl, 1
Island box
Tawny Owl, 1
Kestrel, 1
Hunting Mythop fields
Fieldfare, 3
NE scrub
Greenfinch, 4
North central scrub
Linnet, 40
Over SE field
Reed Bunting, 2, m, f
East marsh
Cattle Egret, 3, (andy myo)
near north farm
Goldcrest, 1, (Dave McGrath)
Calling from gardens along prom
Dunnock, 1
Lapwing, 207, (RED)
On wet pasture at Dam Side, Pilling.
Golden Plover, 127
Black-tailed Godwit, 5
On wet pasture at Dam Side, Pilling
Redshank, 74
On wet pasture at Dam Side, Pilling.
Shelduck, 70, (RED)
On flight pool at side of Broad Pool, Pilling
Pink-footed Goose, 70, (Mila Harrison)
Whooper Swan, 2
Shelduck, 50
Stock Dove, 10
Woodpigeon, 0, 20
Oystercatcher, 10
Lapwing, 100
Curlew, 10
Redshank, 20
Black-headed Gull, 5
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Great White Egret, 1
Flew onto marsh from east, didn’t stay long before flying back towards Cockersands
Little Egret, 3
Marsh Harrier, 1, Fem/1st w m
Merlin, 1
Attempting to hunt what the harrier had flushed
Jackdaw, 3
Carrion Crow, 50
Skylark, 20
Wren, 1
Blackbird, 2
Robin, 4
Dunnock, 1
Rock Pipit, 2
Greenfinch, 3
Linnet, 40
Reed Bunting, 2, 1m,1f
Shelduck, 2, (NJL CH)
Lapwing, 250
On bank at high tide
Curlew, 20
Black-tailed Godwit, 50
Turnstone, 1
Redshank, 80
Grey Heron, 1
Mute Swan, 44, (Paul Ellis)
Bewick's Swan, 2, adults
with Whoopers and Mutes on pasture south of Moss Lane, east end
Whooper Swan, 81
on pasture
Kestrel, 0
Moss Lane east end
Jack Snipe, 2, (andy myo)
flushed from rough grassy strip to north of marsh. Seems a regular sight
Sparrowhawk, 1
Stonechat, 2, m f
coming to feeding station
Reed Bunting, 12
Pheasant, 2, m/f, (NJL CH)
Greylag Goose, 23
Over - flying SE
Shelduck, 2
Mallard, 11
Lapwing, 300
Curlew, 4
Black-tailed Godwit, 250
In fields skirting Lee Brook spooked by marsh harrier
Snipe, 3
Grey Heron, 4
Little Egret, 3
Marsh Harrier, 4, 2f/2m
Pair hunting Lee Brook and flushed around 250 black tailed godwit
Buzzard, 5
Kestrel, 1
Jackdaw, 60
Raven, 3
Wren, 3
Fieldfare, 15
Redwing, 15
Stonechat, 2, m/f
Meadow Pipit, 6
Reed Bunting, 3, 2m

27th November 2024

Great White Egret, 1, (DS)
In ditch off Wood Lane
Short-eared Owl, 1, (Mike Cowen)
Kingfisher, 1, (Mike Cowen)
Stonechat, 1, Female
Stonechat, 1, F, (AC)
On Pool
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
2 pools
Little Grebe, 2, ads
West side pool
Little Egret, 1
NW corner pond trees / inner path flood
Sparrowhawk, 1
Over crossing path
Raven, 2
Circled low over fields south of west side of Newton Hall caravan park
Mistle Thrush, 1
Green 1
Pink-footed Goose, 900, (Paul Ellis)
Pasture behind Library
Oystercatcher, 920
Beach north of slipway on falling tide
Bar-tailed Godwit, 140
Turnstone, 21
Around slipway on falling tide
Twite, 8
on slipway
Barnacle Goose, 1, (Lee Harris)
With pink feet
Pink-footed Goose, 2500
Feeding on fields west of new road, 8am, birds still arriving 8:45
Great White Egret, 1, (John Lees)
Flew over Wildings Lane towards scout HQ
Buzzard, 4
On fence posts
Little Owl, 2
Anna's Road stables
Stonechat, 5
Barn Owl, 1, (Nigel Laing)
Quartering field between Rosefinch Way and Marton Mere @ 19.45
Greylag Goose, 75, (Paul Ellis)
Flew off at dusk
Shoveler, 2
Wigeon, 20
Teal, 40
Water Rail, 5
1 calling by island, 4+ calling west end
Bittern, 1
Flew across Mere at East end to reedbed north of island at 1617 hrs
Sparrowhawk, 1
Buzzard, 1
East fields
Barn Owl, 1
Asleep in entrance to owl box on island mid afternoon. Hunting east end from 1605 hrs
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Cetti's Warbler, 4
1 east end, 3 west end
Long-tailed Tit, 2
Chiffchaff, 1
South West bushes
Goldcrest, 1
In hedge at West end
Starling, 350
Roosted west end reeds
Fieldfare, 1
Apple trees north side
Whooper Swan, 5, ads, (Tony Sharples)
Flew NW over the mere turning north over HR golf course
Wigeon, 15
Stock Dove, 11
Barn roof
Water Rail, 1
Called, embankment reeds
Woodcock, 1
Flew SW over east field and down to SE corner scrub, a.m.
Sparrowhawk, 1
Over west end of mere
Buzzard, 2
East field telegraph pole
Ring-necked Parakeet, 5, 2m
SW scrub, for 5 minutes late afternoon, including Magpie sized male seen last year
Raven, 2
Flew east over the mere. 1 up to pylon by Chain Lane. 1 carried on past Gipsy Hole Wood
Fieldfare, 2
NE scrub Apple trees
Greenfinch, 4
NE scrub
Linnet, 150
Plus, over SE field, p.m.
Reed Bunting, 1, f
East marsh
Barn Owl, 1, (B Smith)
Over Embankment @16-10
Black-tailed Godwit, 500, (DS)
Flying over from the river inland .
Barn Owl, 2
Hunting near entrance to water treatment plant.
Kestrel, 1
Linnet, 60
Pink-footed Goose, 1100, (Paul Ellis)
Pasture by sea wall west of Beach Road
Shelduck, 9, (SC)
Wigeon, 42
Eider, 10
Common Scoter, 841
South.Sea watch 0800-0945
Great Crested Grebe, 6
Turnstone, 1
Guillemot, 4
South +4 Auks
Red-throated Diver, 51
Cormorant, 67
23 South 44 North

26th November 2024

Whooper Swan, 36, 9 juv., (RED)
On flooded stubble behind Moss Cottage.
Collared Dove, 11
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Buzzard, 1
In tree at Mayfield, New Lane Pilling
Jay, 1
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Raven, 1
Chased Jackdaw over stubble field to south of Moss Cottage.
Tree Sparrow, 73
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Dunnock, 2
Chaffinch, 14
Greenfinch, 6
Curlew, 183, (RED)
On wet pasture at Pointer Corner, Preesall
Twite, 24, (RED)
On ferry slip and beach. at least 11 bearing colour rings.
Mute Swan, 10, 4 ads, 6 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Wigeon, 5
Teal, 325
Plus, mostly central mere late afternoon
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f
Water Rail, 1
Called, embankment reeds
Woodcock, 2
Over NE scrub, 4.35
Buzzard, 1
Over east field
Cattle Egret, 3, (andy myo)
with little egrets near north farm
Little Egret, 8
Wren, 1, (Dave McGrath)
Great Crested Grebe, 3, (Paul Ellis / Kinta Beaver)
Cormorant, 14
Buzzard, 1
Great White Egret, 2, (andy myo)
Marsh Harrier, 2
Hen Harrier, 1, male
Buzzard, 2
Merlin, 1
Peregrine, 1
Fieldfare, 1
Mistle Thrush, 1
Water Rail, 1, (G Coulburn)
Fieldfare, 4
In West trees
Stonechat, 1, F
Reed Bunting, 10

25th November 2024

Black Redstart, 1, Fem/1st wnt male, (Bob Stinger)
On fence by control tower 14:30
Little Grebe, 1, (Peter Guy)
Pochard, 3, Male, (John Wood)
in refuge pond to west end
Pink-footed Goose, 57, (Tony Sharples)
Over south
Mute Swan, 4, 2 ads + 2 juvs
Stone banked pool
Little Grebe, 2, ads
West side pool
Buzzard, 2
Low over east side / Staining Nook
Jay, 2
Flew over green to path trees by zoo car park
Cattle Egret, 4, (Frank Bird)
field by entrance drive
Little Egret, 27
Pink-footed Goose, 250, (Tony Sharples)
Plus, SE field, a.m.
Teal, 22
Tufted Duck, 3, 1m
Stock Dove, 10
Barn roof
Little Grebe, 1
Main dyke
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1, ad
Buzzard, 1
On Hawthorn by main dyke
Ring-necked Parakeet, 8, 1m
SW scrub / feeders
Goldeneye, 1, Female, (DS)
Swing bridge dock
Goosander, 22, 3 Male
On the river off the bullnose.
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Riverside trees
Grey Wagtail, 1
Dock wall

24th November 2024

Pink-footed Goose, 700, (Frank Bird)
pasture SD370305
Great Black-backed Gull, 4, (Bob Stinger)
Herring Gull, 168
Stock Dove, 45, (RED)
On stubble field south of Top Plantation corner Bradshaw Lane.
Bewick's Swan, 2, (RED)
with Whoopers behind Moss Cottage Eagland Hill.
Whooper Swan, 20
On flooded stubble field to NW of Moss Cottage.
Stock Dove, 17
On stubble field to East of Northwood's Farm, Pilling.
Collared Dove, 14
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Collared Dove, 11
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Kestrel, 1, M
Near New Lane feeding site, Pilling.
Kestrel, 2, M, F
Hunting over field to SW of Thompson's Fold.
Skylark, 90
On stubble field to NE of North Woods Farm, Pilling.
Blackbird, 4
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Tree Sparrow, 63
Tree Sparrow, 42
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 130
On stubble field to NE of North Wood's Farm, Pilling.
Chaffinch, 9
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 16
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Greenfinch, 6
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Greenfinch, 4
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Goldfinch, 9
In trees near Northwood's Farm.
Corn Bunting, 9
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Yellowhammer, 2, M
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Yellowhammer, 1, M
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Whooper Swan, 32, (RED)
On wet pasture opp. Throstle Nest Farm, Pilling
Curlew, 171
On pasture at Pointer Corner Preesall
Shoveler, 4, 2M, (Lee Harris)
Gadwall, 3, 2M
Black-tailed Godwit, 78
Snipe, 21
Curlew, 134, (Lee Harris)
Brays roads
Pink-footed Goose, 450, (Frank Bird)
pasture Whooper decoy field SD352299
Wigeon, 3000, (DS)
On river bank .
Avocet, 7
Feeding in river .
Spoonbill, 1
Feeding on the river low tide.
Great White Egret, 1
On pool
Sparrowhawk, 1
Over houses
Marsh Harrier, 2
Short-eared Owl, 1
Sat on drift wood branch.
Kestrel, 1, Male
Merlin, 1, Male
Cormorant, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Little Egret, 2
Flew NW over SW corner
Buzzard, 1
Barn area
Ring-necked Parakeet, 2, 2f
SW feeders. Later 2 flew south over east field
Pink-footed Goose, 1500, (Lee Harris)
On potato field, Cartmell lane. Minimum, probably more out of sight
Pink-footed Goose, 800, (Frank Bird)
potato field SD361351
Skylark, 30
Linnet, 180
Pink-footed Goose, 150, (Frank Bird)
north of Station road SD367375
Mediterranean Gull, 1, adult
north of Station road
Sparrowhawk, 1, M, (G Coulburn)
Chasing a Blackbird in Jacobs laneb
Buzzard, 2
Moss Lane West
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2
Kestrel, 1, F
Near Derby Arms hovering
Fieldfare, 40
Moss Lane West
Redwing, 10
Yellowhammer, 1
Jacobs lane
Great White Egret, 3, (DS)
Marsh Harrier, 1
Hen Harrier, 1, Male
Close in sub adult .
Buzzard, 1
Fieldfare, 15
Stonechat, 1, Male

23rd November 2024

Short-eared Owl, 1, (DB)

22nd November 2024

Greylag Goose, 590, (Paul Ellis)
on pasture with Whooper Swans
Whooper Swan, 223
On pasture SD438513 to SD445517
Golden Plover, 240
on pasture
Hen Harrier, 1, male, (Paul Ellis)
Seen from Bank Houses (south end of Cockersand). Dropped into marsh and not seen again.
Buzzard, 1
Whooper Swan, 5, (Paul Ellis)
On pasture south of Moss Lane, west end
Golden Plover, 770
on pasture
Marsh Harrier, 2, 1st cal years
Crossed Cocker from Cockerham Marsh together
Kestrel, 1, female
Fieldfare, 5
Stonechat, 2, m, f
Rough grassland north of Bank Houses
Rock Pipit, 1
saltmarsh south end
Linnet, 20
Reed Bunting, 1
saltmarsh south end
Short-eared Owl, 1, (AC)
Late afternoon around Bank Houses
Collared Dove, 12, (RED)
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Collared Dove, 22
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Little Egret, 1
Dead in pond at Thompson's Fold
Kestrel, 1, F
In tree over New Lane feeding site, Pilling.
Kestrel, 1, M
Hunting near Moss Cottage Eagland Hill.
Merlin, 1
Chasing Starling over stubble field down lane from Thompson's Fold.
Tree Sparrow, 80
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 26
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 6
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Greenfinch, 6
Raven, 1, (RED)
Flew NE. Over Sandfield Cottage Pilling, calling.
Curlew, 30, (RED)
On pasture at Pointer Corner, Preesall.
Black-tailed Godwit, 1100
Mallard, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
NW corner pond
Tufted Duck, 2, 2m
2 pools
Little Grebe, 1
Long west side pool
Cormorant, 2
SW over NW corner
Peregrine, 2, (Paul Ellis)
Sitting on Great Knott mussel bed at low tide
Lapwing, 350, (Lee Harris)
Pegs lane
Golden Plover, 100
Cattle Egret, 2
Pegs lane, with cattle and little egret
Goldeneye, 1, f, (Tony Sharples)
Buzzard, 1
East field
Ring-necked Parakeet, 8, 1m
SW feeders
Pink-footed Goose, 1210, (Paul Ellis)
On pasture south of Beach Road
Curlew, 68
Blackbird, 13
Beach Road
Song Thrush, 1
Twite, 1
In garden Beach Road
Goldfinch, 30
roost flock, Beach Road
Goldfinch, 25, (RED)
On feeders at Jubilee Avenue.
Whooper Swan, 49, (Paul Ellis)
On pasture south of Moss Lane east end.
Kestrel, 1
Moss Lane east end
Sparrowhawk, 1, (andy myo)
Marsh Harrier, 6
Hen Harrier, 1, male
Buzzard, 2
Kingfisher, 1, female
Kestrel, 1, male
Merlin, 2, m f
Peregrine, 1
Raven, 3
Fieldfare, 24
Redwing, 1

21st November 2024

Common Scoter, 135, (Paul Ellis)
On sea rising tide
Oystercatcher, 5
Sea wall roost (go kart track). Rising tide.
Turnstone, 49
Purple Sandpiper, 1
Roosting on sea wall by Maxwell's boating lake (go kart track)
Redshank, 111
Sea wall roost (go kart track). Rising tide.
Red-throated Diver, 6
On sea rising tide
Lapwing, 100, (Steven Swift)
Fields either side of road north of Carr House common.
Grey Heron, 1
Main dyke
Great White Egret, 1
Main dyke north of Wood Lane
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, f
Blue Tit, 1
Wren, 1
Tree Sparrow, 30
In flight due feeders being filled.
Bullfinch, 2
Goldfinch, 1
Great White Egret, 1, (John Wood)
south over Bank Houses
Short-eared Owl, 1
SE of Abbey
Fieldfare, 1, (Ken Green)
In garden Ullswater Ave
Tufted Duck, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Little Grebe, 2, ads
Long west side pool
Cormorant, 2
East over NW corner
Jay, 1
SW pit area
Twite, 10, (AC)
Kestrel, 1, (Lee Harris)
Stonechat, 1, M
Mute Swan, 10, 4 ads, 6 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
2 ads - main dyke
Wigeon, 10
Tufted Duck, 4, 2m
Goldeneye, 1, male
Stock Dove, 18
17 barn roof, 1 under SW feeders
Snipe, 4
Low over the mere
Cormorant, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1, m
Flew off NW scrub Poplars
Buzzard, 1
Barn roof
Ring-necked Parakeet, 6, 1m
SW feeders
Fieldfare, 2
North scrubs
Song Thrush, 1
NW corner
Linnet, 150
Plus, over SE field
Kestrel, 1, (Dave McGrath)
Hunting dunes before sunrise
Red-legged Partridge, 9, (Barry Dyson)
Pheasant, 7
Mallard, 42
Teal, 5
Feral Pigeon, 2
Moorhen, 6
Oystercatcher, 2
In harvested maize field
Curlew, 2
Black-headed Gull, 13
Herring Gull, 3
Little Egret, 3
Buzzard, 2
Jay, 1
Magpie, 2
Rook, 8
Great Tit, 3
Skylark, 45
On stubble field
Wren, 2
Blackbird, 13
Redwing, 6
Song Thrush, 1
Robin, 2
Pied Wagtail, 1
Chaffinch, 3
Mute Swan, 43, 34 ads, 9 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Shoveler, 46
Gadwall, 183
Wigeon, 7
Tufted Duck, 45
Coot, 107
Cormorant, 37
By 2.45
Snipe, 4, (DS ,FB,AM.)
Great White Egret, 3
Marsh Harrier, 3
Hen Harrier, 2, 1adult male , 1 sub adult ., (DS , FB,AM.)
Adult close in
Buzzard, 2, (DS ,FB,AM.)
Kestrel, 1
Merlin, 2
Fieldfare, 70
Redwing, 3
Water Pipit, 1
Probably more
Goldfinch, 50
Reed Bunting, 6

20th November 2024

Woodcock, 1, (Malcolm Evans)
close to main drain, north of main road
Great White Egret, 2
together in main drain just east of Woods Lane 08:15, one still there 12:20
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 3
Jay, 1
Coal Tit, 1
Fieldfare, 4
Redwing, 16
Tree Sparrow, 24
on and around feeders
Bullfinch, 1, male
Barn Owl, 1, (Stephen Balser)
south side
Little Owl, 1
Short-eared Owl, 1
Teal, 50, (Paul Ellis)
45 on creek, 5 on pool
Goosander, 1, Female
Little Grebe, 8
7 pool , 1 creek
Stonechat, 1, female
Rock Pipit, 1
over marsh
Pink-footed Goose, 1200, (RED)
On stubble fields down lane from Thompson's Fold.
Collared Dove, 10
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Little Owl, 1
In Hawthorn bush, Moss Cottage.
Skylark, 180
On stubble field down lane from Thompson's Fold
Long-tailed Tit, 4
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Blackbird, 5, 3 M, 2 f.
Fieldfare, 1
Tree Sparrow, 50
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill count curtailed, due to work nearby.
Tree Sparrow, 9
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 6
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 23
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Greenfinch, 5
Greenfinch, 4
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Corn Bunting, 30
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Kestrel, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Goosander, 19, (Andrew Bradley)
Kingfisher, 1
Buzzard, 1, (Tony Sharples)
Circled over SE area
Mistle Thrush, 1
Flew west over zoo car park from green 2
Water Rail, 6, (Dave McGrath)
All round site
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2
NE corner
Ring-necked Parakeet, 1
Calling form alders S of feeders
Rook, 1
Over E
Cetti's Warbler, 3
All at E end
Blackbird, 25
Fieldfare, 1
NW Scrub
Song Thrush, 1
Dunnock, 4
Wigeon, 5, 3m, (Tony Sharples)
Tufted Duck, 4, 2m
Common Gull, 2, ads
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1, ad
Peregrine, 1
Pylon by Chain Lane
Raven, 1
Pylon by Gipsy Hole Wood, then flew north
Stonechat, 2, m, f
East marsh / embankment
Linnet, 20
Circling west of NW gate, pre-roost
Kestrel, 1, (Paul Ellis)
post on Pilling Lane
Grey Wagtail, 1
garden Beach Road
Kestrel, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Great White Egret, 3, (andy myo)
Marsh Harrier, 4
Hen Harrier, 2, 2 males
Peregrine, 1
Redwing, 6

19th November 2024

Barn Owl, 1, (Mike Cowen)
Bank Houses
Barn Owl, 1
south side
Little Grebe, 4, (Paul Ellis)
3+ pool 1 + creek
Snipe, 14
flying around at high tide (2+ on pool)
Peregrine, 2
flew over Pool chasing each other calling
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Singing NW corner of Pool field
Barred Warbler, 1, 1st cal yr, (Ian Hartley / Paul Ellis)
in hedge along roadside of pool. Eating blackberries and hawthorn berries.
Fieldfare, 1, (Paul Ellis)
hedge by pool
Stonechat, 1
Rock Pipit, 1
or Water Pipit over Pool calling high tide
Greenfinch, 12, (Tony Sharples)
SE corner trees near SE pit
Twite, 30, (Barry Dyson and Howard Phillips)
4 were colour ringed
Ruff, 1, (John Wood)
Reeve, colour ringed and flagged
Water Rail, 3, (Mere Volunteers)
Minimum number calling simultaneously around SE Reedbed during works.
Ring-necked Parakeet, 2
Over SW Corner of the Mere
Stonechat, 5, 3M
East of embankment on rough grassland.
Greylag Goose, 80, (Tony Sharples)
Mute Swan, 8, 2 ads + 6 juvs
Gadwall, 4
Wigeon, 5, 3m
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f
Long-tailed Duck, 1, fem/imm
Central mere, 3.50-55. Flew low across mere and out of view. Not seen again by 4.10
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Low over NE scrub
Buzzard, 1
Telegraph pole by main dyke
Jay, 1
North central scrub
Linnet, 35
Plus, over SE field
Barn Owl, 1, (Frank Bird)
Green Sandpiper, 2, (AC)
By junction with Bradshaw Lane and Lancaster Road
Stonechat, 2, Pair, (Lee Harris)
Coming to feeding station with Reed buntings, male taking food
Reed Bunting, 9, 6 males
Grey Heron, 2, (Barry Dyson and Howard Phillips)
By Lee brook, north of Island lane.
Great White Egret, 1
By Lee brook, north of Island lane
Little Egret, 7
Kingfisher, 1
Flew north of Island lane, along Lee brook.
Jay, 1
Song Thrush, 3
Seen along Whitters Lane
Mistle Thrush, 1
Cattle Egret, 19, (AC)
Fields North of Junction with Island Lane and Whitters Lane
Great White Egret, 1
Flew close by calling loudly

18th November 2024

Pink-footed Goose, 780, (Paul Ellis)
pasture to west
Grey Plover, 20
high tide
Bar-tailed Godwit, 140
flew east at high tide
Dunlin, 1200
high tide
Buzzard, 1
Kestrel, 1
Meadow Pipit, 10
Short-eared Owl, 1, (per Facebook)
Kingfisher, 1, (Mike Cowen)
Collared Dove, 14, (RED)
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Sparrowhawk, 1, M
Little Owl, 1
Eagland Hill.
Kestrel, 1, M
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Blackbird, 6, 3 m, 3 f.
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Robin, 1
Tree Sparrow, 11
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 43
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Dunnock, 1
Chaffinch, 12
Chaffinch, 13
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Greenfinch, 5
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Corn Bunting, 14
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site midway from New Eskham Farm.
Reed Bunting, 1, M
In tree down lane near Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Whooper Swan, 3, 1 ad, 2 juv., (RED)
On flooded stubble at end of Wheel Lane.
Pink-footed Goose, 40, (Tony Sharples)
South over practice field
Mute Swan, 4, 2 ads + 2 juvs
West side pool
Teal, 2, m, f
SW pool
Tufted Duck, 1, m
Central pool
Little Grebe, 3
2 west side pools
Cormorant, 1
East over NW corner
Twite, 22, (RED)
On beach and Ferry slip.
Greylag Goose, 54, (Tony Sharples)
Mute Swan, 8, 2 ads + 6 juvs
Shoveler, 35
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f
Water Rail, 1
Calling in reeds by FBC hide
Cormorant, 1
Great White Egret, 2
1 low over east field & clashed with a 2nd. on SE field marsh which flew north. 1 on marsh, 10.25+
Marsh Harrier, 1, fem/juv.
Over NW corner reeds, then circled high over the mere and flew east, 15.20-30
Kestrel, 1
Hunting Mythop fields
Ring-necked Parakeet, 1, f
SW feeders
Jay, 1
Flew low south over west end reeds
Fieldfare, 2
Treetops SW of NW marsh
Greenfinch, 4
NW scrub
Linnet, 17
Circling west of NW gate, pre-roost
Stock Dove, 24, (RED)
On stubble field in poultry pen.
Skylark, 21
On potato field RH side of road to farm.
Stonechat, 1, F
On midden area, near Car park.
Chaffinch, 4, F
On weedy verge of track.
Greenfinch, 9
In hedgerow at side of track.
Linnet, 130
On weedy field and drinking from puddles on Ridge Farm track.
Pink-footed Goose, 80, (Dave McGrath)
W towards beach just after dawn
Kestrel, 1, m
Hunting dunes at dusk, failed to catch a meadow pipit then left SE beyond hotel
Swallow, 1, Adult, (Kinta Beaver / Paul Ellis)
On wires on Beach Road 0930 hrs
Blackbird, 10, (Paul Ellis)
field east of Beach Road
Song Thrush, 2
Song Thrush, 1
Beach Road
Whooper Swan, 2, (Treerunner)
flew east am
Whooper Swan, 1, juv., (Tony Sharples)
Sat by pond in field east of Mere View Lane
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Singing, west side
Shoveler, 42, (Ellen Pemberton)
Gadwall, 110
Tufted Duck, 11
Sparrowhawk, 1
Ring-necked Parakeet, 1
Goldcrest, 1
Nuthatch, 2
Whooper Swan, 12, 2 juvenile, (DS)
On the large pool
Water Rail, 1
Calling on marsh
Snipe, 4
Great White Egret, 5
On the large pool .
Marsh Harrier, 3
Over marsh .
Fieldfare, 3
Redwing, 2
Tree Sparrow, 8
Water Pipit, 1
Bird on fence post
Siskin, 1
Overhead .
Shoveler, 50, (Jonathan)
Teal, 700
Cattle Egret, 20
Great White Egret, 1
Kingfisher, 1

17th November 2024

Grey Partridge, 8, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis webs)
Released Birds ?
Greylag Goose, 1
Shelduck, 4
Mallard, 13
Teal, 6
Moorhen, 6
Curlew, 13
Black-headed Gull, 430
Common Gull, 6
Fieldfare, 11
Chaffinch, 6
Pink-footed Goose, 50, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis webs)
Mute Swan, 3
Shelduck, 2
Wigeon, 10
Teal, 642
Oystercatcher, 2067
Lapwing, 390
Bar-tailed Godwit, 1
Black-tailed Godwit, 235
Turnstone, 4
Knot, 2
Dunlin, 27
Snipe, 1
Redshank, 57
Greenshank, 1
Black-headed Gull, 9
Herring Gull, 2
Cormorant, 4
Grey Heron, 1
Grey Wagtail, 1
Rock Pipit, 1
Reed Bunting, 1
Eider, 2, m, f, (P. Slade / P. Ellis / WeBS)
high tide
Pink-footed Goose, 1, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis webs)
Shelduck, 47
Wigeon, 340
Pintail, 8
Woodpigeon, 60
Golden Plover, 4
Curlew, 29
Snipe, 34
Black-headed Gull, 27
Common Gull, 2
Great Black-backed Gull, 3
Herring Gull, 12
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 3
Little Egret, 5
Merlin, 1
Skylark, 23
Rock Pipit, 8
Reed Bunting, 3
Purple Sandpiper, 1, (Stephen Dunstan)
North Shore roost
Reed Bunting, 2, male, (Carol Johnston)
on bird feeders Northumberland Ave
Pink-footed Goose, 13, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Stock Dove, 9
Jack Snipe, 5, (IW, AA, JM)
Snipe, 80
Part of WeBS count. All flushed off marsh on incoming high tide.
Canada Goose, 10, (RJS - WEBS)
Mallard, 9
Goldeneye, 2, M F
Little Grebe, 2
Black-headed Gull, 16
Common Gull, 2
Herring Gull, 32
Cormorant, 7
Grey Heron, 1
Starling, 60
Wigeon, 49, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis webs)
Mallard, 6
Teal, 4
Oystercatcher, 1
Lapwing, 210
Turnstone, 1
Dunlin, 215
Redshank, 189
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Herring Gull, 1
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 4
Mute Swan, 2, (Carol Johnston)
Shoveler, 5, 4m 1f
Tufted Duck, 9
Little Grebe, 2
Grey Heron, 1
Great Tit, 4
Chiffchaff, 2
Dunnock, 2
feeding on bird seed
Meadow Pipit, 2
Goldfinch, 5
Canada Goose, 500, (DS)
Both sides of the river .
Shelduck, 20
200 birds over the river .
Wigeon, 6
Notably low number here .
Teal, 20
Lapwing, 4000
Flushed by a Peregrine over the river .
Golden Plover, 56
Over the river
Black-tailed Godwit, 800
Ruff, 1
Over the river .
Dunlin, 500
Over the river
Snipe, 22
Flushed high tide
Green Sandpiper, 3
High tide
Redshank, 75
Greenshank, 1
High tide
Little Egret, 10
Buzzard, 2
Peregrine, 1, Male
Flushing the waders high tide .
Raven, 1
Long-tailed Tit, 6, (Tony Sharples)
Greenfinch Court
Teal, 2, m, f, (Tony Sharples)
SW pool
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
With prey near NW corner pond
Chaffinch, 1, F, (G Coulburn)
First Chaffinch I've seen on my feeders for quite a few years.
Pheasant, 2, 2f, (NJL WeBS)
Woodland Watch
Pheasant, 5, 5m
Canada Goose, 9
East fields
Greylag Goose, 27
Mute Swan, 8, 2ad/6juv
Shoveler, 29
Gadwall, 3
Mallard, 14, 9m
Teal, 11
Tufted Duck, 4, 2 pairs
Goldeneye, 1, f
SW corner
Stock Dove, 5
East barn roof
Water Rail, 1
Pauline’s bench calling
Moorhen, 8
Coot, 26
Black-headed Gull, 21
Herring Gull, 13
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1
Grey Heron, 1
Sparrowhawk, 1
Chased parakeet through Woodland Watch
Buzzard, 1
On fence post east fields
Tawny Owl, 1
Kestrel, 1
Over island
Ring-necked Parakeet, 7
Woodland Watch
Jay, 1
North scrub
Magpie, 9
Woodland Watch
Blue Tit, 3
North scrub
Great Tit, 3
Woodland Watch
Cetti's Warbler, 7
Calling - Embankment, FBC hide, Paulines bench, bittern view
Long-tailed Tit, 9
Pauline’s bench
Wren, 2
Blackbird, 12
All round
Fieldfare, 1
On apples North scrub
Robin, 2
Woodland Watch
Dunnock, 2
Pied Wagtail, 3
East fields
Chaffinch, 5, 3f
Woodland Watch
Linnet, 17
On hawthorn east fields
Reed Bunting, 3, 2m
Cormorant, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Song Thrush, 1
NE scrub
Bullfinch, 1, f
North central scrub
Greenfinch, 2, m
Scrub near west sheds
Goldfinch, 4
Scrub near sheds
Green Sandpiper, 2, (AC)
In flooded field by the junction with Bradshaw Lane and Lancaster Road
Water Pipit, 1, (AC)
Flew East after being spooked
Rock Pipit, 2
Sparrowhawk, 1, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
Nicksons Lane
Buzzard, 1
Barn Owl, 1
Nicksons Lane
Kestrel, 1, (Paul Slade)
Back Lane
Peregrine, 1, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis)
over Nicksons Lane
Mistle Thrush, 1
Nicksons Lane
Mallard, 14, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis webs)
Moorhen, 10
Coot, 5
Great Crested Grebe, 1
Black-headed Gull, 5
Common Gull, 1
Cormorant, 5
Kestrel, 1
Jay, 1
Cetti's Warbler, 1
Long-tailed Tit, 13
Song Thrush, 3
Chaffinch, 21
Reed Bunting, 1
Shelduck, 4, (Paul Slade/webs)
Mallard, 2
Lapwing, 2
Curlew, 37
Redshank, 7
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 2
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 2
Eider, 3, (RJS - WEBS)
Oystercatcher, 476
Ringed Plover, 61
Turnstone, 287
Sanderling, 41
Dunlin, 12
Redshank, 1
Black-headed Gull, 29
Great Black-backed Gull, 6
Herring Gull, 42
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 18
Cormorant, 16
Greylag Goose, 6, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis webs)
Mallard, 3
Pintail, 4
Teal, 6
Lapwing, 1690
Golden Plover, 93
Curlew, 107
Turnstone, 3
Common Sandpiper, 1
Redshank, 54
Black-headed Gull, 2
Cormorant, 1
Little Egret, 2
Long-tailed Tit, 6
Goldcrest, 1
Mallard, 25, (Paul Slade/webs)
Teal, 84
Little Grebe, 1, juv
Lapwing, 110
Golden Plover, 1
Curlew, 45
Dunlin, 7
Redshank, 41
Black-headed Gull, 4
Great Black-backed Gull, 1
Herring Gull, 21
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 2
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 1
Wigeon, 17, (Joe Makepeace)
WeBS Count - Rising / High Tide
Pintail, 7
Feral Pigeon, 45
Oystercatcher, 37
Grey Plover, 12
Ringed Plover, 29
Turnstone, 82
On sea wall roost at Starr Gate / Tram Terminus
Knot, 28
Sanderling, 538, Due to close observation - able to identify 37 juveniles.
Counted as a single group at SD307304 to prevent double counting.
Dunlin, 9
Redshank, 5
Black-headed Gull, 3
Herring Gull, 4
Cormorant, 7
Little Egret, 1
Jackdaw, 4
Carrion Crow, 7
Three birds associating with each all had noticeably brown wings with some leucism when flying.
Starling, 17
House Sparrow, 8
Pied Wagtail, 2, 1 Juvenile
Linnet, 14
Whooper Swan, 9, 8 ad, 1 juv, (Paul Ellis / WeBS)
on river bank
Shelduck, 6
Wigeon, 1
Mallard, 45
Oystercatcher, 13
Lapwing, 1150
Golden Plover, 2
Curlew, 14
Black-tailed Godwit, 1
Turnstone, 2
Dunlin, 200
Snipe, 4
Redshank, 120
Greenshank, 3
Black-headed Gull, 8
Herring Gull, 7
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1
Little Egret, 8
Rock Pipit, 2
Golden Plover, 135, (Paul Slade/Paul Ellis webs)
over high heading north
Marsh Harrier, 6, (andy myo)
one a adult male Not a common sight in the fylde
Merlin, 2
one a blue backed male
Buzzard, 1, (G Coulburn)
Flying low in field on Ballam Rd opposite Westby rd
Chaffinch, 60
Westby Rd
Corn Bunting, 4, (Jonathan Platt)
stubble field north of Whitters Lane by junction with Island Lane

16th November 2024

Pink-footed Goose, 210, (Paul Ellis)
moving between pasture fields from SD371493 to SD373494 to SD378497
Pheasant, 2, M, (RED)
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Collared Dove, 24
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Grey Heron, 1
In dyke near New Lane feeding site.
Kestrel, 1, F
New Lane feeding site, Pilling, in tree over site.
Blue Tit, 6
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Great Tit, 6
House Sparrow, 11, 5 m, 6 f.
Tree Sparrow, 14
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Tree Sparrow, 50
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Chaffinch, 12
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 11
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Oystercatcher, 1400, (David Nuttall)
Grey Plover, 140
Curlew, 30
Bar-tailed Godwit, 120
Knot, 1700
high tide roost
Dunlin, 800
Jack Snipe, 4
flushed at high tide
Snipe, 68
Redshank, 40
Grey Heron, 7
Little Egret, 5
Skylark, 8
Linnet, 20
Reed Bunting, 2, females
Canada Goose, 6, (LGB et al - Wyre Guided Walk)
Little Grebe, 2
Turnstone, 185
High Tide Roost
Black-headed Gull, 37
Cormorant, 1
Carrion Crow, 1
Unidentified Pied Wagtail Or White Wagtail, 1
Meadow Pipit, 1
Greenfinch, 3
Whooper Swan, 6, (Lee Harris)
1 on flood, 5 over
Shoveler, 2
Lapwing, 273
Golden Plover, 1
With lapwing
Black-tailed Godwit, 12
2 on flood 10 over
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Mistle Thrush, 3
Twite, 15, (RED)
Briefly at Knott End ferry slip, high tide and busy.
Turnstone, 59, (AC)
Ferry slip
Rock Pipit, 1
By ferry slip
Stonechat, 2, m/f, (Frank Bird)
North of Anna's road
Greylag Goose, 34, (Tony Sharples)
Shoveler, 40
Stock Dove, 26
On wires south of barns
Cormorant, 2
Sparrowhawk, 1, f
Over east fields
Buzzard, 1
Over east field
Ring-necked Parakeet, 11
8 flew NW from SW scrub, 3 still on feeders
Jay, 2
North central scrubs
Cetti's Warbler, 2
Fieldfare, 3
Flew up to Sycamore by NW hide
Bullfinch, 1, f
NE scrub. Probably a second flew off
Greenfinch, 2, 2m
NC scrub
Linnet, 35
Over SE field
Whooper Swan, 7, (Paul Ellis)
flew south over Beach Road early am
Mallard, 9, (LGB et al - Wyre Guided Walk)
Rising / High Tide - 0930-1130
Oystercatcher, 41
Ringed Plover, 11
Turnstone, 124
Sanderling, 173, min 11 Juveniles identified
Black-headed Gull, 5
Herring Gull, 22
Cormorant, 2
Common Scoter, 33, (David Nuttall)
N 27, S 6
Great Crested Grebe, 1
N 1
Oystercatcher, 12
N 12
Turnstone, 2
on the sea wall
Guillemot, 16
N 15, S 1
Red-throated Diver, 6
N 6
Gannet, 19, sea watch 07:45-09:45
N 10, S 9
Cormorant, 134
N 124, S 10
Stonechat, 2
pair working their way up the prom!
Greylag Goose, 12, (DS , IW, AM)
Greylag Goose, 0
Avocet, 50
On river edge .
Lapwing, 1000
On pools
Dunlin, 40
Great White Egret, 3
On marsh pools
Little Egret, 8
Sparrowhawk, 1
Marsh Harrier, 1
Far side .
Buzzard, 2
Merlin, 1
Water Pipit, 1
Possibly 2nd bird , on posts high tide

15th November 2024

Eider, 8, 6 males, (David Nuttall)
flew north
Oystercatcher, 1200
high tide roost
Grey Plover, 140
Curlew, 80
Bar-tailed Godwit, 200
Knot, 1400
Dunlin, 600
Snipe, 33
flushed by high tide
Redshank, 80
high tide roost
Grey Heron, 1
Little Egret, 6
Fieldfare, 2
over high, calling
Linnet, 16
Canada Goose, 30, (DS)
On marsh
Wigeon, 80
On grass .
Oystercatcher, 12
Lapwing, 700
Marsh river edge high tide .
Golden Plover, 6
Curlew, 170
In fields high tide .
Dunlin, 30
Snipe, 6
Redshank, 26
Common Gull, 3
Little Egret, 6
Buzzard, 2
Kestrel, 1
Peregrine, 1, Male
Raven, 2
Shelduck, 14, (DS)
On pool
Wigeon, 62
In the creek
Mallard, 266
Naze pool
Teal, 48
In the creek high tide.
Little Egret, 3
Sparrowhawk, 1
Buzzard, 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1
Jay, 1
Long-tailed Tit, 16
Chiffchaff, 1
Heard and seen well .
Treecreeper, 1
With tit flock.
Blackbird, 22
Fieldfare, 38
Redwing, 36
Song Thrush, 2
Mistle Thrush, 2
Tree Sparrow, 12
Greenfinch, 8
Goldfinch, 12
Teal, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
SW pool
Turnstone, 34, (RED)
On ferry slip and beach.
Rock Pipit, 1
Little Egret, 1, (Dave McGrath)
W over Fleetwood Road mid afternoon
Pink-footed Goose, 800, (David Nuttall)
over towards Ribble
Water Rail, 1
calling bird near airport lights
Snipe, 3
flew over
Kestrel, 1, male
perched in a tree
Jackdaw, 250
feeding on pasture
Rook, 150
Starling, 120
through north
Song Thrush, 1
Mute Swan, 8, 2 ads + 6 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
Tufted Duck, 2, m, f
Song Thrush, 1
NC scrub
Chaffinch, 5, 4m
On path by NC scrubs
Bullfinch, 1, f
North central scrub
Kestrel, 1, (Dave McGrath)
Hunting dunes before sunrise
Sparrowhawk, 1, juv male, (Paul Ellis)
Beach Road
Kestrel, 1
Long-tailed Tit, 8
Wigeon, 13, (David Nuttall)
flew south
Ringed Plover, 1
roosting on beach
Sanderling, 356
feeding on shore
Dunlin, 2
with Sanderling
Red-throated Diver, 1
flew north
Gannet, 1
Cormorant, 71
20 N, 51 S
Linnet, 13
feeding in high tide debris
Cattle Egret, 6, (Roy Kendall)
Junction of Whitters Lane, s side of Island Lane

14th November 2024

Kestrel, 1, F, (RED)
Near Birks Farm Pilling.
Tree Sparrow, 27
In hedgerow near Birks Farm Pilling
Whooper Swan, 110, (AC)
Whooper Swan, 4, all adults, (David Nuttall)
flew up The Ribble
Shelduck, 19
Pintail, 98, 8 males
feeding, many near sea wall
Oystercatcher, 60
Curlew, 3
Black-tailed Godwit, 55
feeding on shore
Knot, 220
Redshank, 50
Little Egret, 1
feeding on tide line
Meadow Pipit, 5
Linnet, 28
feeding on shore
Whooper Swan, 136, (AC+PW)
Buzzard, 2, (RED)
On poles near New Lane Pilling
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1, F
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Long-tailed Tit, 1
Tree Sparrow, 33
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Tree Sparrow, 26
New Lane feeding site, Pilling
Chaffinch, 6
Chaffinch, 4
Thompson's Fold feeding site Eagland Hill
Greenfinch, 6
Peregrine, 1, (Paul Ellis)
Goldeneye, 2, M/f, (Lee Harris)
On boating lake
Whooper Swan, 30, (Paul Ellis)
on stubble field on north side opposite Wheel Lane
Mute Swan, 4, 2 ads + 2 juvs, (Tony Sharples)
West side pool
Tufted Duck, 2, 2m
2 pools
Little Grebe, 1
Central pool
Cormorant, 2
Flew east over NW corner
Sparrowhawk, 1
Low over stone-banked pool
Jay, 1
Flew SE from trees by green 1
Teal, 10, (Mila Harrison)
Flood off Carr Lane
Lapwing, 200
Black-tailed Godwit, 9
Ruff, 2
Black-headed Gull, 150
Common Gull, 10
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 10
Grey Heron, 3
2 ad, 1 juv
Starling, 1
Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 1, adult, (Chris Batty)
beach north of Coniston Avenue
Pale-bellied Brent Goose, 2, 2 adults
Rock Pipit, 1, (RED)
On ferry slip,
Twite, 2
On ferry slip
Snipe, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Over SW corner
Common Gull, 1, ad
Buzzard, 1
Over east field
Ring-necked Parakeet, 9
SW scrub / feeders
Song Thrush, 1
NE corner
Pink-footed Goose, 460, (Paul Ellis)
on pasture by sea wall
Mistle Thrush, 1
garden Beach Road

13th November 2024

Whooper Swan, 70, 13 juvs, (Paul Ellis)
on pasture SD439513 to SD442516 north of road
Raven, 2, (Tony Sharples)
Flew west over central area / zoo car park
Pale-bellied Brent Goose, 1, Adult, (Susan Southward / Paul Ellis)
On Wyre and bank south of slipway on falling tide
Black-tailed Godwit, 6, (Paul Ellis)
Wyre south of slipway, falling tide
Peregrine, 1
Over beach then flew to Fleetwood
Rock Pipit, 1
Twite, 12
Flying around over slipway
Teal, 190, (Paul Ellis)
On field floods
Lapwing, 310
on field floods SD471493 & SD467492
Golden Plover, 5
On field floods
Black-tailed Godwit, 360
Ruff, 3, m, 2f
On field floods, one f colouring ringed (yellow flag on left, red ring on right)
Dunlin, 17
On field floods
Snipe, 3
Redshank, 1
Grey Heron, 2
Marsh Harrier, 1, 1st cal yr
over field floods then went towards Winmarleigh Moss
Buzzard, 1
on fence
Raven, 2
over west
Fieldfare, 3
Bullfinch, 1, m, (Tony Sharples)
NW marsh area
Black Redstart, 1, (Colin Hickson)
Cetti's Warbler, 2, (Dave McGrath)
Shelduck, 1, (SC.)
Eider, 12
Common Scoter, 282
Great Crested Grebe, 3
Guillemot, 2
South +7 auks
Red-throated Diver, 22
20 South 2 North
Cormorant, 289
37 South 252 North (sea watch 0730-0915)